>> 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 32: So, Are we going to the Basement? (Pt.2)

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Read chapter 31 before this!!! I kinda did a mistake earlier and accidentally published chapter 32 before chapter 31, And now it won't fix it!!!
So PLEASE, pay freaking attention before I'm gonna freak out again!
Edit: Haven't I made it clear enough, for god's sake??

*It's short, Like I said in the last chapter, so don't expect much to happen.
Btw, appreciate it, I'm literally staying up after 2am to write you it, show some respect to the poor author who had 1 Panic attack before sitting for 3 hours straight and writting you this :P*


"Sooo, where are we going?" Bonbon broke the few moments of silence that spreaded in the place.
Baby Sighed. "Well, We're going to--"
"To the Basement!" Lolbit stepped aside her with fake grin, bothering her words.
"Are you sure? Because it's sounds like Baby wanted to say that we're going somewhere else.." Puppet asked, though he didn't even bothered to look up to her since he was too busy bandaging Baby's hand.
"Oh- No, No, No.." Lolbit chuckled and waved her hands, Implying that what he said was Incorrect. "Me and Baby agreed That we're going to the Basement!" She shortly explained in 'happy' manner. "Right? Baby?" She then asked {threated} Through her teeth, though still keeping her smile up.
Baby Sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah.. Whatever, I guess.."

"Ok, if you say so." Puppet got up on his feet after he Finished bandaging her arm, then started walking to one of the corners in the room to put the supply there. "You're the leader after all" He added, then walked up to them.
"Leader.." Lolbit quietly muttered in disbelief Under her breath while rolling her eyes, Because after all, to her claim, Baby wasn't her leader.

"Oh, And speaking of being the leader, I asked Freddy to come with us and he didn't came yet. I wonder where he is..." Baby told.
Lolbit's eyes suddenly widen.
"D-DON'T WORRY ABOUT HIM!!" she Jumped and claimed. Then noticed how everyone looked at her with in confusion from her sudden reaction.
"I mean-" she Straighten her standing position, "Don't worry about him. He's Juuust Fine" She said with reassuring voice, then leaned on the wall besides her, as if everything was alright from the begining.

Baby Looked at her with seriousness in her eyes. "When you say it like that, It doesn't sounds like he's 'Just Fine' ", she Crossed her arms.
Lolbit stopped leaning on the wall.
"I said, He's Juuust Fine." She clarified Through her teeth in threating manner.

"....You need to control your anger" Baby claimed then looked away.
Lolbit huffed rudely, then also looked away.

It became quiet in the room.
Everyone looked around, minding their own business and forgetting what they were supposed to do, Until someone Remembered and remind them.

"Well, aren't we agreed to go to the Basement?" Baby interrupted, got everyone back to reality.
"Oh yeah" , "Right".
They muttered embarrassedly, then started stepping towards the Elevator's room, not even noticing Baby stayed behind them.
she waited for all of them to go so she could see if no one was left behind.

"Ugh, What a day.."


Chapter 31 was originally written at: 14.5.19
The dates chapter 31 was written and translated on Wattpad: 16.3 , 17.3.20 , 18.3.20 , 19.3.20 , 20.3.30 , 21.3.20 , 22.3.20 , 23.3.20 , 24.3.20

Chapter 32 was originally written at: 14.5.29 , 15.5.19
The dates chapter 32 was written and translated on Wattpad: 24.3

Count words: 1,0489 (Includes the A\N , The Number, and this sentence)


Weeeelppp... Hey!

Long Time no see, Huh?...

Welp, I'm sure most of you don't know it but...I got writting anxiety.

It's when I'm keep telling myself that my writing isn't good enough, And then I'm stgartid to think Extreme things, Like 'What if it'll fail me and will make me abandon this book?', And those stuff gives me huge anxiety attacks (Look it up on google, You Lazy butts).

Yup, It's horrible.

My Mom thinks It's because of my school, so she wants to move me into another school next year, Which I don't know if it's a good thing or not. Because I do remember myself this whole year complaining and claiming that I'm moving into my BFF's school next year, But then at some point I got used to EVERYTHING, And even earned a wonderful Friend Aizooai, And I really don't want to lose connection with..! But then in the other hand, My Mom wants to move me to my BFF's school, which is what I wanted from the beginning. She wants to move me into a new school, New place, New looks, To a place I don't know anyone except my BFF. I..I really don't know, And I'll have decide really quickly because The school year is almost Ending , And it's freaking me out even more, Ya know what I'm saying..

And I'm home all day, In quarantine Because of the Coronavirus, So It's only me and my thoughts, If not so then me and my TV untill 2am. (I'm Watching 'Friends' :3)

Ya know that my school trip got canclled because of the Coronavirus? I was supposed to go out to it on the 18th of march Untill the 20. It's friggin upsetting!!

And I'm Not that scared From THe Coronavirus... Idk, Since the 1st time I heard about it I thought "Well, It must have Happened before, So there's no really a reason to freak out about it, right?". Soo, I'm Pretty calm!

And wielp, That's a bit of what's Happening in my life.

About the next chapter..I have no Idea when I'm going to write it. Idk If I'll start tommorow, Or If I should take a little break (Because My writting style got half ruined because of a break), Idk. But what I do know is that I'm getting closer to the point where I stopped writting the story last year, and you know, I'm not really freaked out about it. I thought about a great continuation (Idk why I freaked out about it too much), But Because Of my anxity Problems...I'll try to End the book until the ending of this year or for the longest, Untill The End of Summer break. I can't keep writing this story Forever, Ya know....





But for now...Don't Forget to smile, Love.. Wash your hands more than once a day and be safe from the virus....


When The Secrets Falls (A Minecraft Five Nights at Freddy's Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now