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Rosa POV:

After spending a week in New Jersey I got a lot closer with Nicks mom. Honestly I love the fact that his family accepted me and made me feel welcome I was so nervous about it. Anyways we're back home sadly. Nick had to drag me out of Jersey. I really wanted to stay there. Nick is back at the boys house and since I barely had time to catch up with Edwin he invited himself over actually let me rephrase that he invited himself to have a sleep over. Why? Idk but I'm not mad about it I miss my ugly brother.

"So how was Jersey" Ed

"I love it and his family is so nice actually his mom and I got a lot closer"

"That's nice" he sat there for a quick second and turned around to look at me while we're sitting on the sofa watching a movie "so I have something to tell you"

"Omg please don't tell me you got someone pregnant mom is gonna kill you"

"WHAT?! No no no no that's not it at all damn you're crazy" Edwin shook his head and laughed a little

"Oh- then what's up" At this point I was just kind of scared on what he's gonna tell me

"You know how much I love you right?" ed asked me making me more nervous than I already am

"Yes Edwin I know but can you please get to the point"

"Rosa before you guys left I think Nick cheated on you"

I looked at him not knowing what to say. At first I was mad but then again I'm hurt. How do I know if Edwin is lying to me? Ugh now I'm starting to wish to be back home

"How do you know? I feel like you're lying to me. Edwin please say this as a joke" I asked

"I wish I was but the day y'all left I went to his room since I was looking for my shoes and I found a neon pink type of shirt  and I know it couldn't be you since you don't like wearing neon colors you said it looks ugly" Ed

"I mean it's true neon colors are ugly but I- I really don't know what to say is that why you're here? Dude why haven't you gone off on him?" I tell him

"Because knowing you might do that so what's the point I mean yeah I'm mad at him for it but idk if it's true or not I could be wrong" he tells me and I shook my head

All night Edwin tried to cheer me up. I'm so glad I have a brother like him. Honestly was this trip was just for him to feel better about himself or what? I seriously have no words. The next morning I woke up and reached over to night table and grabbed my phone as usual I got a text from Nick saying goodmorning

Baby 🥰-
Goodmorning baby hope you slept well. Just letting you know I got studio time later on today so if I don't answer you know

I just left him on read I really didn't wanna talk to him today. Anyways I did my morning routine and went to the kitchen and seen Edwin made breakfast and a note saying "goodmorning sis hope you're feeling better! I made breakfast but I had to run back home and get ready for studio. I'm stop by later on tonight to check up on you okay? Love you kiddo -Edwin"  well maybe I should do something.

I went to my room and got ready for the day. I put on something casual and grabbed my keys, wallet, etc and left the house. Yes I locked the door.  About an hour drive I pulled up to a spa salon. To make me feel better I was at the salon all day. Around 6pm I was finally done and I feel a lot better and I got my nails done and everything. Before heading back home I stopped by to get something to eat. As always Nick texted me again and I ignored him once again. After that Zion texted me. Seriously the one day I decide to have a nice relax day everyone wanna text me.

Zion 🙄❤️-
Hey bestie

Eww don't say that but what do you want

Zion 🙄❤️-
What?! I can't text my best friend wow

The only time you call me bestie is when you want something so what's up

Zion 🙄❤️-
You know me so well but I was just wondering why your ignoring Nick? What he do ? I thought y'all were good


Zion 🙄❤️-
Nah you ain't gonna stop talking to me just for that
read 7:30


Rosa stop ignoring my texts

You know what I'm coming over


I rolled my eyes and waited till Zion came. About 30 minutes he came and we talked. Edwin showed up and asked me how I'm doing after last night but what he didn't know was Zion was in the kitchen munching like always and eventually he told Zion. Honestly at this point I'm just fucking over it. I've been texting my mom telling her I wanna go back home but of course she said I can't run from my problem but I just don't know what to do anymore. Like if it is true I don't wanna see him around anymore. Since Zion and Edwin gonna end up staying the night I just went to my room to watch Netflix but I ended up passing out early.



Hi guys I'm back. Yes I know uploading is way over due but I went through so much during the summer I had to take the time to process things. I had to make sure my mental health was good. It was a long process but I promise I'm better. I honestly miss writing so much but since I was gone for so long I felt like I lost touch so if this chapter is so bad I apologize. The fact y'all were still reading this while I took a break means a lot to me ❤️. We're at 20k reads and I'm so happy. Anyways hopefully I write better chapters in the future. Also I'm stuck on writing ideas for chapters so if you wanna help please feel free to dm me (:

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