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Daisy wakes to a harsh light blinding her vision. She squints and sits up, taking in her surroundings.

Grey, concrete walls surround her on three sides. And straight across from her are metal bars that rise to the ceiling and go into the ground. She glances over at the two teenage boys that begin to wake up. They groan and sit up, squinting their eyes just as she has done.

The girl with hazel eyes walks over to the bars and sets her hands on them in an attempt to push them open. But as soon as her hands touch the shiny, silver metal, a crippling, burning sensation overwhelms her body.

She cries out in pain and falls to the ground, holding her hands close to her chest.

"Daisy!" The two boys yell and immediately rush to her side.

"What the heck happened?" Jensen gasps and looks to Tony for answers.

Tony's dark curls fall partially in front of his eyes. He looks at Daisy. "Silver." He grits his teeth. "The supernatural can't touch silver."

"Wait, so not just werewolves?" Jensen questions.

Tony shakes his head. "Not just werewolves."

"Oh, anything else you would like to tell us before we go touching it too?" Daisy glares at him, not meaning to come off as harsh, but the pain that still throbs in her hands has her on edge.

Tony sighs. "Werewolves are allergic to Aconitum, or Wolfsbane. Lynxes are allergic to drugs-- psychedelics of any kind. And Phoenixes, well, that's a mystery to everyone so..." He looks between them and shrugs. "The other species are allergic to other stuff as well, but I don't remember all of them."

Daisy just nods.

"Can you try to melt the bars?" Jensen asks him suddenly, changing the subject.

Tony shakes his head. "No, our powers won't work on silver objects." He looks around the room, looking for anything that might help them out. "But," he says. "Maybe you could try looking through the concrete."

Jensen nods and his eyes change to bright orange. He stares at the wall behind Tony in intense concentration. "I can't..." he whispers and his eyes change back to their brilliant blue. His shoulders slump and he leans his elbows on his thighs.

"Silver," Tony mutters and moves to sit against the wall. He lifts his jacket and finds that his gun is gone from where he had tucked it earlier. He sighs and drops the fabric. "They took our weapons." He shoves his hand into his pocket and then groans, "and phones." He lets his head drop against the wall and squeezes his eyes shut.

Daisy crawls over to Tony and sits next to him, letting her head rest against the cold, concrete as well.

Jensen moves as well, following in their suite.

Hours pass and nothing happens. No one comes and no one goes. The only sound in the cell is the rhythmic pattern of their breathing. They had tried to peer outside the cell but all that can be seen are more blocks of cells down the dark hall. The only light seemed to be coming from a few sparse ceiling lights.

They had also tried shouting--just to see if someone else was in the cell block with them. There was no response. They were completely alone.

Across from them is grey concrete. The only cells in the room line just one wall, leaving their visibility to an absolute minimum.

"Obviously, silver burns, but what if I kick it with my boots?" Daisy asks aloud as she stares at one of the many grey walls in front of her.

"Silver weakens us. Silver sucks. We've already been over this." Tony groans beside her.

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