Chapter 3

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I had taken a short nap after the shower I took earlier. I glanced at my phone to check the time after making a quick note to myself to find my alarm clock through the boxes. The bright numbers on my lockscreen stated that it was 18:47.

I got up from my bed and headed to my window. I will also have to put on some curtains here.Opening it I noticed a guy, around my brother's age, heading out of the house next door. He was wearing an all black outfit with a hoodie on so I couldn't actually see his features.

I headed down stairs to see if mum needed help with the dinner, finding Tyler there instead.

"Hey sis, what's up?" He said looking at me over his shoulder while chopping up a cucumber.

"I just woke up. What are we having for dinner?"

"Chilli." Tyler had perfected the recipe for chilli two years ago, it's the only food he knows how to make and it's his favourite. His really passionate about it.

"Well then go back to your pot. We don't want you burning the food. I can make the salad." I shooed him away from the cucumbers and continued his previous work.

"How did your first day at school went?"

"Good I guess, I met a couple of interesting people and I made it to the school team after all." I replied and started cutting the tomatoes now.

"Cool. I'm proud of you sis, I knew you would make it." He said and ruffled my hair. I slapped his hand away.

"Thanks. What about you? I saw you already made a friend. Who was that guy that was here earlier?"

"His name is Chase. He's a good guy and a good competitor at call of duty." Tyler said and went to the cabinet to take out three plates. "He actually helped me and mum put all the furniture in place. He lives next door."

"Why would he help you?" I asked while putting the vegetables I cut in a bowl and drizzling them with oil, salt and vinegar.

"I don't know, maybe he saw us struggling and thought we needed help. And we did." He replied. "Now go get mum so we can eat." And I left to do as I was told.


After dinner, the three of us watched a movie on TV to kill some time and when we finished it I went to my room to unpack the last of my boxes.

It was almost midnight when I finally finished but I wasn't really tired. Probably because of the nap I took earlier.

I glanced outside my window at the night and felt compelled to go for a walk. I put on my converse and grabbed a jacket I had lying around and made it out of my room.
The hallway was dark but I saw light coming out of Tyler's bedroom.

Knocking on his door softly, I waited a couple seconds and then opened it to let him know I'm going out. He was on his bed watching something on his phone.

"Hey Ty, I'm going out for a bit. I'll be close by, I just want some air."

"Okay sis. Just make sure to scream if you see any killer clowns." He replied without taking his eyes off his phone screen. Well at least I'm sure I can count on my lovely brother to save me if I'm getting attacked by killer clowns.

I closed his bedroom door and headed downstairs and out of the house.

The night breeze felt good on my skin. I love the silence at night, the darkness.

Deciding to sit on the front yard, I layed down on the small section of grass that's there and stared at the starry night.

I focused on the sky and even though the lights from the houses in our neighbourhood disturbed my vision and blurred the stars, I  could still make out quite a few of them. I love the stars and I know plenty of constellations, it used to be a hobby of mine when I was younger.

"Are you passed out or are you just making snow angels on the grass?"
I jumped at a voice coming from right next to me.

I don't know how much time had passed since I came out but I hadn't noticed the guy from earlier, dressed in all black, sneaking up on me.

"They wouldn't be snow angels if they are on grass. They should be called grass angels instead although I don't think grass can move to such a shape."

"A smartass I see." The guy standing above me replied and I could make out a small grin on his shadowed features.

"Always." Not giving him any more attention I turned my gaze back to the stars while he decided to sit down next to me.

"Isn't it fascinating? How the universe is so big and we are just a small speck in it. So insignificant. We don't even know what lays right in front of us." He went on while staring at the stars. "Scientists have explored only 4% of this damn thing and to think there are people out there who don't believe in aliens. Kind of self observed I would say."

"I see you've put thought into this."

"Just saying. I think it is fascinating." He turned to face me. "Don't you? Or is there a different reason for you to be here in the middle of the night?"

"There are probably many reasons why I'm  sitting here in the middle of the night and to be honest I'm trying to figure them out myself. I'll let you know when I do." I replied and finally turned to face him too. Being used to the darkness by now, I could make out the light shade of his translucent eyes, the smooth skin of hisand those short curls I recognized from earlier. He was Chase, the guy who helped Ty and mum with our boxes.

"Am I interrupting your alone time?" He asked, a bit self conscious.

Yes. But for some reason I didn't want him to leave just yet.

"No." I simply said and returned back to staring at the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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