༺ high school sweethearts ༻

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alexis was pressed up against a wall, listening in to the rest of her friends fussing around in their lockers.

when's crybaby gonna find that fucking letter already?

celeste was explaining the new plan she'd come up with to rid the school of leo once and for all.

"we're gonna do it on the night of the school dance," she was saying. "it's perfect."

"school dance?" crybaby asked curiously, echoing alexis's thoughts.

"you don't know about the dance?" said fleur in surprise.

"the 150th anniversary of this school's miserable existence," angelita put in dryly. "it's a mandatory thing. everyone's asking someone, and all the people there are gonna be sucking face. celeste's right, it's perfect."

"so anyway-"
celeste attempted to take control of the conversation again, only to be stopped by a squeal of "what's that?" from magnolia as there was a sharp rasp of paper hitting the floor. alexis's heart skipped a beat as she realised they would be finding her note.

"i... think it's a love letter," crybaby said uncertainly.

"who do you think it's from?" asked magnolia excitedly.

"alexis, i expect," celeste said. "crybaby, don't let that distract you right now. think about it later, this is important."

before the rest of the plan could be explained, the bell rang. there was a groan of frustration, presumably from celeste, as the friends hastily said their goodbyes and hurried off to their respective lessons. alexis stayed hidden behind the wall she was already concealed by, taking a deep breath as she prepared to ask crybaby to the school dance.

even if they were going to be spending the night occupied with other matters, alexis wanted crybaby to know that she loved the idea of the two of them spending the school dance together.

alexis leaned out from behind her cover as far as she dared, watching crybaby sit down on a bench, rereading her letter. she felt her chest tighten in anticipation as she stepped out from behind the wall to approach her girlfriend, only to get pulled back by someone.

"run along to class, alexis," leo hissed meaningfully before walking straight past her, confidently up to crybaby and sitting down beside her.

"hello, crybaby," he spoke smoothly. she looked up, furling the letter up in her hand. "did you like it?"

crybaby tilted her head to the side in confusion. "w- what?"

"that note. i wrote it for you," leo said gently.

you fucking liar.
alexis was ready to murder him on the spot, but stayed where she was, wanting to see what would happen next. wanting to see if crybaby would willingly believe his lies.

"really?" asked crybaby softly. when leo nodded, she smiled a little. "i- wow, i never saw that coming..."

"i would like you to come to the dance with me this saturday," leo proposed. he continued to talk, and crybaby's eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment before she interrupted him completely.

"i'd love to go with you," she said politely.

alexis felt her chest being ripped open.

"great," nodded leo. "see you then."

he stood up and walked away the same way he'd entered, shooting alexis a smug look as he passed her.

alexis could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks and for once, didn't try to stop them; she sniffed, louder than she had meant to. crybaby looked up from the note again and when she saw alexis, her jaw dropped.

she stood up and hurried over to alexis, who turned away.

she said i met every fucking one of your requirements," alexis spat, "so why did you pick him over me?"

crybaby looked confused. "what?"

"i asked elita, and she gave me the whole list of everything you want in someone. hell, she helped me make sure i fit into the list- stick with you till the end, don't judge you or mock you, put in effort..." she paused. "the one that hurts the most is don't waste your time, cause you sure as hell fucking wasted mine."

tears began rolling down crybaby's cheeks. "you really think i-?"

"don't act like i didn't see what just happened," alexis yelled. "why do you think i'm stood here? i wrote that note, crybaby, and i was about to ask you to the dumb dance. i've been here for you through everything, and you pick some random asshole who doesn't give a shit about you over me?"

crybaby looked away in shame.

"you know what- fuck you, crybaby. i'm done."

alexis stormed away,

hoping crybaby was hurting as much as she was.

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