Ice Cream《Narancia》

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Ice Cream

(Y/n) has been apart of the mafia for as long as she could remember. Her father brought her into the world of violence, her mother passed long ago.

That is how (y/n) was the first member of Bucciarati's team. She befriended him quickly, soon their bond becoming that of siblings. She was younger than Bucciarati by four years, her currently being 16 while he is 20.

Since (y/n) was the first member she was able to see the team grow ground up. She knew each member individually and grew close to most of them. Yet the one she was closest to was Narancia, whom was a year older than the girl. Today the gang had a day off, leaving (y/n) to be currently in her room doing nothing.


Out of nowhere her bedroom door slammed open startling the (e/c) eyed beauty. Her eyes fell upon the person who so rudely barged into her room to be Narancia. She put a hand over her chest and breathed out slowly to calm her rapid heartbeat.

"Nara, you scared the living shit out of me," (y/n) rolled her eyes and closed them. She was currently laying on her bed. 

"C'mon (n/n)! Let's go get ice cream!" Narancia said like a child pleading with their mother. (Y/n) let out a sigh as she got out of bed, she knew all to well that even if she didn't want to there was no changing Narancia's mind about going out somewhere with here. 

"Fine, just gimme a sec I need to change," (Y/n) replied shooing the boy out of her room. (Y/n) ended up putting a (f/c) shirt on and some skinny jeans, she then put her vans on, opening her bedroom door. She saw Narancia waiting on the other side, fidgeting nervously, causing (y/n) to furrow her eyebrows. Narancia seemed to be thinking about something so she coughed to get his attention...which it didn't. So then she waved her hand in front of his face which didn't seem to get his attention either. 

Then (y/n) felt herself get shoved forcefully into the orange loving boy. (Y/n) noticed Fugo passing them, sending a smug smirk towards the two. 

"SUCK MY DICK YOU BITCH!" (Y/n) shouted out of embarrassment with a pink tint spreading over her cheeks. She couldn't help but feel flustered as Narancia wrapped his arms around her out of instinct, her arms resting against his chest.

Narancia on the other hand was snapped out of his thoughts, which were about how he should confess to the funny, loving (y/n). He wrapped his arms around the girl who was rudely pushed into him and stared at her features while she was yelling. He felt his cheeks warm up as his eyes grazed over all her features. Her (e/c) eyes that sparkled when she laughed, her cute nose he just wants to boop with his own, her plump (l/c) lips that he wanted to kiss oh so badly-

"W-we should go now," her smooth voice said to the male, her voice he wanted to constantly hear. He knew he fell for the shorter girl but he didn't understand to what extent. He nodded and slowly let go, wanting to hold (y/n) some more. 

(Y/n) wished to feel more of Narancia's warmth as he let go of her. Yet they walked out of the house, but not before Bucciarati told them to take care. They walked along the sidewalk, chatting and joking around, neither of them forgetting the intimate moment that happened before. 

"I saw Giorno practicing the torture dance in his room," (y/n) said while giggling at the memory. Narancia frowned at that, did she like Giorno? He was no match against the 15 year old. "I find it sweet how badly he wants to fit in with us."

"But no one can beat me at that dance," Narancia puffed out his chest with false confidence, wanting to impress the (h/c) haired girl walking next to him. (Y/n) couldn't help but burst out laughing, making the boy falter, she couldn't help but find the dance itself amusing and entertaining. 

"You should do that dance more, I love watching you do that dance. It always makes me laugh somehow," (y/n) said with a cheeky grin, not knowing she was boosting the purpled eyed boys confidence. A slight blush covered his cheeks as he smiled at her and nodded vigorously. 

At that moment, they were greeted by the ice cream parlor. Narancia made sure to hold the door open for (y/n). (Y/n) got a (f/f) ice cream while Narancia got orange creamsicle. The two decided to sit down and eat their sweet treats while enjoying the beautiful view of Italy. (Y/n) would secretly glance at Narancia who was preoccupied with eating his treat happily. 

(Y/n) knew she had a huge crush on the boy sitting next to her. She loved how he would always make her laugh, and how he would always try to make her happy. He was really sweet, even if he could act bratty at times. He was always clingy when it came to (y/n), and she noticed, she guessed it was probably something to do with past. She couldn't help but think of him as an overall cutie. 

Narancia took a glance at (y/n), only to meet her eyes that were staring at him. He choked on air, not being prepared to see his crush looking at him. He felt himself becoming flustered, his mouth hanging slightly open. (Y/n)'s eyes widened as her cheeks flushed red, she had been caught staring. She was too embarrassed to notice how he was reacting. (Y/n) was mentally freaking out and was frozen in her spot, luckily they both finished their ice creams. 

Without his own knowledge, his body moved on his own, slowly leaning closer to the person he cared deeply for. Before long, their lips met and neither could comprehend. Both of them, without thinking, kissed the other like it was destiny. After a couple seconds they slowly released for air. (Y/n) couldn't seem to realize that her long time crush kissed her, while Narancia just wanted to kiss her again. The feeling of her soft lips made him want to kiss her forever, he needed more. 

"(Y-y/n) I-" Narancia was cut off by said girl kissing him softly. His eyes widened and he looked at her eyes that were shut. He closed his eyes and held her face in his hands. He just couldn't seem to get enough of her. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck and the kiss seemed to get more hungry. (Y/n) pulled away panting.

"N-nara, we're in public," (Y/n) stuttered flustered. 

"(Y/n), be my girlfriend?" Narancia asked with glistening eyes.

"Of course, I mean we did just almost make out  in public," (Y/n) said rolling her eyes, cheeks slightly pink thinking about her first kiss. Narancia gave the girl a cheeky smile, proud of himself to be able to finally call her his own.


[word count: 1,198]

Published, January 18th, 2020

𝑵𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝑱𝒐𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒆 𝒙 𝒇𝒍𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ;)

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