Trying too hard. Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I don't own the picture above and have only done basic editing.

"We know," Subaru mutters as he looks away and leans against the wall in the empty hallway.

"Exactly, how long have you known that she was with us? And why haven't you come to help her? Can't you see she's suffering? She feels like she could die any moment over there." I speak in a low but clear enough voice to let him know of my frustration. Subaru, however, scoffs in return and turns fully towards me, now pushing himself away from the wall. 

"Listen, as you can assume, I don't call the shots in my so-called family. As a matter of fact, I couldn't care less about saving that blood bag, let Ayato take care of it himself." My frustration turns into anger in a matter of seconds as a frown forms on my lips.

"I never took you for such a faker. But, thanks for letting me know that I'm talking to the wrong person." I don't bother sparing him another glance as I start walking away, in hopes of finding Ayato. I hear a low sigh behind me but no further attempt at the conversation from him. "You're pathetic, and I'm not surprised it's you I'm saying it to." I mutter, knowing he heard me, which is why he appears in front of me and grabs me by the throat, pushing me harshly against the wall. Even from the impact, I don't falter and my expression stays hard, knowing that any pain will only satisfy him. 

"Say that again and I won't just grab your throat, I'll cut it open." As if to prove his point, he applies more pressure on my neck as I simply smirk.

"Go ahead, I dare you." He grits his teeth as he reluctantly lets me go, knowing his threat was of no use. "You know this, and I don't need to tell you, but you can't find your way to Yui without my help. So you better reconsider your threat towards me- if you want your blood bag back." I stare directly at him and crack a small smile, letting him know of my victory, as I begin to walk away. "Let Ayato know of my proposal." I remind him while all I hear in return is a huff of irritation. 

The whole day continues on without any other interruptions or hard work from me and I finally sit in the limo, waiting to be taken home. However, a small tap on the window breaks me out of my trance and I look up to see Ayato looking around nervously. I sigh and get out of the car, knowing we don't have much time before my brothers show up.

"What do you want, Ayato?" 

"Subaru told me about Yui. How can I get to her?" I stop myself from smirking as I look around once again and then back up at him. 

"Look, I want you to take her away as soon as possible because I know she is suffering there, with us. I don't know how you treated her back at your mansion but it seems to certainly be better than us. So, I will leave the window to my room open. Yui's room is right beside mine, so it will be easier for you to find her. I will try my best to keep the brothers distracted as well, but you'll have to be quick. This happens two nights from now, when Kou will be out for work, and Yuma will be out for his personal business- meaning, half of the brothers will be gone- easier for you. You can't make mistakes." Ayato intently listens to me with his hands in his pockets and once I am done speaking, he looks back up at me and nods lightly.

"Got it. I'll be there." 

"I'll let you know if something changes, but that's unlikely. Now, go before anyone sees you with me." I lightly push his shoulder and he starts walking backwards, his expression letting me know he is in deep thought. 

"Thanks." He turns around and disappears instantly while I get back into my car, continuing to wait for my brothers. After some time, the door finally opens to reveal Ruki, Yuma, and Azusa entering the limo. My eyes narrow at the sight and Ruki looks up, instantly knowing what I am thinking.

"Kou disappeared sometime during school hours. We don't have any idea where he is." I sigh and look out the window, completely over their behavior. 

She will be able to escape, won't she?

I look out the window in hopes as I remember my own struggle for freedom, only to end up with another cage to be trapped in.

I run as fast as my legs can handle, perhaps, even faster than that as I hear gunshots being fired behind me. A huge fight had broken out in the abandoned village after a few dangerous thugs had entered the premises. I feel the hands of my friend slip away from my grip and I look back to see him slowing down. 

"What are you doing?! We need to move!" I grab his hand again but he tugs himself closer to the village. 

"I have to get my mom! I'll be back, wait somewhere safe for me." He says and runs back before I can protest. I step back in fear and hide behind a broken-down house nearby, waiting for him to come by. After waiting for a couple of minutes, I hear rushed footsteps coming in my direction. I begin to leap out, assuming it's my friend, but the voices stop me in my tracks.

"Did we get everyone, including the boy?" My eyes widen at the question and it takes all of my willpower to not come out screaming at them at that moment.

"Yup, all the bodies are piled up back there."

"Well, then, let's go if we're done here. We should at least let them burn in peace." The group of terrorists laughs maniacally at the statement as they walk by me casually, a few of them holding snipers and rifles in their hands, while one tosses a grenade in his hands. I whimper in fear but none of them seem to hear me because of the noises in the back. Once I am sure they are all gone, I get out of my hiding place and look back at the village to see it burning down, fire spreading quickly as far as I can see. Without thinking, I go closer to the village and yell for my friend, hoping he is still there, alive. 

"Where are you?! ... Can you hear me?! Please, come out!" 

I frown as my memory restricts me from remembering his name and most of his face. I distract myself for the rest of the ride by looking out the window but my mind only wanders back to the memory.

I collapse on the ground, not having any motivation or energy to walk out of there and not caring if the flames engulf me. That is until I hear footsteps behind me and I look up to see a young Yuma, covered in burns and dirt. He looks up at the burning village for a while as if admiring it crumble down in front of us, then gazes down at me. 

"You know we can't stay here, right?" He says weakly as he tries to help me stand up but I only resist. "Do you want to burn here? Would your friend want that?" His voice rings in my ears as my head shoots up in his direction. He tries to help me up again and I oblige to his actions without further question, still in shock. The next thing I remember is us stumbling across an orphanage.

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