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       I swing my legs over the railing of the stairs, landing on the ground with ease. 

     "I give that a seven out of then," Jeremiah jokes, tossing his emptied soda can into a trashcan. "You stumbled a bit on the landing, though. Maybe, once you're finished with the DSA, you can audition to be an Olympic Gymnast."

     "Me, in a leotard? I think not. Should I ever actually escape the clutches of the DSA, I will more than likely end up back in jail for breaking yours and Peter's faces open for what you two did to Micah."

      "You're still mad about that?"

     "I will never not be mad about that. You tortured my best friend for nine days to get him to tell you where I was and, had I know how badly you'd hurt him when you showed up in Tulsa, I would have removed a few of your limbs. Just so you know, before this is all over, I am going to make both you and Peter pay for what you did to him." I crack my knuckles, hoping that repetitive motion will calm me down. "So, what did the Chief day about what happened the night of the party and about the information I gathered from my visit in the stacks?"

       "He was pleased to know that we are now aware of what Son is behind the killings but he isn't ready to drop his suspicions about the other one. He is pretty sure that the information you found out about the pendant is enough to get a warrant issued for both of them. Just because you said one wasn't involved doesn't mean it is true. It just means we haven't caught him helping his brother yet. Innocent or not, the Chief wants him brought in for questioning. He is trying to convince the Leaders to issue the warrants since they seem a bit hesitant issuing them for people we can't be sure are still in this realm."

      We turn the corner, making our way deeper into the heart of downtown Orlando. With the Chief out of town, all of his responsibility has fallen on his second in command, Wrynn. 

      Thankfully, seeing as my former part was his younger brother and he wants nothing to do with me, Wrynn has passed all things involving me to Jeremiah. 

     Wrynn believes that I should be treated like a rabid animal, muzzled and thrown into a cage for the rest of my life. He hates the idea of letting me walk the streets and the only reason he didn't send me to the cells until the Cheif returns is because he knows how much catching the Son will mean to the DSA. 

      Jeremiah reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, smiling at whatever the email he is reading over says. The thought of finally getting to see some action gets my blood pumping and I hope it is something good. It has been three days since he pulled me off of spells practice and allowed me back on patrol but the only thing I have done since then is write some Pixie a parking ticket. 

     Exciting, right? 

      "How far are we from Pine and Lohey?" he asks, his eyes still scanning over the email. 

     "About three minutes, why?"

     "Call came in about ten minutes ago about a skirmish outside of a bar over there and it was just confirmed that it was supe related. The owner told dispatch that he stepped outside to break up the fight but those involved were moving too fast to be human. Think you can handle a simply drunk and disorderly?"

     "You know it." I flash him a fake smile, pleased to hear that the message was about actual work and not Wrynn's hourly 'just making sure Eden hasn't gone on a killing spree' emails. 

      I swear, I don't know how much more I can listen to Jeremiah gloat about those damn emails before I snap and knock out all of his teeth. 

      There is a small crowd gathered outside of Tabler's, the bar mentioned in the email, when we arrive and I know that we are in the right place. I was hoping that the brawl wouldn't be over before I got a chance to hit someone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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