>> 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 28: The Escape

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♪ It's a Fantasy, They'll be seeing you soon.... ♪



Lolbit was awoke with Baby's scream from outside the room.
A yell that was full of worry, That in the moment she woke up, she couldn't not to Jump from her laying position to a Sitting position.
She took a few breath full of fright, Before throwing the blanket off of her.

As she planned to get up and rush to the door, she noticed that something was laying on her laps.
She picked it up, as she tries to realise what it was , and why it was lying on her lap and without her noticing it. Since at the part in the room that she was at was pretty dark, she couldn't exactly see what that was.
She brought it up, where some light was Entering from the cracks that's above the door, so she could maybe see it better, And figure out what it was.
Then she remembered....

It was the book Foxy gave her.....

She stared at it, doves into it's look, as she remembers the dream she had, where she got the book. Until another yell bothers her Concentration.
Lolbit quickly put the Book Inside her pillow sheet, then Hop off her bed and rushes to the door.
She strengthfully shakes the handle, trying to open the door, But it was still locked.

"I Don't know!! Where could she be?!" She hears Puppet saying to Baby, in madness that came out of worry.
She closely listen to their conversation.

Baby Sighed. "I don't know..But I'm taking a weapon and Going to look for her." She said.
Lolbit could hear her Heavy footsteps quickly going towards the table, then getting away, as she walks towards the door of the room.
"I'll Join you in a sec, And I'll tell Bonbon and Freddy to Help too." Puppet said calmly and seriously.

"Thanks Puppet. It whould be much appreciated If you do it." ,
"Of course. I'll meet you in the hallway."
Then the door of the Room quickly opens and shuts, Probably Baby went out.
She decided to not stand there and do nothing. She didn't even knows what They're talking about, Who's gone?? And why?? And where??
Only one way to find out, huh..

She aggressively shakes the handle, then knocks on the door loudly. "Guys!! Open the door!!" She shouts and knocks.
From the cracks above the door, she could see Puppet Passing by, Probably Taking a weapon from the weapons collection besides the table. That was her chance.
She knocks on the door again, and screams Puppet's name.
It was enough for him to hear her calling for him one time. He went over the door, and looked on her from the cracks.

"Yeah?" He asks calmly, not sounds as worried Like Baby.
"What are you talking about, who's gone??" She asks seriously, sounds like an 'outsider' kid that wants to know what's his classmates talks about, Though he/she knows they won't tell them (A/N: Literally me in Elementary school, Not an effing joke, It's still hurts to remember that).

"Ballora's gone." He said, with sudden cold voice, then paused, suddenly sounds like it's bothering him. "She was supposed to do Foxy's shift Instead of him, Like in every night. But she didn't.." He explained still with cold voice, and paused again. "She wasn't even here...She Just..Vanished".
He Finished explaining. His cold gaze fell on the floor, not moving from there, what makes Lolbit look on him weirdly. Though she also upset From the news about Ballora, But Puppet's Sudden reaction was....Weird...

"You look very bothered by it.." Lolbit said calmly, tries to ignore the fact that what was happening there was absolutely weird.
Suddenly, He raised his gaze towards her.
A very cold look. A look that was full of emptiness, no emotions, no nothing.
"Why wouldn't I be? Do you think it's Funny to lose a friend?" He replied with emptiness. His cold gaze was still on her, staring into her soul, And it wad absolutely Freaky.
At this point she couldn't hide her 'weirded-out-and-Freaked-out' look.
"You're talking like she's dead, Snap out of it Dude." She said with a small smirk, what supposed to be an calming smirk, But it was clear she just tried to hide her 'freaked out' expression.
Though he didn't really cared About it. He Just passed his Gaze on the ground, with no other reply, leaving an awkward silence between them.

When The Secrets Falls (A Minecraft Five Nights at Freddy's Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now