21: Apologies

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I wake up to an empty bed but Hoseok is a somewhat early bird, so he's probably downstairs. I get up and throw on some lounge clothes sleepily before making my way downstairs.

I get to the kitchen and Hoseok is actually sitting at the table, talking to Yoongi and Tae, so I plop in his lap, straddling him and I burry my face in his neck. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the side of my head, continuing his conversation but I'm too tired to actually tune in to what they are talking about.

Hoseok starts rubbing my back softly and I nuzzle into him more with a soft whine.

"You must have really tired her out if she's still this sleepy." Taehyung comments

Hoseok shrugs "I guess."

I hear someone else come in and then a hand on my back that isn't Hoseok's. I look up from Hoseok's neck and Jungkook pecks my lips "Did you sleep good little one?"

I nod and he lets my head fall back to Hoseok's shoulder softly. Hoseok continues to rub my back and I just hang on him sleepily. "You okay Sunshine? You aren't normally this sleepy."

I nod "I'm okay."

"Okay well you need to eat and start to get ready to go with Joon."

Jimin comes in "He already left. Didn't want to wake Jihyo so he just left."

I huff "When will he understand that he can't do everything by himself."

"He left right before you got up. I'm sure if you called him and got ready he'd come back." Jimin says

I huff again and turn around in Hoseok's lap to see Yoongi pulling out his phone. He brings it up to his ear and then I can faintly hear Namjoon, but not enough to know what he's saying.

"You're in trouble." Yoongi simply states

Namjoon responds, but again, can't hear him.

"You know why. She woke up literally right after you left. You should have just woken her up. How far are you from the house?"

There's a pause where Joon replies to Yoongi "Then she will go get ready and be done by the time you get your ass back here. Do not argue, you will only make it worse, just turn around and come pick her up."

Joon replies and a Yoongi hangs up and slides his phone back in his pocket "Go get ready kitten. Namjoon is on his way back here. I'll make you a smoothie to hold you over until he takes you out for lunch."

I nod and get off Hoseok's lap and head upstairs. I let my straightener heat up while I get dressed and once I'm done I quickly run it through my hair and just pop on some lip gloss, a little bit of eyeshadow and some lashes. I grab my heels and phone and head downstairs.

Yoongi meets me at the front door and waits for me to out my shoes on before handing me the smoothie he made

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Yoongi meets me at the front door and waits for me to out my shoes on before handing me the smoothie he made. "Blueberry, banana and strawberry. Just how you like it. Joon just pulled up." He pecks my lips "Don't be too hard on him."

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