Chapter 20

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I felt a pang of guilt grip my heart and squeeze tight like a ball

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I felt a pang of guilt grip my heart and squeeze tight like a ball. Deep down within me, I knew it was my fault that Lisie had lost her hearing. A mother wasn't supposed to be so careless as to cause such calamity to befall her only kid but, what did I do?

The complete opposite. I allowed myself to get distracted and lose my focus on the road. Now, I was to blame. I let Lisie suffer because of me. I tried to relieve my mind from the shackles of being guilt-tripped but it wasn't working. I couldn't bear to look at my daughter properly.

Her bright, blue eyes was constantly laced with worry and looked deep within my soul whenever I spared her a glance. It was too much. I couldn't bear it anymore. I had to get out. I had to bite back the pain or I knew I would forever be trapped in an abyss. Endless circles of life and spiraling to the bottomless pit with no way of return.

Pushing back the incessant thoughts that troubled my mind, I tried to fix my attention on the situation at hand. The car had skidded to a stop in the middle of the road and no matter how hard I tried, it just wouldn't start. Surrounding us at both sides was a thick forest which bore an ominous sign and called out to embrace us with open arms. I didn't want to venture into that bush as my last resort.

Hell, there was no way I was getting in there with Lisie. I had enough to deal with as it was. I heaved a deep sigh and removed my seatbelt, watching it slide back to it's upright position. I removed the car keys from the ignition and was about to get out when a soft voice called out to me.

I could feel my hands shaking involuntarily as I slowly turned to stare at Lisie's inquisitive face. Looking at her brought back so many memories I didn't want to remember. I only wanted a clean slate but, with my kid always wanting to smother up to me-that was virtually impossible.

I gulped, feeling bile rise up to my throat. I couldn't hold it no more. I hurriedly got out of the car and threw up by the side of the ash-granite road. I took a deep, calming breath as I wiped my mouth with a white handkerchief that had been in my grip the entire time. Damn, I think I was being such a fussy baby.

I am a mother, I am a mother, I shouldn't act like this. I am supposed to take responsibility. My sub-conscious kept on reminding me as I put on a brave face and got back in, slamming the door in the process. I caressed Lisie's face with my right hand and pinched her cheeks lovingly before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

'Mummy has to work the car to get started,' I whispered in her ear even though I knew it was a lost cause. There was no way she could hear me. That itself brought tears to my eyes and I hurriedly wiped them away so Lisie's couldn't see and start asking me questions.

I gave a brief smile as I clambered out of the car but not before motioning with my fingertips encircling my palm, for her to stay put. The only indication she gave of understanding me was her nodding her head meekly.

A gentle gust of wind kissed my cheeks as I breathed in the cool, crisp air. It filled my lungs and did little in alleviating my worries.

Raising the fender up, my eyes began to wander over the various compartments looking for what seemed out of place. I mentally went over the few details I had of car engines with a hand on my chin. Four cylinders which were the bane of existence of a motor in motion, was arranged in a V-line pattern.

The valves, spark plug, connecting rod, crankshaft, sump, and the piston were situated in their exact positions and none appeared to be heated. But, there was something else that caught my attention. A wire seemed out of place like it had been severed from a connection. The tail ends stuck out like a sore thumb and was a mixture of both dark red and black colour.

With my eyebrows furrowed in concentration, I peered closely and reached my hand out to touch it. A sizzling and electrifying sensation buzzed through me and I jolted back, my head hitting the roof of the car. I grunted in frustration as I held my now reddened palm.

"Fuck." was the only word I could mutter. The pain was excruciating and made me stoop to the ground. I spotted a shadow sift through the dark woods as I tried to regain my balance. There was no one in sight and the only sound I heard was the chirping of birds that sang merrily on the trees.

Looking up to the pale, blue sky, I saw hawks flying about, their wings flapping against the puffy clouds which portrayed nothingness. Something didn't seem right. I could feel it in my bones. As I scrambled to close the bonnet, a shrill cry pierced my ears.

Lisie was drifting asleep as her head slipped from the hand on her chin. It went back to the same position after some seconds, her eyes shut all the while. I heaved a sigh of relief as I went round to open the car door.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I kept on telling myself, hoping it would calm my perturbed nerves. My hand clamped down on the handle and proceeded to pry it but, it didn't budge. I gave a deep breath and then tried once more.

It remained locked. My hands were shaking as I clasped the keys from my back pocket. I pressed a red button that was at the center and a loud beep was heard. This time, the door finally opened and I hurried in, shutting it firmly.

Lisie roused from her slumber and wiped her eyes groggily, her mouth was rounded in a yawn. I gave her a brief smile and motioned for to come into my open arms but then, her eyes grew wide in fear and she pointed at the window by my side, her fingers trembling.

She was quivering and shifting farther in her seat. My heart began palpitating out of my chest as I slowly turned to stare at what she was referring to.

The creature I saw made me give a loud gasp.

Author's note: For those who have watched the trailer, what did you think she saw??

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