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the last thing alexis expected to see approaching her while she was playing tennis with magnolia was crybaby linked arms with isabel,

and yet here it was.

she dropped her tennis racket in surprise; the ball that magnolia had just hit towards her bounced off her side without provoking a reaction.

"what in the-?" she asked softly, stepping closer. "crybaby, what did you do?"

"isabel is gonna be our friend from now on," crybaby said happily, her arms dropping to her sides as she took one of alexis's hands in both of her own, her hazelnut-brown eyes almost glowing.

she looked up at isabel in surprise, who shrugged a little shyly.

their eyes locked.

you're not gonna kill me, are you, alexis thought sarcastically.

no, isabel replied. ally, i'm so sorry- i know i've been a bitch- i'm done with kelly, i swear-

izzy, alexis interrupted. it's okay.

the two sisters wrapped their arms around each other, and alexis felt something relax inside her that had been tensed for months now.

she had her sister back.

"where are the others?" crybaby asked as alexis and isabel broke apart. "i wanna introduce them to isabel."

"they're sitting by the orange trees," replied magnolia, waving in the general direction.

"oh! right," alexis said quickly. "izzy, this is crybaby, my girlfriend. this is our friend magnolia- and magnolia, this is my twin sister isabel. come on, let's go find the others."

isabel stayed close by alexis's side as they approached the orange trees.

"hi guys!" crybaby said brightly as they came to where angelita, celeste and fleur were all sat on the grass, their backs against the trunk of an orange tree. "uh, isabel is joining our friendship group now, so we're gonna introduce her to everyone."

angelita blinked. "what happened to the two of them ripping each other apart?"

"they're over that now," crybaby said pointedly. "so isabel, this is angelita, celeste and fleur."

fleur waved shyly at isabel, and it clicked in alexis's head that they would already know each other.

"everyone, as i'm sure you know, this is isabel, alexis's twin sister," said crybaby patiently.

"okay," everyone shrugged.

there was a moment of silence before celeste asked, "anyone wanna go play tennis?"

"race you there," alexis yelled suddenly, sprinting off back towards the courts.

"no fair," angelita called, stunning to her feet and racing after her.

as the group of girls began to fool around and have fun together,

now with isabel,

alexis felt complete for the first time since she'd arrived at k-12.

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