Chapter 3

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Melantha's POV

I left a grinning Arthur behind me while I was walking. I was so tired so I signaled a taxi to come and take me home while I was in the taxi I remembered what my mum's Last words to me she said "open the necklace when you're above 20 " I tried opening it when I was 21 but I was scared of what's inside it so I waited 3 more years and today am opening it. I have been saving money since I was 20 just incase if I need it.

At home

I opened my apartment door and my black cat 'Buffy' welcomed me. she kind of has my personalty like she goes somewhere secretly and come back just fine. she is also extremely cautious.

I went to my bed and laid there thinking of what's gonna happen. I was deeply in thought I slept with my cat next to me.

At night

I felt something fluffy moving in circles against my face. I found my cat moving around and I automatically guessed what was going on 'someone is in my house' I moved slowly and put my ear against the door and heared 3 pair of feet moving. I heard 2 of the people leaving. I thought 'great I bet they are after me'. I took my bag and put my cat, pens, electronics in it I was about to jump but I just remembered my necklace I rushed to it making loud steps. I heard the steps of people coming to my room I guess they heard me.I rushed to my balcony and jumped off. it's not really high when you know martial arts and know how to jump. I spotted my red Chevrolet and ran to it. I opened it and turn it on. I drove as fast as I could so they lose me. while I was driving I thought to myself Where I should go and there was only one place in my head.

Arthur's POV

I was still in my office searching 'scorpion' in my high technology screen. I told my employees to go home. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear that someone was outside knocking on the door. I looked at my screen and I couldn't believe what I saw. I saw melantha in her PJ's with a bag that had something moving inside it. her brown hair was down and messy that made her look hot.

I rushed to the door and opened it with a big smirk on my face. I found melatha looking at me with her big hazel eyes. she said "I need a place to settle in because robbers came to my house and I thought there was nobody except you to come to.". my smirk became a grin but it fell when I remembered that she said robbers came to her house. "so......" she began talking again " are you going to let me in or what?" I snapped out of my thoughts and said "huh?.. oh yeah of-f course, co- Come in. " ugh I mentally slapped myself and thought I never lost my words in front of a woman.

in my office

she came in and sat herself down. we stared at each other for seconds then I said " so.... do you want to tell me what happened?"


I am so sorry I was so busy with my school works bcuz it was exam week.anyway what do think. it's heating up isn't it.

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