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◥ "New Course" ◤

"...calling Miss Villin to the principal
office..." the static voice coming from the speaker.

The announcement ended abruptly, all heads turn to the figure sitting in the corner of the classroom lazily staring out of the window. The figure raven hair waving as the wind met her hair.

She sluggishly turn her head to face everyone's confused face. "What?" She said harshly. Their heads snap right around, continuing what they're doing.

"The principal called you three minutes ago." Said the teacher.
"I'll go" she said muttering other form of words under her breath.

The raven-haired figure stands up taking her backpack with her.

  On her way to the principal she stops on her track, instead she walks slowly.
  " Shit " she muttered. As she realised she's in front of the door, decorated with gold and silver.
  After taking another breath she opens the door that seem to be bigger than before.

  There the principal sitting on her chair looking at the papers of her table. Infront of the table there are three chairs as if it waiting for her. But why three?
  As the figure unhurriedly enters the office, the figure also lifts her head to face her.
  " Why aren't you late for 5 minutes, dear... " The figure smile in a mesmerizing way.
  " Sorry the teacher hold me. " The figure with black hair lied.

  The figure with white hair smile sweetly at her while gesturing her to sit on the chair Infront of the table.
  " Dear, you still remember about the course? " The white haired figure says.
  " Which one? " She questioned.
  " The one with you and two others went to learn earthlings. " The white haired figure explain calmly.

  After what seems to be years of debating the figure with black hair finally gives up.
" Fine I did got the highest score and stuff and that's it. " The girl says in defeat while waving her hands on the air.
" Wonderful dear.. you finally remembered it!! " The white haired figure exclaimed while clapping her hands playfully.
  " Thanks gran.. " She said while rolling her eyes.

  " Anyway I have a very very interesting offer for you. Only for you. " The white haired figure Aya seriously and much more calmer.
  " And what's that...? " She questions her.
  " Let's say I have two people that you have to guide for one or two years in the human world in return for a big favour" She explains while rummaging through the stacks of paper on her desk.
  " So I know that lately you've been getting bad scores not plus the many times you skip class and so on and so on. " She added.
  " You'll erase 'em so I get better scores? " The girl with black hair ask jokingly while laughing under her breath.
  " Yup. " She simply answer while sliding a piece of paper to the black haired girl.

  A wave of schock spread all over the black girl that quickly turn into a huge grin.
  " So who is the person am I babysitting for? " She ask looking down to the piece of paper.
  " You'll see. Come again tomorrow if you agree to this contract. Also, no they can't know that you've been to the human world more than once. The white haired figure addressed hurriedly.

  The girl just nod and take the piece of paper and wave good bye to her principal. She took another long way to get to her class while reading the piece of paper she's holding. She just laugh in disbelief and continue to walk faster  while chiming to her class. She can't believe this she don't need to get good grades or anything.
  She will still be guarantee to graduate and go straight to her destiny. Even more lucky when she got to her homeroom class floor the bell rang just on the time. It can't get better than this can they?
  As she walks cheerfully past the announcement board she saw something that catch her eyes. Fixated on the announcement are written.
  " We shall be happy. Since 3 of our proud students will be send to earth to learn and be in contact with a real human for 1½ year.
    They will go to earth on Friday the 13th. "
  Honestly she can't believe this, she'll go to earth in four more days. No wonder the crowd are talking about them. They're confused at the sudden announcement but intrigued as well. They are all probably wondering who are they?

  This reaction just fulfill her more. It makes her grin much more visible than she normally do. All of them seems to be shock by her out of character smile.
  " Hi there guys? How are you? Mine is  wonderful bye bye. " She questioned the gang of boys and quickly skips to her classroom.
  " Hi.... there??? " They answered quickly while darting their eyes to any thing that they can focused to with a questioning look on their face.

  As she reached her classroom she took a quick peek inside to make sure no one is there. After making sure no one is there she took a very short steps to her table while humming cheerfully. She then grab her backpack and continue to walk to her home.

  While walking home she saw a petite girl with a dominant long brown almost red hair on the distance who seems to be bullied by a bigger figure than her. Without thinking she quickly push the bigger figure and sticking her tongue out
  " Come chase me I bet I can run faster than you! " And she quickly run and look back at the bigger figure to follow her.
  The figure angrily chase her, ignoring the petite girl.

  " Get down here! You fucking pussy ! " He cursed her who is currently sitting on top of the balcony looking down at him.
  " Hahaha ya right in your DREAM!! " She answers him screaming while giving her middle finger to him as she continue her escape  up the balcony to the roof.

  After she go to the top of the roof she run quickly to the other side of the building and jump down to the balcony. After she sat foot on the ground she continues her run around the corner. When she arrives to the exact place she saw the petite girl, she's gone.

  She just shrugged it as she will probably and definitely won't meet her anymore.
She finally arrive at her house as she quickly ran up the staircase to her room.  She can't wait anymore, but there's still something bothering her. Who is she going to babysit, well she hope that they won't be a burden.

- Ep. 0 Prologue
- Ep. 1 New course 
- Ep. 2 Earth
- Ep. 3 Making friends
- Ep. 4 
- Ep. 5 
- Ep. 6



Kinda did this in a rush hope you like it*
Anyway... My writing style changed alot if you read my first book

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