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Cory's POV
I see Blues tear stained face form a large smile upon it as he starts laughing and turns yellow. A phone in the house starts to ring out. Adam walks over to it and answers the phone. He listens to what the person has to say replying with one word answers. Once he hangs up we all stare at him for an answer as Yellow slowly goes back to Red. "The people at the facility want us back there." Says Adam. "Is that all?" Asks Max. "Yup, they're going to pick us up in a couple hours." Says Adam. "I guess we can go back there." I sigh. Everyone agrees with me but in a rather dreading manner. "I'm taking my book." Autumn mutters flying to her backpack. "Is there really any place for us?" Asks Ross randomly. "What's that supposed to mean?" Jin asks. "Ross means that here we have to deal with the prejudice and at the facility all the workers, it's like we can't have our own space." Explains Max. "I think for as long as we're hybrids we'll always have to be on the lookout." Mutters Adam. "We got idiots who hate us for no reason and jerks trying to kidnap us specifically, was it never clear we would have to watch our backs?" Asks Ty. "How were you guys even brought to the facility, me, Barney, and Nick literally grew up in the facility." Says Red. "I was forced out my home while my mom tried to 'stop' them." Says Ty putting a large emphasis on stop, his voice turning into a growl as he says it. "I just followed Max and Shelby!" Exclaims Ross. "We followed Adam." Says Shelby. "Adam has kinda always been our leader." I shrug. "Basically Adam was like, let's ride with the suit people, and we all followed them." Says Jin. "In my defense... yes." Says Adam. "That's not an argument!" Shouts Max. Soon Max and Adam start a big argument and the rest of us sit back and watch until we hear the workers come by to pick us up we go in the helicopter with Autumn doing 360's in the air.
Shelby's POV
We arrive back at the facility and immediately all the wolves run up to greet Adam. "The Alpha is back!" They exclaim.
"We should split off into our groups now, let's go Jess." Says Ty, dragging Adam off with Jess following him. Cory, Nick, and I start to walk away towards where all the cat hybrids are. Unlike the wolf hybrids who were shouting and jumping everywhere to see Adam the cat hybrids simply nod at Cory. "Why do we even need Alphas, I mean cats are more of an independent animal." Says Nick. Suddenly a girl near us walks over. "Being a hybrid makes our instincts stronger, and humans have an instinct to want to follow someone, while yes we can be independent we find it easier to be in a pack, the key difference between us and the wolves is that the wolves believe they need the pack while we don't think we need it." Explains the girl. "Wow, I didn't know that." I say. "Well I guess it's a good thing I'm here to be able to lead all of you guys." Says Cory using his mocking tone. "Seriously, last time I checked you nearly died and I almost killed a guy for you." Scoffs Nick. "Well you know Nick I didn't die so I guess that means I'm better than you." Smirks Cory. Nick just sits there and looks at Cory with a blank expression before reaching his hand up and scratching his arm. "Hey what was that for" Exclaims Cory trying to move his arm. "How long is his going to be paralyzed?" I ask. "Only a couple minutes... hopefully." Says Nick. "What the heck Nick!" Shouts Cory, laying down on the ground in anger. "You deserve it." Smirks Nick laying down next to him. "What are you doing?" I ask, staring at the two boys laying side by side on the ground. "I can't leave him here." Says Nick. "Um not going to get up, you can go somewhere else you know." Pouts Cory continuing to lay on the ground. "You know I would but it just seems like too much work you know." Says Nick with a smirk across his face putting his arm around Cory's waist making Corys face go red. "You two are really at it today." I say letting out a giggle.
Ty's PoV
We go about our day helping the other hybrids before seeing one of the male cat hybrids walk up to us. "What's up?" I ask. "Nick and the Alpha are demonstrating their abilities by fighting and I thought it would be good just to have another Alpha stand by." Says the boy. "Those two have way to much energy." Sighs Jin. "Let's make sure no one gets hurt." Says Adam running off. We follow him and make our way through the crowd to see the two fighting, each one with a smirk on there face. Shelby walks over to us crossing her arms and a smile crossing her face. "They're at it again." She laughs. "What's up with there arms though?" Asks Jess. I look a little closer to see there arms turning into claws with fur starting to grow. "I think they're turning into cats." I say. "Why is Nick transforming again?" Asks Shelby. "Probably due to him having that feral side." Jin shrug. "So you're saying a feral like mindset can cause us to change?" Questions Jess. "That can't be it, Ross transformed and he's like the least feral." Says Adam. "But there's Fester who could be interfering with that." I counter. "Why did you transform then Adam and Autumn?" Asks Shelby. "Adam has always acted more animal like than the rest of us, surprised he wouldn't have transformed faster same with Autumn she acts more animal like." Says Jess. I turn my head back to the fight to see their faces starting to turn cat like both being on all fours now, the only difference is that Nick has a look of lifelessness in his eyes, like as if he's going feral again. "This isn't looking too good." Says Shelby. Nick starts to let out a growl and Cory shakes his head, standing back on his feet. "What's happening!?!" Shouts Cory looking over at us. All of us run up in between Cory and Nick trying to stop the fight. "Calm down Nick." I say calmly. Nick only glares, jumping past me and towards Cory. Cory is instantly pinned to the ground and sees his own hand. "Am I transforming into a cat!" He shouts. "Yes you are but I think you have bigger problems!" Yells back Adam trying to approach Nick. He only swipes at us and stares Cory in the eyes. Nick doesn't make a move, only stares before suddenly getting off of Cory and backing up. "W-what happened?!?" He asks Frantically, his eyes turning back to normal. "It's okay Nick, nothing happened luckily." Comforts Cory. "Let's take a break for today." We say clearing out everyone else.
Max's POV
Ross and I are helping to teach the other fox hybrids before having Barney and Red run up to us. "Nick's and Cory's are needings some support." Says Barney. "What?" Asks Ross very confused. "We'll explain on the way there." Says Red motioning us to follow. "So what's going on?" I ask. "Cory and Nick started turning into cats, Nick went feral and that's all we've heard, not sure how bad it's going to get." Says Red as he slows down to a stop. I look ahead to see everyone appearing to be fine, Nick has a sense of fear lingering in his eyes. Upon closer inspection I see that Cory and Nick appear shorter along with their hands and legs turning more animal like."You feeling okay?" I ask them. "I feel like you're stupid." Says Cory mockingly. "You wanna go!" I shout as Ross tries to hold me back. "Yeah I'll go!" Shouts back Cory with a smirk on his face. Suddenly he starts to glow white and turns into a black cat wearing a camera mask. Soon Nick joins Cory, turning into an orange tabby. To add to the mess some of the workers asks us to follow them into one of the buildings. "Why are we here?" Asks Adam. "We actually have a mission for you." Says the worker. "Doing what?" I ask. "Well it's mostly for Shelby..." Says the worker. "Why me?!?" Asks Shelby. "Because you can turn invisible." Answers the worker. "Why does she need to go on this mission and what is it for?" Asks Ty. "Well you know there's been a war going on and it's starting to move closer to us, we need to sneak into an enemy base we recently discovered, just to grab some files of suspected hybrid experiments, Shelby is best fit for this." Explains the worker. "I'm not letting her go in there alone." States Ross. "Me neither." I declare. "I can turn you guys both invisible with me." Says Shelby. "Me and autumn can go in too since our thing is to copy others, divide and conquer to make the mission go by faster." Says Ty looking at Autumn who nods. "We can't risk having too many of you guys in there, it'll only increase how likely you'll be caught." Says the worker. "It's probably best they go undetected." Adds Jin. "When do we go?" Asks Shelby. "Tonight, the security gets a little lazy during the dark hours." Says the worker. "It's going to turn dark pretty soon." Says Ty. "So I guess we have to go pretty soon." Says Shelby.

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