Feral side

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Adam's POV
We sit there in silence at first, trying to think of how we can help Nick before it hits me. "Max can link us all together to where we can communicate telepathically so what if he does the same but brings us inside of Nick's mind." I say. "That actually sounds like a good plan." Says Jin. "If we are to test this let's go in Ross's mind first, it'll be the least dangerous." Says Max. "I'll stay back here to monitor what happens." Says Jin. "I'll stay here too in case you need help Jin." Says Ty. "So I guess the rest of you are coming into Ross's mind?" Asks Max. "Yalarr!" Says Barney. "Alright grab onto my arm then, I think I know how to get in." Says Max holding out his arm. We grab onto it and Max opens up Ross chamber and sets his hand on Ross's forehead. Everything goes white then I see myself standing in a desert with a red sun. I look over to see Ross in his squirrel hoodie and another Ross in a narwhal hoodie at a big calculator. "Over here." Says Max running off. We follow him and see the two Ross's arguing with each other. "The red stone goes here!" Says the Narwhal. "It goes right here!" Argues Ross. "I'm pretty sure it goes right there!" Argues back the Narwhal. "I know redstone and it won't work there because the currents will just go in an infinite loop!" Says Ross. "I've been in this place longer than you I'm pretty sure I know how this works!" Says the Narwhal. "All you did when you were here was to try to take over my mind!" Shouts Ross. The Narwhal goes silent before a smirk forms across his face. "Don't you dare Fester." Warns Ross. Fester let's out a laugh before shoving Ross down from the calculator. Ross falls only at half the normal speed and hits the ground, sand flying up around him. He looks up to see us here. "Max, Autumn, how is everyone else here?" Asks Ross standing up. "We tested a theory that they could link all our minds and come into yours!" Chirps Shelby. "And it worked." Says Jess. Fester jumps down to the ground next to Ross and stares at us. "Looks like we have new guest to play with!" Says Fester. Ross only glares at him before grabbing his arm and freezing it.
Max's POV
I watch as Ross freezes Fester's arm making Fester glare daggers at him. "Quite freezing my arm!" Shouts Fester. "Quite shoving me off of high places!" Shouts back Ross. "You can fly, use that power!" Says Fester. "You know just as well as I do that you suppress my powers every time I'm here!" Says Ross. Fester only stares Ross down before tackling him. They both fall and roll on the ground except for yelling they seem to be laughing. Everyone stares in confusion as they watch the two 14 year olds fight like 6 year olds."Is this normal?" Asks Red. "Yup." Autumn say walking over to the two fighting. Me and Autumn stand them up and separate them from each other, both pretending to glare before breaking into laughter. "What is going on?" Asks Jess in pure confusion. At the same time Ross, Autumn, Fester, and I all look at everyone and say the same thing, "Ross Time!"
"Okay then... not weird at all..." Mumbles Cory. "Well since we got the answer to our question can you show us the way out?" I ask. "The doors over there." Says Fester pointing behind us. Everyone looks back in surprise to see the door as I open it up. I blink the bright light out and see us standing back in the room with Ty and Jin typing at the laptops. "So how'd it go?" Asks Ty. "Weird." Says Adam. "It was the usual." Autumn shrugs.
Cory's POV
We make it out if Ross's mind after a successful test. Ross is slowly waking up. He lets out a yawn and stretches before slowly walking over to Max, his ears drooped down and his tail slowly swaying back and forth. "You look like you slept well." Says Jin. "Ye." Answers Ross half yawning. "Do you remember what happened?" Asks Ty. "I was arguing with Fester then Max and other people came and Fester shoved me off the calculator and we started fighting and laughing then Max and them left..." Mumbles Ross. "Interesting, retains memories from the mind scape of dreams." Says Jin. "Well now that we know you can bring other people into someone's mind can you get me in Nick's?!?" I ask Max. "I guess it's worth a shot." Says Max. I quickly go over and open Nick's chamber and Max takes a deep breath before putting his hand on Nick's forehead. He has a look of deep concentration on his face as I grab on to his arm. "Everyone else stay back here, I want to help Nick myself." I say. "Good luck." Says Red. I nod my head before seeing the familiar white light again. When I shake my head I look around to see I'm standing in a forest. It's actually calm yet eerie. There's just an odd feeling about this. "Follow me Max." I say walking forward. I hear Max stay behind me as I wander through the forest. I see Nick standing in an opening and I quickly run up to him. "Nick!" I shout. "Cory?!?" Asks Nick looking at me. I run up to Nick and hug him. "I'm glad you're okay." I say. "How did you get here?!?" Asks Nick, his voice slightly frantic. "Max brought me here..." I say looking behind me to see Max is gone. "We need to get out of here." Says Nick. "Why?" I ask. "There's something in here hunting us!" Exclaims Nick. I look at Nick and blink my eyes to see his face. Across his cheek and neck there's a claw mark and he looks all beat up. How did I not notice this before? "What happened to you?" I ask. "Something is after me!" Shouts Nick grabbing onto the collar of my hoodie. "Can't you just use your powers?" I ask. "No, I-I've tried and it won't work!" Says Nick. "Well do you at least know what's trying to kill you?" I ask. "No, I've just been running." Says Nick. From behind we hear something running through the forest. Nick immediately hides behind me and I take a fighting stance. Out from the bush jumps out a wild Max. "Max?" Asks Nick. "Where did you go?" I ask. "I got lost in Nick's mind while being chased by a tiger unable to use any of my powers!" Shouts Max. "There's a killer tiger after us and we can't use our powers!?!" I exclaim. "Did I not just say that!" Says Max. "Stop arguing it won't help any!" Says Nick. "What do we do then?" Asks Max. "We can't fight it, it's too powerful for us three." Says Nick. "How did you get out of Ross's mind?" I ask. "Well I stabbed Fester and he died then a door appeared." Says Max. "How do we kill this thing?" Asks Nick. "Why did you kill him?" I ask. "Well Fester explained it as when we killed him Ross was able to drop a lot of negative emotions he had." Says Max. "So this tiger is just Nick's negative emotion?" I ask. "That's the basic idea." Replies Max. A bush starts to rustle near us and we step back from it. Suddenly jumping out is the tiger. It leaps straight towards Nick and tackles him to the ground. I see fear fill Nick's eyes as he's pinned to the ground. Quickly I shove the tiger off him and Max helps Nick up. We start running as fast as our legs will carry us. Normally we run at super human speeds but in this place we don't seem capable of that. Soon we no longer hear the tiger behind us and slow down. Nick trips and face plants in the ground hard. "Woah are you okay Nick!" I ask. "Yeah... I'm just... tired." Says Nick in between heavy breaths. "We need to get out of here." Says Max. "But we can't beat that thing!" Exclaims Nick. "What if we don't beat it in the normal sense." I say. "What other way is there?" Asks Max. "This is clearly the feral side of Nick but it only came out when Nick thought I was dead, it was trying to save everyone." I explain. "So maybe this thing just thinks we're a threat." Continues Max. "So I have to find a way to calm it down?" Asks Nick. "That's the plan." I say. "And we might need to use it now." Whispers Max pointing at a prowling tiger. The tiger swiftly turns its head in our direction and slowly walks over here. Nick takes a deep breath and stands up. I can see him shaking from both exhaustion and fear. He holds his hands up in anticipation of the tiger. The tiger only starts to circle Nick coming closer and closer to him. Max on instinct tries to go up and help Nick but I pull him back. "Nick wants to do this for himself." I whisper. Max looks at me and gives me a nod before stepping back down. Nick and the tiger stare at each other, waiting for something to happen.
Nick's POV
I stare directly at the tiger as it circles me, waiting for its moves. Slowly it comes to a stop right in front of me, facing me dead on. I can feel my body start to shake from fear and exhaustion. My body tenses a little with a sting of pain running through it. The tiger takes a stance before pouncing strait at me. Unprepared for its attack I get pinned to the ground. It growls in my face causing me to freeze in fear. It jerks it head down and I feel it's teeth dig into my neck. "Nick!" I hear Cory shout. His voice echoes throughout out the forest. I feel myself breathing rapidly and heavily. I squirm a little under the tigers grip and it only tightens in my neck. I see Cory from the corner of my eye wanting to help me, but he know I need to do this for myself. "I-I don't w-want to hurt you." I says shaking. I think the tiger listened to me and released me. It gets off me and sits down staring at me. "What do you want?" I ask. It only continues to stare me down. "I know you were born from some sort of experiment, I should know since you are a part of me." I say. The tiger seems to react to this and walks over to me. I see the tiger in front of me looking at me. Something drives me to put my hand on top of its head. It let's out a purr and start to shrink down. Before I know it the once ferocious tiger is now a tame orange tabby. Cory and Max come out and walk next to me. "That's a lot better." Says Max. I stand up and look behind me to a door. Walking up to it I open the door, finally being brought back to reality.

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