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Blood drips off the tips of his long, pale fingers. Each crimson drop rolling down fair skin until it reaches the end. It falls. The blood drips into darkness--into nothing.

Then, the harsh bang of a gun-shot echoes in a swirl around his head. The sound is suffocating and as soon as it's there, it is gone. Now, he stands into complete silence, the dead sounds of the violent gunfire still vibrating in his ears.

Jensen's eyes open in a panic. The ceiling above him reflects the vibrant neon shine coming from his irises, casting an eerie glow in his room.

He sucks in a sharp breath and his body shudders as he struggles to regain a normal breathing pattern.

Simultaneously, in Kansas, Alec paces in his room at his pack-house in the middle of the night. He runs a hand through his wavy brown hair with a swift tug. A loud sigh leaves his lips.

A face appears in his mind. Auburn hair, smooth skin, wicked smile. The image felt slimy, like a reptile.

Alec shoves his chair against his desk, making it connect with the wood with a loud bang. His hands shake at his sides as he leans back against the window behind him, the sudden urge to kill someone with his bare hands surging through his body like a virus finding its way onto a computer.

Without willing it, Alec's claws shoot out, replacing his fingernails.  A low howl escapes from deep inside him.

The memory of Ariana's sweet voice calms him for a half a second, "Alessandro, focus on me. Remember, a wise man is slow to anger, and a fool is quick to it. What kind of leader do you want to be? Wise or foolish?"

His claws retract. A shudder ripples through his body. Then, as soon as it came, another memory invaded his mind.

Her limp body laying against his arms, her blood-soaked shirt, and the sound of an engine--the fleeing of the auburn-haired demon.

He yells out multiple profanities in the images wake and blindingly throws random objects off his desk and across the room.

A stapler lands on the ground where a woman leans against his door frame.

A smile loosely sits on her lilac-painted lips. Her electric blue hair lays on top of her crossed arms, and the studs lining her revealed ear, leaving hardly any room to see her fair skin underneath, glint harshly from the artificial light above her.

But Alec is too wrapped up in his rage to notice her there.

"Hm," the woman grunts, causing him to finally stop in his steps and to look over. Their eyes meet in a glare.

"Heard you've busy, Alec," the 'c' clicks harshly on her tongue. The blue-haired woman uncrosses her arms and steps closer to the Alpha Werewolf. A smirk plays dauntingly on her lips.

He narrows his eyes that have turned a shade darker at her actions. "And? If I am, it is none of your business." He growls and crosses his arms causing his muscles to buldge out slightly underneath his black shirt. "You were her second hand, not mine. You have no rank here anymore."

He stands deadly still now. "Why don't you just slither back where you came from."

The sarcastic smile disappears from her face and in an instant is replaced with a scowl. "Go to Hell Alec! You're really something, you know that!"

She picks up a notepad that had been thrown near her feet earlier and chucks it at his head.

Alec dodges it easily.

"How could you say that when you know the shit I do for you," she yells at him. "Maybe if you were a real leader, I could leave." Her voice grows quieter. She sighs. "But I can't leave. Because unlike you, I understand responsibility." 

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