Happily Ever After

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Summary: Post somewhere after Graduation and in Angel S1. What if Xander came to LA and found Cordelia trying to do her commercial, at the same time that Angel's watching? What if Anya never came back right after Graduation, unable to stop herself from thinking about Xander?

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Buffy and Angel. They all belong to the creators of these awesome shows.

A/N: Because I have no clue how to speak Giles' analogue or totally act his part out, he's not in here. Forgive me for killing him off, but you know all writers, even fanfic writers, need to sacrifice at least one character in their stories.

Buffy watched as Angel stood between two vehicles and looked at her that night, before turning around and walking away to leave her and Sunnydale behind forever. It was time for him to start a new life and he knew exactly where to go. Los Angeles, California. The City of Angeles. He could be seen as an angel by most. He thought LA would suited him well. He would always love Buffy, but she deserved more. Someone human. She deserved as much of a normal life as she could get. He was a vampire with a soul. Not a human.

With a heavy heart Buffy, Xander, Joyce, Dawn, and Willow attended Giles' funeral a few days later at noon. If he rose as a vampire, Buffy would have to stake him; kill her previous Watcher and father figure. Before he had died during the battle of the class of '99 graduation, he had had a love of a father for her. More so than the others.

One Year Later; September 15, 2000

It was a beautiful day, as Buffy and Riley walked side by side in front of the college. Riley Finn and Buffy Anne Summers were together. Buffy was the Vampire Slayer and Riley was a soldier-like guy. He worked for Dr. Walsh' team that captured vampires, demons, and etc. And he was good at it. They had been dating for a few months now and knew what each other did. Riley even joined in with the patrolling on the nights he wasn't working.

Willow, Oz, and Xander caught up with them, Willow and Oz hand in hand. Willow and Oz went to college with Buffy but not Xander. He didn't have anything worth going to college for. But he did visit the college sometimes. They just didn't always see each other like they used to. The only time they actually got in a group was if something was going on. In fact, they hardly ever patrolled together anymore. It was mostly Buffy and Riley who patrolled. Willow and Oz usually had a lot of homework. And then there was Oz having to be locked up in a cage on every full moon night. After all, Oz was a werewolf every full moon. A Child of the Moon.

Her friends walked beside them, Willow and Oz on her left, Xander on her right where Riley was.

"Hey, Buff," Oz greeted.

"Hey, guys," she greeted back.

"We're free tonight if you wouldn't mind us joining you," Willow announced.

"Sure," Buffy replied.

They looked at their friend.

"Xander?" Willow said.

"I'd love to," he said.

"But?" Buffy said.

"Come on," Riley urged him.

"I can't. I'm going to LA. See how things are over there. I've been thinking and I really want to go visit some places in LA," he announced.

"Yeah. You go ahead. We'll try not to have too much fun without you," Willow announced, knowing he was going to go see his ex.

"Have fun," Buffy implied.

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