Good Workers?

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Adam's POV
It's been 2 whole years since we took down the government. 2 semi not really peaceful years. Well we only took down the part of the government that knew of the experiments done on us. It turns out about a total of about 200 kids were experimented on like us. There's still war but it seems to be calming down somewhat. The remaining part of the government gave me and my friends a big house to live in now. We're all 14 and 15 now. Over the years we learned how to control our powers better. We're still trying to work out all the kinks in our powers. But we haven't developed new ones. We came to the conclusion we only do with weird chemicals or when we are in great danger. We try to live normally but people recognize our faces so we have some fans but we also have some enemies. Not everyone is happy about us hybrids. They're scared and they shun us. If only they could learn not to be scarred they might be more willing to accept us. "Adam?" Says Ty. "Hmm what?" I ask. "You dazed out." Says Ty. I look down from the indoor balcony we stand, watching everyone else play and fight. Ty is leaning with his arms crossed on the rail, giving a soft smile. "I was just thinking again." I say. "About what?" Asks Ty, continuing to gaze down at everyone else. "Just our 'normal' lives." I say, making hand quotations while saying normal. Ty' perks up and he looks at me. "Yeah, it's rough isn't it." Says Ty. "Yeah it is, at least we aren't in the facility anymore." I say, laughing a little. Ty starts to laugh with me before we're interrupted by Ross and Max. Ross is floating up towards us with Max holding on to his leg. "What are you 2 talking about?" Asks Max. "None of you're business." Says Ty. "But I'm curious." Says Ross. "Well too bad." I say. "Oh come on." Says Max. "Please?" Begs Ross. "Nope, we're not spilling." She's Ty. "Fine..." Sighs Ross, floating back down. "Wait, no, Ross! Go back up!" Whines Max. I see Ty's eyes turn red then back to their usual brown."Come on!" He says grabbing my wrist. He hops over the rail and starts floating down, taking me with him.
Red's POV
Even though we're like 15 we still try to play hide and seek. But it's hard when Barney's seeking now. He can see through the entire house!At this point hide and seek turned to tag, so now we're all running away from Barney. Cory has made clones of himself and Nick, Shelby had gone invisible, Max and Ross are floating above, and Jin has an army of pans by his side with his telekinesis,Autumn is flying above me following and warning me and I've somehow lost track of Jess. So it's just basically me running. I would try to create an illusion but it doesn't work on people who know my power or me really well like Barney. I see Ross and Max float down followed by Ty and Adam. "Barney's going to get you!" I shout. "Get over here's dirts!" Shouts Barney. "What are you doing?" Asks Adam. "Tag and seek!" I shout, jumping straight over the couch. I hear a loud thud and see Barney's foot got caught in the couch when he tried jumping it. "Fun." Says Ty. Suddenly from up above I see Jess jumping down from a third story indoor balcony. "Catch!" Shouts Jess. "Wait what!" Shouts Jin, dropping all his pans. Using his telekinesis he catches Jess before she can hit the floor. "Thanks bro!" Says Jess. "Now I have to clean this..." Says Jin. "I'll help." Says Ty. They both use their power and make all the pans float into their designated place. No matter how many times I see it I'm always in awe at seeing objects float like that.
Ross's POV
I watch everything float back in its proper place. While distracted by the floating pans Shelby walks up behind me and reappears. "AHHH!" She shouts. "AAAHHHHH!!!" I shout, taking off in the air. "Oh come on Shelby!" Shouts Max looking up at me. I'm up against the ceiling, still startled. Shelby is just laughing along with almost everyone else. Autumn flys up and grabs me before flying back down, my fox ears flopped down and my tail tucked in between my legs from embarrassment. "Aww, we're sorry for laughing Ross." Says Jess. "No we're not." Says Cory. "YES WE ARE!" Shouts back Jess in a barely comprehendible voice. Cory's cat ears and tail stick up frozen before going limp. "Alright, sorry." Says Cory. "We have a room full of kids who are 14 and 15 yet all act like 4 year olds." Says Jin. "Jin, you can change our appearance but you can't change our mind!" Exclaims Adam. "Yeah so deal with it!" Shouts Red. "Oh dear, they're going to start again." Says Nick. "Theys always getting like this." Says Barney. "It's Adam and Red, what more do you expect?" Says Max.
Nick's POV
I sit back and watch everyone start playing again. Suddenly I start smelling an all too familiar smell. "Ross!" I shout. Ross jerks his head up then his eyes widen. "Why are there people here?!?" He asks. "Here let's check it out." Says Adam getting up. He walks over to the front door and we hear a knocking. Adam opens it up to see government workers. They engage in an awkward minute long staring contest before Adam slams the door shut and walks off. We all stare at him. "What?" Asks Adam. The workers open up the door and one of them clears their throat. "We would like to request that you allow us to ask you some questions." Says the worker. "I learned the hard way when I was 6 not to trust you guys!" Exclaims Adam.
Adam they're the good workers.
I hear Autumn say in my head. Adam stares and stares before laughing awkwardly. "I mean please come in." He says motioning them to come.

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