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× 2 years later ×

"Ji, I can't take you to work today, something came up. I'm sorry little one."

I shrug and then remember that Jungkook can't see me since we're talking on the phone "It's fine Kookie, I can handle it. I don't work as late tonight so it's fine."

"I'm still sorry, I keep canceling on you."

"Kook it's only the second time this month, it's not a big deal. You have things you need to take care of too."

He sighs "Alright, Alright. I should have taken care of what I need to by the time you get off, so call me if you need or want me to pick you up."

"Okay, I will if I need you to. I have to go my Uber is here."

"Alright, text me when you get to work, love you."

"Love you too Kook." I hang up and grab my bag and my keys, locking my door behind me and going downstairs.

I get in the Uber and the 15 minute ride is quiet. As I get out I thank the guy and quickly ho into the bar, getting changed in the back room and clocking in before heading out to the bar area.

"Ji! Where have you been?" My co-worker Wonho pulls me into a side hug.

"I took a short vacation." I grab my bar rag and toss it over my shoulder before starting to clean glasses.

"In other words you were doing even more interviews."

I sigh and nod "Yes I was. I love it here, but I can't work here for the rest of my life. I need an actual career."

"I know, it's just gonna suck once you leave." He pouts a little which is cute, but looks a little odd considering how buff he is.

I chuckle and shake my head slightly "Yeah, like I won't be being dragged here all the time by Jungkook anyway."

"If I really didn't know you two like I do, I would try to push you to get with him."

I fake gag "Dude I would have to kill you if you did. That's gross."

He chuckles and starts to wipe the bar down "That's exactly why I don't."

"Okay, let's hurry up before we get a rush of people. It is a Friday night."

Wonho and I quickly get the bar ready for the night and right before we open all of our servers come in and get what they need ready, ready.

Wonho flops the sign in the door and about 20 minutes later, our first rush of the night comes in.

I take drink orders and Wonho starts everyone off. Once everyone at the bar has ordered I start working on the table drinks that the servers have brought us.

I can see my phone lighting up consistently with texts from Jungkook but I have to ignore them, I can deal with it when I take my break.

Around midnight I finally get to take my break "I'll be back in 30 Won, slow enough for now or do you need me to stay a little longer?"

"Nope, go ahead Ji. Jungkook clearly would like your attention and you look exhausted. Take a break kid." Wonho takes my bar towel and shoves me towards the side of the bar. "Go."

"Thank youuuuu."


I head towards the back and go out the back door that leads to the alley next to the bar. I usually spend my breaks out here because I get fresh air and space away from the loudness and stuffiness of the bar. I sit on an empty crate I keep out there and check my texts from Jungkook. 'I'm still sorry'

Her Plus Seven// BTS Mafia AU (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now