Chapter 1 - The apology

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Harry POV:
It is strange, I am eighteen and going back to Hogwarts. I'm glad that so many wizards and witches had volunteered to restore Hogwarts over the summer holiday though. In that time, I broke up with Ginny in the first week they because ever since Fred's death, she had grown distant. Ginny moved on quickly but for me, it was harder.

"HARRY!" Ron yelled, stopping my trail of thought. "You alright mate?" Ron asked. "Yeah. Just thinking." I said, "It's cool that we get another year at Hogwarts isn't it?" Hermione, who was reading The Daily Prophet, replied "Yes, and we get to take our NEWT's." "Honestly, I'm here so I can be an aurora but mostly so I can get free food." Ron said, opening some pumpkin pasties. There was a knock on the compartment door and none other than Draco Malfoy walked in. Ron and Hermione got their wands out of their pockets and pointed them at Malfoy who put up his hands in surrender. "I-I j-just wanted t-to apologise for being a prat f-for so m-many years." Malfoy muttered. Ron, Hermione and me looked dumbfounded. "What did you just say?" I asked sounding stupid. "I-I understand if y-you don't acce—." Malfoy started but I cut him off and said "I accept your apology Malfoy." Malfoy, Ron and Hermione stared at him like he was mental. "What in the name of Merlin's most baggy y-fronts is going on today? First Malfoy apologises, now Harry has lost his mind. What will happen next?" Ron asked. "It's not that bad Ron." Hermione reasoned, "At least we're not being attacked by Slytherins." "Have you heard that Mr Weasley will be the muggle studies professor?" Malfoy shyly asked. "Kept that quiet didn't he?" Ron complained. "Also, if there's anything you want, just ask me." Malfoy quietly spoke.

End of chapter 1

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