Good Bye

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Hey guys, I realized how long it's been since I  last updated and I just decided to update. I hope ya'll are not too mad at me for taking so long. 


Shaun Pov

After Abree was in bed me and my  bro's gave her a kiss on the check and forhead then went into our rooms to lay down. I was just staring at the wall  because my lack of being able to fall asleep at a time like this. I started to get sad, I tried my best not to cry but I couldn't help it. Who wouldn't cry when the most amazing person in your whole world is about to be taken for a task that has to be done? 

Business comes here, not family/love like it's supposed to be. Well I hate taking care of business when it involves the people I love dearly, that son of a bitch is going to pay for taking away my sister, I swear it to my life. I will reep what is done later, but not right now when I want to get my hands bloody.

I walk into the work out room then I go straight to the punching bag and try to think about something other than "business" because it makes me both sad and pissed at the same time. I soon felt the heat of the tears coming at the back of my throat and I couldn't control it anymore I just cried and cried, I felt so pathetic and useless.

"It's going to be ok bro, you know we can't intervene or else" Gabe whispered. I turned around and saw him standing behind, I didn't even hear him walk up behind me, that's scary. 

I turned back around to look at the wall. "I don't care, I don't want to lose her, she's my sister, not only my sister..........but my baby sister, It's my duty to protect her and scare off guys that try to  get with her, not just let her go." I whisper yelled with hot angry tears running down my face.

"That's our duty too, but we know that we cant crowd around, jump into action everytime we see the wind, we can't protect her every second of our lives, especially since-" Gabe paused as he was cut off. 

(forgot what the other son name is) but yea he said,"Don't. Say. That. Word. it's too worthy of a word for a person like that! We will get her back no matter what ok. So just drop it." I didn't know he was in the room also, this is just getting weird, I thought they were sleep.

"You need to stay focused because you don't function well when you're sad or mad, we don't need you leaving us too."

 We heard something then a scream, so I jumped out of bed and ran straight into my sister's room and came face to face with something that was scarier than a snake to a horse. I didn't care of the consequences, I just thought with my fist. With my blood eyes I charged to save the one person that would take a bullet for me and I her. 

I hope you guys emjoyed this chapter, but you're more than likely going to hate me the next chapter, but since no one wants a sequal it will be ending next chapter.

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