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No P.O.V

Draco walked down the isle (I can't spell 😅) in his green suit, Narcissa next to him, and joined Harry in his red suit at the altar, did the wedding stuff (I never pay attention at weddings 😅) then had a loving kiss.

(Sorry that this is trash, I don't know how weddings work)

—<time skip to the year at the end of the Deathly Hallows where the kids board the train>—

Draco P.O.V

This is the proudest moment of my life. Teddy (Tonks and Remus' kid) is ready to board the Hogwarts Express. Secretly, I hope that he gets in Slytherin but Gryffindor would be fine as well. We have told him everything from Harry's cupboard to old voldy's non-existant nose. I'm glad that Ted likes mother because she would break down in tears otherwise.

A/N: Idk what else to put so yea.... epilogue finished. Thanks for reading this trash story. Bye 😁.

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