Chapter 7: The Happy Hotel

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It was the next day, and I didn't realize that Charlie and I were lost in our conversation that we both fell asleep in each other's arms. We both still had the same clothes as yesterday. I looked over at the sleeping Charlotte, I remember waking up to this beautiful face every single morning, it never got old. Every morning I would admire her beauty while she slept in peace, and I'm doing the same thing now. I smile softly over at her and kiss her forehead. I gently got up, not trying to wake her and head towards the closet, picking out a new outfit for the day. Going towards the bathroom and shutting the door quietly behind me, I strip my clothes off and turn on the shower. I stepped inside and started to clean myself up. After my shower and drying off, I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom, heading downstairs and towards the kitchen. 

I tie my hair back and put on an apron, beginning to cook breakfast. While I make breakfast, I also make a pot of coffee for everyone. I make breakfast for my teammates and then when the evening comes, Niffty and I take turns in making dinner. I hear the door open and in comes Niffty and Husk. Once I finished making breakfast, I served it to them and went upstairs to where Charlie is. I go into my room and see that she is still in the bed sleeping, curled up in the blanket. I couldn't help but smile at her, remembering what I woke up to every morning when we were both alive on Earth. She looks so beautiful with her peaceful expression. I go over to her and shake her shoulder gently.

"Charlie, time to wake up dear," I told her in a soft tone, earning a groan from her in response. She opened her eyes slightly and looked towards me, seeing the smile on my face towards her. 

"Good morning  my  dear, it's time to wake up!" I said to her now that she was awake. She sat up on the bed and stretched out her arms while yawning. 

"Good morning Al," She replied to me, now waking up fully. Even with her bedhead, she looks so amazing. 

"I made breakfast and coffee, come on downstairs," I told her, smiling softly towards her. 

She nods and gets up from the bed, only to lean on me, still tired. I smile towards her and pick her up on my back, she doesn't care and only cuddles into my back in return. I start to walk downstairs and get to the table where Niffty and Husk are eating and discussing what they should do today. They looked over at me and saw Charlie being carried on my back.

"The fuck? Since when do you start giving piggyback rides? And what is she still doing here!?" Husk said towards me, referring to the half-asleep princess on my back.  I set Charlie in a chair and hands her a serving along with a cup of coffee in the way she would make it in the living world. I hoped she didn't change her taste because that was the only way I knew how to make her coffee. 

"Well, one, she is a princess, two, I don't want her to hurt herself, three, Charlie and I were reconnecting and we lost track of time," I stated towards Husk, giving him a look.

"Leave them be Husk! They're so adorable!"  Niffty yelled at Husk, trying to get him to shut up about Charlie being at my house. Charlie was eating her food and drank her coffee, she smiled in satisfaction, in both the food and the coffee.

"I forgot how much I loved your cooking Al, you also remembered the way I make my coffee!" She smiled up towards me and I felt pride inside. 

"Actually, I was hesitant at first because I didn't know if you changed your liking in your coffee, but I'm glad it stayed the same," I explained to her and smile widely. I sat next to her while she ate and then suddenly, her phone started to ring. 

She looked over at her phone and picked it up. Her eyes went wide and she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She said in a hesitant manner, sounding like she is scared.

"Charlie where the hell are you!? We have the interview with Killjoy remember!? Get your ass over here!" A female voice yelled at Charlie from the other side of the line. Charlie held out her phone a little from her ear so that it won't be that loud while the other woman yelled.

"S-sorry Vaggie, I'll be there in a bit, I ran into an old friend and lost track of time and spent the night at his place." She tried to reason with the other voice through her phone. All I could hear from the other person's  response was yelling. It was loud enough that Charlie held her phone away from her ear again. 

"What!? How could you be so careless Charlie!? Wait, did you say he!? If that person did anything to you I swear I will make sure that he will regret doing anything to you." The other person named Vaggie yelled. She seems to have a lovely personality, she probably has a lot of friends with an attitude like that.

"No Vaggie, he didn't do anything to me, we were just talking and we both fell asleep. It's been ages since I've seen him." Charlie retorted to Vaggie, looking at me with pleading eyes to help her. I would if I could, but this is a conversation between her and her friend, it doesn't involve me. 

"Fine, whatever, just get over here before the interview starts." Vaggie stated on the other end of the phone. 

"Alright, I'll see you there, hey before I hang up, did you get a hold of Angel Dust?" Charlie asked her companion and got a no  in response, making her look down with a saddened look. 

"Alright, see you in a bit," Charlie ended the  conversation, hanging up the call and looked up at me. 

"Well, I better get going if I want to make it to the TV station in time. Thank you for the food and letting me stay for the night Al, I hope I get a chance to see you again." She smiled softly at me with a sad glance.  She kissed my cheek and headed out of the door. I wanted to come with her, but I don't think it would be wise for her to show up at the television station with the Radio Demon, it wouldn't be good for her reputation that she spent the night with me. I also don't want her father finding out that I found Charlie. 

About an hour later, I'm walking around in my territory and I pass by a crowd of sinners that are surrounding a television. I walk towards the crowd to see what all the commotion is about. Once I see what they are watching, I had a curious look on my face. It was Charlie, she was talking about her plans to start a hotel that rehabilitates sinners  to get them to go to heaven. Nobody was understanding or responding to what she had to say. Suddenly music started to play and she  started to sing, my head tilted in confusion, does her father agree with this? How long has she been working to achieve this goal. Shes always had a knack in trying to find the good in people, even people like me. 

After the song ended and people started to laugh at her, my blood started to boil, but she told Katy Killjoy that they had a test subject. It must be that fellow she was talking with Vaggie earlier, Angel Dust was it? Why does that name sound so familiar. My question was answered when Tom Trench questioned if it was the porn star. It clicked into my head that he worked for Valentino. Charlie was holding her ground until Killjoy received newfound information from a turf war that is happening somewhere around Hell. Charlie tried to hold her own from  Killjoy and called her a bitch. The news reporter was furious, and both her and the princess started to get into a fight on live camera. I should probably go over by that hotel of hers and check if she is alright. She may need some help running this whole thing.


Next chapter! Sorry I haven't been able to post anything, I've been busy with school but I have been writing this little by little and writing the outlines at school on a doc. I'm shocked that this book has already received 1k views! It's only been available for what, 1 month? I'm really happy you all like this and I plan to keep going on this book. Thanks guys!

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