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Mouth breathers

C H A P T E R   F I F T E E NMouth breathers

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Roni was slightly annoyed that when she had a chance to skip school; she now has to go back, but the reason for going was well worth it.

From the corner of her eye, Roni noticed Eleven stare in amazement at the things and people that were around town. It made her wonder what life she's lived that made her stare in surprise at the things that to Roni, were the most common and basic things of life.

Once they made it to school, they rushed down the hall to the club meeting room. "Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad," Mike informs them yet again. He tries the door. "It's locked."

"What?" Lucas said. He then tries the door and Roni sighs.

"Move aside, boy," She pushes him out the way and takes a bobby pin from her blonde hair and inserts the metal into the lock, twisting it around. Lucas looks at her with a shocked expression.

"Awesome," Dustin whispers. Roni smirks at their surprised face. She twists the pin one last time. And out of nowhere, Mr. Clarke walks to them. This makes them all flinch. Roni presses her back against the door, hiding the bobby pin still sticking out of the doorknob.

"Assembly's about to start," Mr. Clarke tells them, with a hint of sadness. Realizing that she was supposed to 'mourn', Roni downcasts her light blue eyes.

"We know. We're just you know..." Mike looks down at his feet.

"Upset," Lucas adds with a smile then a frown.

"D-definitely upset," Dustin stammers. Roni internally rolls her eyes. Dustin was always a terrible liar.

"We need some alone time," Mike says honestly.

"To cry," Dustin adds. Roni bites her lip to try not to laugh at Dustin's attempt to be sad.

Mr. Clarke nods understandingly and tosses Mike the keys to unlock the door. "What do you say?" The guys all smile at him, he was one of the coolest yet dorkiest teaches around. He then turns to Eleven, finally noticing her. "I don't believe we've met. What's your name?" He asks. Eleven opens her mouth but Mike beats her to it.

"Eleanor! She's my, uh..." Mike tries to think on his feet.

"Cousin!" Lucas shouts.

"Second cousin," Dustin holds out two fingers as he continues. Roni holds back a laugh, not making any move to help them out.

"She's here for Will's funeral," Mike tells him.

"Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances," Mr. Clarke offers a sad smile.

Eleven not knowing what to say, glances at Roni who mouths, 'Thank you.' El  turns back to him and repeats. "Thank you."

"Uh, where are you from, exactly?" Mr. Clarke pries for more information. They all quickly turn to Eleven, waiting for what she's gonna say next.

She shakes her head ominously. "Bad place--"

"Sweden!" Dustin answers.

"I have a lot of Swedish family," Mike nods.

"She hates it there."


"Subzero," Dustin pronounces the word slowly.

Roni puts her hand on her face. "Idiots."

"What was that, Veronica?" Mr. Clarke asks the young girl. Realizing she said that out loud.

"I said, isn't the cold annoying?" Roni nods quickly, looking at the side. Mr. Clarke looks at them strangely and escorts them to the cafeteria. As she's walking with them, Roni takes out the pin and shoves it back in her hair.

They enter the assembly, opening the doors loudly. The whole school turns towards them. Dustin quickly turns around and whispers panicky, "Abort." Lucas grabs him and makes him walk to some seats.

The principal goes on with his speech that was obviously written for a student that he never even knew. Will wasn't a friend to any of these people. They're the ones that bullied him all school year. The party glance around the many faces of students that faked their sadness.

"Look at these fakers," Mike comments.

"They probably didn't even know his name till today," Lucas retorts.

"Or know he even existed." Roni whispered, adjusting her backpack. The ax was starting to get too heavy for the small girl to carry. Then a few laughs reach their ears. Troy and James laughed at the principal delivered an obvious fake speech. "I really want to chop off their fingers with my ax." Roni spoke darkly. Dustin gave her a worried look.

Eleven looks over at them, glaring. "Mouth breather," She whispers. Roni smirks at her choice of words. Mike taught her well. Troy and James continued to mock Will's whole assembly. Which made Roni's blood boil.

Once it ended, student filed quickly from the bleachers. As their leaving to the Club room, Mike stomps over to the bullies and yells at them. When Troy and James turned away, not paying Mike any attention. Mike pushes Troy hard on his back, making him fall on his face. The whole crowd of students oohs.

Roni's eyes widen at Mike, she was impressed that he was standing up for Will. It was normally Roni that had to stand up for all of them. Troy slowly stands and when he goes to run at Mike, he freezes in midair.

The party furrow their eyebrows. A dark liquid pours out of Troy's pants, peeing himself. Roni busted out laughing at him.

"Dude, Troy peed himself!" A boy from the crowd yelled, making everyone laugh.

"Just like 2nd grade, Troy!" She laughed at him. Troy pants out of embarrassment. Roni turned to Eleven and she smiles at Mike, and turns around, wiping the blood coming from her nose. Once the principal finally hears the loud laughter from the students, everyone books it.

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