Just let it all out. Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I'm not even kidding when I say this, but I think I put all of my frustrations in, like, the whole second half of this chapter because god damn... 

I don't own the picture above and have only done basic editing. 

I open the window as Ayato enters my room and then turn around to see him looking around my room.

"You know, you could've just teleported here?" I ask him and keep my hands on my waist, bringing his attention to me.

"I'd rather save my energy for when I need it. I haven't been at my best lately, anyway." He smiles lightly and turns around, ready to leave as I follow behind closely. "I saw your brother, by the way,"

"Which one?"

"The book worm." My eyes widen at the mention and I walk in front of him before he can reach the doorknob.

"You mean, you saw him? He saw you?" He simply nods.

"I was outside and looking up at his room, he was by his window so, naturally, he noticed me standing there. He didn't do anything about it, though." I narrow my eyes at his description but he casually walks past me and begins looking around as if that will assist him in finding Yui any better. "You seriously couldn't sense her? I smell her scent, it's faint but it's enough." 

"Maybe it's because of your bond or whatever. I never really drank her blood so I wouldn't be able to catch her scent as well as you, I guess- I don't know."

"Still not used to being a vampire?"

"Well, it's just the blood-sucking part I hate. Other than that, I feel like a normal human- who can teleport, is extremely fast, strong and abnormally cold- yeah." I nod my head lightly as he chuckles and looks at me, walking beside him. 

"You can be funny when you want to be, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." I smile at him and suddenly realize the situation we are in. "Uh, I don't think we can relax so much right now; my brothers are still home and if they see you-"

"One of them already did, and he did nothing about it." Ayato points out with a smirk on his face and I reluctantly nod, knowing there is no point in arguing with him. He stops in his tracks suddenly, making me stop with him and look around to see we were now in the basement. "She's here." He walks over and opens a door to see Yui quivering in the corner of the dark and cold room, looking extremely weak. 

"Oh my god, you're incredible, Ayato." I pat his shoulder as he stands at the doorway, dazed. "Yui!" I whisper as she looks up, breathing heavily, and wrap my arms around her tightly. "I am so sorry, I thought you weren't here, I really should've looked harder." She weakly wraps her arms around me and pats me on the back.

"I-it's okay." The tremble I hear in her voice is enough for me to know that she was basically dying in here while I thought she had gone away.

"What have they done to you?" I trace her pale cheeks when Ayato steps closer and grabs Yui's wrist, making her wince. "Hey, go easy on her! She's clearly lost a lot of blood!" 

"And tell me this, what's the reason behind her losing so much blood in the first place?" He narrows his eyes as I sit there silently. 

"A-Ayato-kun, I can't leave... I'm too weak to do that." Yui whimpers as she clutches onto her slightly dirty clothes.

"Are you siding with the Mukamis?" Ayato growls lowly, quite clearly feeling betrayed by the reluctance Yui is showing. 

"Maybe it is for the best, she needs to rest for a while." I hold onto her to help her balance herself but Ayato just scoffs.

"Look, I know you're worried, but I can't stay here any longer. We need to go before your brothers come here. Thanks for everything." He quickly mutters and disappears with Yui. I sigh and hear quick footsteps coming in my direction but I don't bother facing the doorway. Soon, shadows are blocking most of the light from entering the room, which makes me finally look up at three of my brothers.

"What the hell? Where is she?" Yuma asks and fixes his hair while I stand up and walk up to all of them. 

"You all knew she was here all along and none of you even bothered to tell me!" I yell at them as Ruki walks behind them, looking absolutely defeated. I push the others aside and walk up to Ruki, harshly pushing him back in anger. "And you- you thought you were so smart, acting all high and mighty! "We are not like the Sakamaki brothers! Don't compare us to those bloodsuckers"! What the hell was that all about, huh?! You are even worse than they are, you locked her up like an animal! Did you even bother taking care of her? Or was she just a blood bag for you now?" Throughout my raging, Ruki remains quiet as he stares at the ground blankly. "Why are you so quiet now?! Did you see the color of her skin? That was not normal for a human! And it's all your fault! Why are you all so obsessed with becoming this "Adam" anyway?! Did he pay you to do this or something?!" When none of them speak up, I yell out one last time. "I deserve answers from you! After all you've done: how you made me feel so useless, completely helpless and just simply dumb!"

"Anna, please... understand-"

"No!" I cut of Azusa with a shout, something I've never done before, which is why he ends up flinching. "I won't understand! Tell me something, Yuma, was that wolf thing all part of this too?! To make me feel like I'm going crazy?! Because, trust me, I am." I walk up to him, my voice turning into a growl as I speak every word. "All of you will regret this." I begin to walk off when a hand grasps my wrist, making me harshly shake it off. I turn around to see Kou's hurt expression but that doesn't make me lose my ground. "Don't touch me." I point at him and walk off, not wanting to see their faces any time soon. 

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