Light & Clueless.

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Bright and big stood the sun in the clouds, The skies its light blue, with many clouds of different shapes painted on the sky. Birds flew from tree to tree, sang there lovely song. Trees surrounded her, with its branch almost reaching out to the sky. The trees leaves were green, oh so green. The grass she sat under was cut neatly, colored with greenest of them all. 

Anastasia sat under the big fat tree, her mind lost in the book she read. Anastasia was so lost in her book to pay attention to her surroundings. She do not notice the evil, he laughed to himself. Oh little naive Kitten, he thought. 

Anastasia felt eyes on her, watching her and every move she made. But she was lost in her book, she simply didn't care. He stood there only a few feet away from Anastasia, he started to walk closer to her. He couldn't find himself to look away from his Kitten only a few feet away from his reach. He walked so close, he saw the lostness in her eyes. 

Justin wanted to kiss her, do things he wanted to go. How he wanted her to himself, she was so beautiful. Her skin was a pale white, her cheeks would always wear the soft pink, her lips were pink and plump. He felt himself harden at the thought of her under him naked.

He was once again awe of his Kitten. He was out in the light, where there could be nothing of darkness. Light was out, Darkness was hiding. Justin like to think of light as his bestfriend, becauselight hides the most demons and monsters. Anastasia felt someone's gaze upon her, burning holes into her skin. 

Anastasia look up away from her book, her ocean blue eyes meet the intense gaze of his. She stare into his black eyes, that spoke danger. He found himself in awe with the wide Caribbean ocean– blue eyes that stared into his. His Kitten so beautiful in the light, so wonderfully beautiful. 

She saw the smirk on his lips, that smirk that read things she do not want to know. She knew he was nothing but dangerous. Oh how Anastasia didn't know how evil he is, or how wicked he is. Looks could fool the fool. 

The chill of terror and horror ran down her body, she got up from the spot she sat at. Tearing away her gaze from the man, she started to walk away. That day she walk home, listening to music. 

Anastasia felt the shadow of fear follow her, she thought of flowers and happy endings. Anastasia knew what world she lived in where people would do the most wicked things, she felt eyes. Anastasia kept her head down, while walking home. She was trying to get lost in her world.

Anastasia do not see who was following her home nor did she see who was following her home. She was once again lost in her little world, she kept walking humming to the words of her music. He was right behind her, following each step. 

That day he learned something else about his Kitten, she likes to read in the park. Also

His Kitten was very clueless and naive.


Chapter End Notes:

hey everyone, Here is chapter 3 to Darkness. I will be posting aleast four more chapters tonight. This story is already compeleted. I am the original writer to this story, once again. Thank you guys for reading and leaving wonderful comments. I love you all. 700 reads (i think) but WOAHHH

follow me on twitter @weekndjb

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