>> 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 31: So, Are we going to the Basement? (Pt.1)

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*Couldn't thought about better title, Sorry :P*
*Note: I splitted the Chapter to 2 parts Because it's seems right in the story, though the next part gonna be a bit short :P*


*Meanwhile Upstairs*

Lolbit turned her back to Baby and Puppet, then started walking to the End of the hall.
"Where are you going??" Baby asked her seriously, still covering the her hand in the place the arrow was stuck in, so no more oil will be spilled.
Lolbit angrily turned her gaze to her "To the Basement, Duuhh!!!" She answered, then turned her gaze back and kept walking.
"But what if she's not there??".
Lolbit stopped her steps.
"Seriously?!" She turned her whole body to her. "So many stuff happening, mostly they're coming from the basement that it's supposed to be obvious at this point!!" She Seriously replied. Baby notice sophistry in her voice, and it made her mad. She wasn't afraid to go down to her level
"Yeah, but you never know." Baby teased back, pretending to sound like Lolbit.

Lolbit took her hint, And it just made her ever more angry.
"Are you trying to get me to be Angry?" She pointed her finger towards her and walked a few steps to het direction, trying to scare her Though it obviously didn't work.
Baby huffed rudely.
"Maybe I do and maybe I don't.." she Crosse her arms.

Lolbit growled Furiously, making her palms into fists.
And as she came to step towards her, Something bothered it.

"Sorry guys!! I'm late!!!" Bonbon shouted, running down the hall from Foxy's room.
Taking their attention, They quickly changed their positions so he won't think they fought.
"What took you so long?.." Baby calmly asked after he arrived to them, as she putting her hands on her hips.
Bonbon drifted his gaze up on the ceiling.
"Weeelll.... Let's just say..I had a very Important meeting in the bathroom.." He told embarrassedly, then got his gaze back to them.

Lolbit started to worry.
'He was in the room??.. He was there when I tricked freddy???...' She thought worryingly, and as she thinks more about it, it's worrying her even more, though she kept it inside her.
After thinking, she noticed that it became quiet. No one spoke. so she needed to find something to speak about.
She started looking around, searching for anything 'Interasting' to start a conversation about, And Also to throw her mind off that worrying Topic.
After a few moments of looking around, she found absolutely nothing.

Her gaze fell down, then Landed at Bonbon, who was standing Infront of her, he was looking around, minding his own business. And then when he finally looked to his side, Lolbit saw something Peeking from his ear.

When she looked on it better, she noticed a little pare of Headphones peeking from his ears.
Her eyes widen.
"And why are you wearing those headphones?" She asked, making all the attention go to him.
Bonbon raised his eyebrow in confusion. "I'm wearing headphones?" He got confused for a second, then realized what she were talking about. "OOOooohh, You're talking about these??" He pointed on his headphones, then took them down. "It's because I heard songs while I was using the bathroom." He replied with confidence.
After lolbit heard what he said, she felt relief.
'That's great!!' She shouted in her thoughts, as a small grin growth on her face.
"Great, That's means you didn't heard Freddy shouting.." she mumbled in Happiness under her breath, though she said it quite louder for the others to kinda hear it, then pass their gaze to her.
"What??" Baby asked, making Lolbit quite panic.
"Nothing!!" She managed to reply Seriously though panicky.
'They CAN'T find out. I'll be even more dead if they will'.

As everyone took back their gazes from her and looked around, the first thing Bonbon's gaze fell on was Baby, and her hand that was dripping oil.
His eyes widen in worry.
"Baby, What Happened to you?!" He asked with shock.
Baby drifted her gaze to the little blue bunny that was standing next to her, and looking on him as if she don't know what he was talking about. "What are you talking about?" She raised her eyebrow in TONS of confusion.
At this point, her hand was fully numb, and she managed to even ignore that Feeling. "Your Hand!!! What happened?!?!!" He started being over panicked.

When The Secrets Falls (A Minecraft Five Nights at Freddy's Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now