"Did you get everyone's paperwork processed and ready for tomorrow's hearing?" Jeremiah shouts from the other room. "Including the additional paperwork that is now needed because someone decided to let both the witness and a supe get away?"

      I exit the room where the holding cells are located, entering the main office of the DSA containment building. "The paperwork is completed, oh great leader. I even remembered to put them in different cells so that they don't kill each other before court. You should have heard them in there, each one accusing the other of being a narc. I'll tell you what, they sure as hell clammed up the moment I starting asking them what they know about the Sons. Did you email the Chief?"

       "Yup, we are all finished for the night."

      "Shit yes."

      Jeremiah begins locking up the building while I hang up my badge, trailing behind me as we exit and head back towards the residence building. 

      "Admit it," he urges. "You missed it; the thrill of the mission and not knowing what could happen next."

      "I missed the money. Do you know how hard it is to hold down a job when you're constantly having to watch your back? I missed getting a steady paycheck, not busting up some poker game that got us nowhere closer to the Sons."

      He holds the door to the residence building open for me. "Any plans for the rest of night, or should I say day? I just realized that it is almost four in the morning."

      "That depends, do I have to be up in an hour so that I can run six miles while some blonde prick lectures me on how much of a pain in the ass I am?" I pull my room key from my pocket and slide it into the lock. 

      Jeremiah grabs my wrist as I turn the key, spinning me so that my back is now pressed against the door and his hips are lined up with mine. "No, I think you have more than earned a day off, but I can think of a few things I could lecture you on if that is what gets you going these days. Come on, Ede, what would you say if I told you there was a cheap bottle of whiskey in my room with your name on it?"

      "I'd list off the various places where you could shove that bottle."

     "Why are you still fighting this? I saw the look in your eyes when I showed up in your apartment in Utah; you were thinking the same thing I was."

      "That it was a shame I hadn't chosen to aim that knife at your face?"

      "You've protested like this the last time and we both know how it ended." He dips his head, his lips hovering inches from mine. "And we both know how much I enjoyed it. Come on, give me a reminder of what it's like when you need to take out some aggression on someone."

     "I told you, it was a one-time thing. Have you forgotten what happened when I was finished with you?" I duck into my room, closing the door before he has time to finish the rest of whatever pervert bullshit he is attempting to say. I already have a mile-long list of reason why I should punch him in the throat and I don't need to add another item to it.

     I have just finished showering and throwing on something comfortable when there is a knock on my bedroom door. 

     "I told you, Jeremiah, I am not going to sl-" I stop mid-rant because the person at my door is not Jeremiah but rather his extremely pissed off looking girlfriend. "Oh, hey Brie, did you need something?"

      She shoves her way past me, barrelling into my room. Thick waves of fury waft off of her, stirring up the air and letting me know that she isn't here to catch up.

Devious Things (The In-Between Trilogy Book One)Where stories live. Discover now