Chapter 6

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Me and Magnus were being dragged from the floor as both tried to get up.

"All invaders has been taken captive and there was no sign of Optimus Prime." Starscream said

"So tell me, commander, where might your leader be?" Megatron asked

As I kept on trying to get back on my pedes, Megatron kept punching me on my abdomen, but it didn't really stopped me. I did suffered worse.

"I honestly admire your will to get up, Cadet." Megatron hits me again, "But you do realize that I once torn out your dear brother's voice box and extinguish your sire's spark."

I choked out some energon before wiping it off, "Oh I know." as I get up again, "And that's why you're going to pay for that!" I yelled as I charged at him, only to get knocked back near the edge of Darkmount.

"Cadet!" Magnus cries out for me, but this time, I was too weak to get up.

"For a femme, she's rather resilient." Megatron complimented. "I will not ask that both of you again."

"If we knew, we wouldn't tell you." Magnus said.

"Very well, Starscream assume to eradicate them and let it be known that this world now belongs to Megatron." The warlord said.

"Master, something is coming." Starscream said as he pointed out into the distance.

"The predacon?" He asked

"Hmm...not beastly enough." Starscream said as he backed away a little.

Magnus was able to get up a little to see what they are seeing. I pushed myself from the floor to see what are they starring at.

"I know that color skim." Starscream said

I squinted my optics to see the familiar red and blue bot that we all knew. Optimus is alive! I saw Megatron's face and he was indeed shock. Funniest thing I've seen from the warlord himself.

"Wait..He can't fly, can he?" Starscream said.

Right when Optimus landed, it felt like everything is in slow motion. Optimus punched Megatron, knocking him towards his throne. He then took out a machine gun and took out the rest of the guards. Starscream backed away from the Prime, only to ended up getting punch and knocked back from Magnus. I got up on my pedes and decided to join them.

"Commander....Cadet?" Optimus said

"Sir, you're looking.....robust." Magnus said, "It is paramount that we deactivate the fusion cannons from below."

"Understood." The Prime said before flying off again.

"All Units, Optimus Prime is alive." Magnus said through the comm link before facing me, "Trying to push yourself up while being injured is becoming a bad habit of yours." He said as he came closer to me.

"I suffered worse, sir." I said, "I've given Agent Fowler the signal to strike, it's best if we clear the area."

"Very well." He said as we ran towards the edge and jumped off, landing on his ship.

I kinda almost fell. I yelped knowing that I'm literally struggling to hold myself onto the ship's edge. Magnus must've noticed me, as he immediately rushed, grabbing my servos as he pulled me up. I thanked him as we both made it inside. I checked the scanners to see a cluster of aircrafts heading this way.

"Autobots, clear the area." Magnus said through the comm link as we all evacuated Darkmount, only to watch it get destroyed.

In the distance of the highway was a white and blue Autobot standing there. He does look familiar, better ask him later. Anyways, everyone gathered around him as Magnus landed the ship a few feet from the team. Everyone got in safely as we head off towards the harbinger to fetch Ratchet and the children.

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