18: Drinks and Insecurities

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I wake up before Namjoon and roll over so that I'm laying on my back. It doesn't really hurt, its a little uncomfortable but its not that big of a deal. Namjoon subconsciously follows and lays his head on my chest. I thread my fingers through his hair and play with it softly.

About 20 minutes later Namjoon starts to stir and he looks up at me sleepily "Jihyo? What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Giving me attention I don't deserve."

I roll my eyes "Joon I'm not mad at you. It was accident and you didn't really hurt me. Yesterday was the equivalent of you opening a door and hitting me with it by accident because you didn't know I was there."

"I pushed you into a wall Jihyo and your back is already bruised and hurting."

I huff "Again, I'm not mad. I know you were trying to keep me out of the middle and you over estimated. You didn't mean to, so I'm not upset."

"I'm sorry my love."

I hum "I know you are and I forgive you, so don't beat yourself up over it." I kiss his forehead "Do you need more cuddles or do you want food?"

"I want cuddles but I'm hungry and I have things that need to get done."

"Well I can cuddle you when you are done for the day. Let's go get food."

He rolls off of me and gets up and I follow. We go downstairs and no one else appears to be awake, considering no one else is in the kitchen for food. "Do me a favor and go get Artemis from the big room, I don't want her to go to the bathroom in there."

He nods and heads towards the room. He comes back a few minutes later carrying Artemis "outside?"

I nod with a hum "Yes, take treats with you and give her one when she actually uses the bathroom. Take the boys out too."


I grab ingredients from the fridge and hear the back door open and dog feet head towards the door. I make breakfast wraps and also some rice. I ask Namjoon to go wake everyone up and he does.

I set plates in front of them once they are all seated and I also grab drinks.

I seat myself inbetween Taehyung and Namjoon with my own plate. With all of us still being sleepy for the most part we don't talk. I tell the guys to just go get ready for their days and I'll clean up, so they all leave the kitchen and head upstairs. When I finish cleaning up I sit at the kitchen and pull my phone out, seeing a text from Sohyun that she can be here later today, around noon so I get up and find Hoseok, to let him know.


"Yes sunshine?" He asks without turning around, going through his closet for a shirt

"Sohyun said she can come by today around noon."

"Okay, thank you for letting me know." He finds a shirt and tugs it over his head

I nod "No problem. What are you guys doing today?"

"Jimin and Taehyung are going to the club, me and Namjoon have a meeting in an hour but we will be back before Sohyun gets here. Jungkook and Yoongi are going out into some territories to handle some things and as far as I know Jin is staying here." He comes over and pecks my lips "So you get to spend the day with him, but I have to get going, I'll see you later."

I pout and pull him back "Wait."


I reach up and pull him down, our noses brushing "One more?"

Her Plus Seven// BTS Mafia AU (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now