she's the doppelgänger . . .

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Shellshock was an understatement to describe Ivy-Rose's reaction to the new world. 

Rather than embrace the variety of neckline styles and tight pants like her sister, she stood rather confused in front of a section of women's tops. Crop tops, layered tops, peplum, button-up, and the dozens of other styles Rebekah chatted in her ears. The fact a person could now walk the street in ripped jeans and cut shirts exposing their full torso froze her in place.

"You've missed the evolution of fashion because of the dagger." Rebekah heaved a pile of clothes into her sister's arms. 

Every few seconds, from the corner of her eye, Rebekah would watch her sister hesitantly pick up a hanger and analyze the clothing item. Rebekah knew her sister was critical of everything around them, but it's fashion for crying out. If she had the nerve (which of course she did) Rebekah would declare herself the creator of flower crowns because of her sister. 

Yet, even with her incessant badgering, her dear older sister refused to embrace the new fashions. The way Ivy-Rose held up a fully-lace bra cracked the vampire up. "It's just, well, the only place a woman could have her breasts exposed was at the burlesque clubs. Now, they walk the streets without shame." Her cheeky smile burned her face when she tucked it under her arm. 

The more she travelled around the store, slid in and out of dressing rooms, and forced to listen to her sister's fashion advice, the more Ivy-Rose slowly became comfortable. After hours of shopping, of course. 

"Why are you giving me so many clothes, Rebekah?" Ivy-Rose asked after another round of trying on. Rebekah silently scrutinized the combination of green and pink before tutting her tongue. 

"Now that the world has moved ninety years into the future, we have to keep up with the times." Rebekah handed her sister a leather jacket. "You, my puppy, are an old spirit in a young, youthful body. Instead of you missing common trends, you are going to set them with that cute butt of yours."

A shy cracked across the hybrid's unreadable face before she ducked back into the dressing room. The curtain closed off any sight of her to Klaus and Stefan, who lounged with champagne to pass the long, long time. Both vampires knew even voicing a complaint on being the sisters chauffeurs would unleash a mouthful of nightmares. This was the bare minimum Klaus could give after releasing his family from death he agreed to with his sister. And plus, it gave him time to answer the multitude of Stefan's questions.

"So Ivy-Rose is an Original? I thought you're all vampires?" Stefan gazed between Klaus and the closed curtain. 

His mind was still reeling by the revelation of female Mikaelsons existing and on top of that, "Klaus the Great Mad" having a wife. The Big Bad Wolf, just by saying his name struck fear in all that heard it, was a married man.   

An unreadable smile spread on Klaus' face. 

"She's a myth, some say. A fable to scare children from walking in the dark. Ivonna is an Original Mikaelson, but not a vampire, my friend. She is something greater. The only of her kind—"

"I'm a werewolf and witch, Stefan." A scoff came from the closed curtains. "There's no need for dramatics, Niklaus." 

"And you're married?" Ivy-Rose shook her head in the stall, zoning her ears from the men's conversation to focus on herself. 

In front of a mirror, her dark eyes judged her figure. On one hand, the tight pants framed her figure perfectly. But her 'cute little butt' was on display. Her canines glistened against her lips when she smiled at her appearance. To keep the rest of her mind sane, that leather jacket from before went over a black vest and white blouse to complete the ensemble. 

ivyrose • klausWhere stories live. Discover now