[2] - Oh Fuck

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Oh fuck.

Dave felt a surge of panic as he saw the live chat, messages flying. The stream hadn't ended, people were sending message after message in all caps, about the kiss. 

He glanced over at Joel, seeing a similarly panicked expression. What had just happened? They kissed. They KISSED. And THOUSANDS of people just saw it. 

Joel snapped out of his panic, quickly shutting down not just the stream, but pretty much his whole computer. All screens went black, and Dave caught a glimpse of how he looked. 

Red as his hair. 


For about four months, neither Dave nor Joel posted, essentially disappearing from the internet for a while while [oh fuck grammar making me type the same word twice] they privately figured out what the hell to do and how to address this. 

Right after the incident, Dave had pushed his emotions aside so he could have a logical conversation with Joel about what they were going to do. Of course, they would have to properly address it at some point, people would probably force them to anyways.

But the public wasn't the only thing they needed to talk about... Well, it's not every day you kiss you're close friend of years, one who happens to be very good looking. That sentiment would go for both Dave and Joel. 

They spent a few weeks talking through their personal options; Should they stay friends and just forget what happened, or... Maybe not try a relationship, per say, but just be a bit more than friends?

One of the more important parts of that conversation is, what do they both want? Turns out, somewhat of the same thing. Both Dave and Joel would like to try taking their friendship a bit further, maybe staying off Youtube and social media for a few months.

The song was mostly forgotten about, but Dave made a mental note that he would like to pick up that project again sometime in the future. 

At first, changes with the two wasn't much. Just little things like maybe getting a little closer, or holding hands. It was like a teenage romance, but between two grown thirty-some year olds. [i had to google their ages] Awkward but cute, both persons learning as they went. 

After a few weeks, the internet went from hundreds of screencaps of their kiss to genuine questions across all platforms, wondering if the two creators were taking a break, or scared to come back. Two months in, fans of both channels were seriously worried, and Dave noticed he was getting maybe hundreds of DMs and comments asking if he was okay. 

They had now gone four months without any online activity, and a lot had progressed. Because of the kiss, people were more worried about Dave's disappearance mostly, more so than when he stopped posting for a year. As for Dave and Joel, well... they got closer. 

They decided to try a relationship. 

Dave has previously mentioned how he doesn't want to share much of his personal life online, which means significant others. However, this situation sort-of forced him, as well as Joel. They had to make a video, addressing everything. 

"Which channel should we make it on? Or should we both post one?" Dave asked, as they talked about what they were going to say, and how much they were going to tell their audiences. And if they told their audiences, they'd have to tell theirs friends the same, since a lot have already asked both of them in real life what happened, with the kiss screencap circulating the internet.

"I think, yeah, we should post it on both channels, since a lot of your fans saw the stream or heard about it, judging by your comments section." Joel half-joked. 

"Yeah... How- much should we share, y'know?" Dave asked. Neither of them had much of an answer, but silently agreed to just get over with it, making the video.

First, they spent a bit calling some close friends and family who had been nagging them about the screencaps and rumors, and explained a little of what had happened. 

Dave was on the phone with his sister, "Hey"

"Dave, hey! Are you gonna tell me what's up? Like, I'm still having friends show me screencaps of a stream." She phrased it in a way that Dave knew she knew exactly what she was referring to.

"Er, yeah. Sorry for not calling sooner, Joel and I had to sort out what to do..." He trailed off for a second. 

"Well hurry on, then, explain!"

He confirmed to her that the screencaps circulating a few months ago were, indeed, real. He told her they were going to make a video addressing it all.

"So are you in a relationship now or-?" She asked.


"Hi, I'm Dave from Boyinaband, and for the past four-some months, neither me nor my friend over at Roomie Official have been posting, or active on any social media, really. If you don't know, this-" Dave pointed to the corner where a screenshot of their kiss would be put in, "Screencap was circulating from both mine and Joel's fans. It's... real. It's from a now taken-down stream we made working on a song together."

Joel took over, "So, we thought the stream had ended, and y'know we continued to work on lyrics, and one thing led to another..." He explained, awkwardly. 

Dave continued, "We got a lot of questions about this, mostly asking about whether it was real, closely followed by people asking whether we were in a secret relationship." He laughed a little.

"Short answer; No, we aren't secretly dating." Joel joked.

"Yeah- Um, the stream in video form will be re-publicized, but the song we were working on in it is on hold for now." Dave said, moving his hair back behind his shoulders, something he did often in videos. 

"To answer an obvious question; Yes, we are in a relationship now. While we were gone, we were basically figuring out what to do with ourselves and you guys, since we probably wouldn't be able to just ignore this..." Joel trailed, having ended the sentence but not sure whether or not to continue talking. 

Dave glanced over at him, really not sure what else to say. He usually had some sort of plan for videos, like a theme or something specific to lead the conversation. 

"Anyways, you might see more of us working together in videos and stuff, since we'll, y'know, be interacting more. I'm probably going to continue staying with Joel for a bit longer anyways." Dave ended. Saying goodbye, Joel ended the recording and sent it to Jonas to get edited. 

In the meantime, they essentially tried not to worry about what was gonna happen when the video went out. 

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