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"They're gone! I can't believe him! I'm going to kill him when I see him! I hope he doesn't die so I can strangle him myself with my bare hands!" Tony's yelling wakes up Jensen and Daisy. He kicks the wall in front of him and lets out a loud groan, partly because of the pain now in his toe, but also out of his sheer frustration.

"What are you on about?" Jensen groans as he props himself up on his elbows. He rubs his eyes and squints in his direction.

Daisy groans and peaks out the top of her head from her sleeping bag, just so she could see Tony raising up a piece of paper in the air and waving it around wildly.

"Alec. He left a note! A freaking note! They're all gone! The entire. Freaking. Pack. Gone!" He stomps as he paces back and forth in the room. "I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him."  He mutters to himself. "I just can't believe he would do this after—" Tony shakes his head, not finishing the sentence.

Jensen and Daisy glance with each other before sitting up completely in their sleeping bags.

"All of them? So, everyone is gone?" Daisy asks first.

Tony doesn't look over as he continues to pace. "Yes! Didn't you just hear me?" He groans as he runs his hands through his pile of chocolate curls repeatedly. "I can't believe him." His respect for his brother has just hit an all-time low.

"But last night—" Jensen begins.

"Screw last night, that obviously didn't mean anything. We obviously didn't help him acquire crucial information so that he now knows where to go, and..." Tony stops in his steps and turns on his heels to look down at his friends. "If we get on the road now, maybe we can catch up to them. They can't be that far already."

Tony slides on his knees on the carpet as he rushes to his corner of the room. He begins to furiously pack his things into the large, black duffle bag.

Daisy and Jensen share a look. "I say we just go with it," she whispers.

Jensen nods.

Daisy and Jensen begin to pack their things as well, although, not as furiously as the Italian boy.

Once all of their things are packed, they go to the car, wasting no time. This time, Jensen sits up front and Daisy in the back.

"You got it mapped?" Tony asks, putting the car into drive, pressing lightly onto the gas.

"Hold on." Jensen types in Purpose International, Topeka into his phone. "Okay, I have the address. Two hours and fifteen minutes," he announces after pressing a couple of buttons on his phone's screen.

Tony turns out of the driveway while glancing over at the GPS. Instead of pressing onto the gas gently, this time, he slams onto it, shooting out of the neighborhood at a dangerous speed.

"Oh, good Lord." Daisy lets out a squeak and holds into the edges of the seat so she doesn't jolt forward.

"They're probably already there... What's the plan for when we get there?" She asks from the back.

Tony sighs as he makes the turn out of the neighborhood, pulling out onto the main road. "I guess we find out who the bigger boss is. I imagine that's what he's planning to do. But considering we're heading to their headquarters... I doubt they made it that far."

"What do you mean?" Jensen turns to him. There's a hint of urgency in his voice, like he knows the answer already.

"I think they were sending us to the headquarters on purpose. As a trap. Because that's what they do to us, they trap us and take us, and then does God knows what. No one's exactly lived to tell the tale, so..." Tony tells them and clenches the steering wheel tighter. The veins in his jaw stand out more as it tenses.

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