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I wake up and rub my eyes. This is odd, Deku usually wakes me up to change me and to say goodbye. As I look around the room I see his desk is all messy. Now that is even more unlike him. Then on the floor there is a rag. Before I can get out of bed to go look for him, Mr. Aizawa runs in.

Aizawa: "Tell me that boy is here!"

I was startled but smiley nodded no.

Aizawa: "Ugh! Did he run away!"


I begin to tear up. Scared of what might have happened to him. Deku...

Toga: "So.....did you do it?"

???: "Honestly couldn't do it without Chisaki's present. I had to get rid of his quirk for a bit. You know my quirk won't work if he doesn't believe he's a villain. I do have brainwash ranked at D."

Mistress B

Name: Ahmya Ito
Quirk: Suggestion
She can suggest different personalities, traits, and actions to a person by brainwashing them. Only if the person really wants to do the suggestion it will be permanent otherwise it will go away in 2 weeks.

Toga: "Don't worry Ahmya, I know he's a villain at the core. Besides I know Shigaraki wanted him back."

Ahmya: "Okay. Well I'll catch you later Toga."

Toga: "Bye~!"

Toga: "Cmon Shigaraki!"

Shigaraki: "What is i—is that, Deku?!"

Toga: "I hated your sour attitude so I brought him back. I had Mistress B take care of him since he started to believe he could be a hero."

Shigaraki: "If he joins us again, we'll have the spotlight again."

Toga: "We can also help him!"

Shigaraki: "WHAT?"

Toga: "He has a determination to get rid of quirks. He was telling me all about it before he left."


Toga: "Then what's your goal, lea-der."

Shigaraki: "Well, to kill All Might."

Toga; "I get that but like, why?"

Shigaraki: "Why..."

Toga: "I joined your little group because I was told our 'leader' had a solid goal and determination on his mind. Not for a child playing out orders."

Shigaraki: "Why you...."

Kurogiri: "She has a point."

Shigaraki: "Huh?!"

Kurogiri: "All for One, wanted to restore order to the world by helping the weak. So he began to steal quirks and make his own group. Since most people saw what he was doing was wrong he called it the League of Villains."

Toga: "Now that's a motive!"

Shigaraki turned to me furious, I simply smiled.

Shigaraki: "A motive for killing All Might..."

Deku: "Ugh....my head..."

I could feel my head throbbing. I could hear voices but not quite understand what they said. As I opened my eyes and looked around I couldn't recognize where I am, or who these people were."

Deku: "Uh....who are you?"

I could see this sort of misty guy nudge the dude with a hand on his face.

Shigaraki: "We are the League of Villains."

Deku: "Villains?"

Shigaraki: "We do what society deems 'evil'."

Deku: "Okay....why?"

I could see him frozen there.

Shigaraki: "That doesn't matter. All you need to know is that you're Deku. You are our spy in a school training heroes called UA. You also have a quirk."

Toga: "Yup! Your quirk is....um....you never got around to telling me."

I could see her look over at the misty guy.

Kurogiri: "I don't know either."

Shigaraki: "*sigh* You have the quirk named Psychic ranked S. You can control and manipulate physical and mental abilities and attributes."

I try doing something and I can hear multiple voices. Even if the three in front of me. They aren't moving their lips though.

Shigaraki: "I'm going to guess you're reading our minds and everyone around a 1 meter radius. Don't do that for to long otherwise you'l—"

Deku: "Ah! My head!"

Shigaraki: "Yeah, your quirk has limitations. Either way I'm your leader and you will listen to me. So come on."

I stand up and follow him into what looks like, a bar?

Toga: "Either way we have some of your notebooks. You should read them over to see what you were doing and your actions and thoughts were."

Deku: "O-Okay."

She shoved me into a room with notebooks on a desk with only one light hanging above. I guess time to see who I was.

I Can't Be A Hero, Then I'll Be The Villain ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now