Talking & Punches.

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They walked together, their fingers intertwined together. They made it to their field of little flowers. The white flowers were no longer there, it was covered in white snow. Anastasia gasped, she stare at the field of white snow. 

Anastasia looked at Justin, her lips were in a frown. Justin smiled at her, he knew she missed her little white flowers. Justin lead her toward the field, he took a sat. Kitten fell into his lap, Justin felt her warmth. 

Anastasia laid back in the cold white snow, she let her arms moved against the snow. Justin laughed at his Kitten, she sat back up. She smiled, she made a snow angel. Kitten wanted to know what happen to Justin's family. 

"Justin what happen to you're family?" She asked, her voice was quiet and hush. 

Justin stare out, his eyes not falling onto hers. "Kitten, my mother is still alive, my father I fucking hate him." he said. "I left home when I was 16, I haven't see my mom since. I knew she would be put in danger." 

"As for my father, the only thing I remember was the harsh beatings and hitting's of my mother. My father had a drinking problem, he would waste his hours fighting with my mom and hitting me." Justin said. 

Anastasia imagine a little blonde haired boy, with brown warm eyes afraid of his father. She frowned at the thought of Justin childhood. "I started to hang with the bad people, then I learned how to kill. I liked killing a person, the thrill it bought. The rush I felt, I like it." 

"I loved holding the gun, I loved the feeling of shooting it. I loved seeing the person dead. After that, I loved it." He said, Anastasia eyes full of horror. 

"I am dark man, Kitten." Justin said. Kitten grab his hand, kissed his fingers. 

"As I see it, monsters aren't born, they are made." Kitten whispered. 

Justin kissed her cheek, she was right. He never wanted to be like this, he started to become the monster they raised him to be. Justin was proud of what he done, he did not regret one thing. Kitten would never understand him and his liking's of killing people. His wicked ways no one would understand. 

"Anastasia, my innocent Anastasia," Justin said, he growl in her ear. Anastasia laughed, she turned her head. Her lips fell on his nose, he smiled at her. 

"My dark, dark Justin." Anastasia said. Her nails digged into his hand, Justin laughed at her. 

They spend the whole day talking about each other, Justin's favorite kills. Anastasia beg Justin to him stories about his favorite kills. 


Isaac Hall laughed into the air, he blew a smoke into the air. He got away this time, half of his men were dead, thanks to KBK. 

Isaac Hall has found Justin Bieber weakness, Anastasia Rose was his weakness. Isaac was going to make sure she was dead, and killed in front of his eyes. He laughed once again, he was going to win this war. 

Stratford will be his, only his


The room was full of loud talking teenagers, she stared out the window. Anastasia was looking out the window, seeing if she could see Justin. She didn't see him, nor was he here. Juliet was talking about how dangerous Justin is. 

"I already told you, he is different with me. Yes, they was a time where I was afraid, but I am not." Anastasia said, she looked at her friend. Juliet was know talking about his so call killings, all he is know for. 

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