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Everything had stopped… my life seemed to be getting more in control. The only thing on my plate was Harry and Ivy’s crazy request but with the help of Mr. Styles and Natalie they seemed to be accomplished with ease. The notes had stopped and I hadn’t gotten one for two weeks. I had also become more fashionable and Natalie was teaching me about different designers.

“So everyone!” Ivy began but the girls were still chattering around her. “Attention!” She yelled and the whole room went silent. I sat on the floor in living room with Natalie by my side. “As you all know Halloween is coming up. AKA the best holiday of the year. Here to tell you about our plans is Natalie who has done an amazing job at planning this year!” Ivy clapped and made room for Natalie in the front.

“So guys as you know Willard is known for the best costumes and that will of course continue this year as well! I have planned an amazing party in the city this year! The dean didn’t want it on school property but like that wasn’t a problem because come on who wouldn’t love a party in the city. I’ve booked the best place! I’m not going to give away any secrets just be ready by four on Halloween there will be a limo to take us to the city and I have already made reservations at my favorite restaurant. Of course we did have to have some chaperones so Mr. Pearson will be coming with us. In separate cars of course.” She smiled. I couldn’t help but shake my head at her for including Mr. Pearson. Halloween seemed to be like Christmas in this house. It was all anyone was talking about. The girls were going as far as hiring make up artists to make them look amazing for the night. I know Natalie, Meredith, and Ivy had been planning this huge bash for at least the last month. After the talk I joined Natalie in her room because I was bored of being alone in my own.

“So what are you going to be for Halloween?” I sat on her bed as she searched through her make up bag.

“This is so clique but I know Wes will love it.” I still wasn’t use to her and Mr. Pearson but Natalie was more mature then I had previously thought. “I’m being a naughty school girl.” She gushed. I burst out laughing at how predictable she was.

“Are you just going to shove it in his face the whole night?” I laughed as she looked as if she was daydreaming about what could possibly happen that night. “Earth to Natalie!” I called and she snapped out and looked at me wide eyed, embarrassed.

“Oh I’m going to shove it in his face all night because he can’t even touch me. But once we get back to the hotel—“

“Okay! Enough!” I laughed as she giggled into her hand.

“Fine. What are you going to be?” She crossed her arms.

“Do I even have to go?” I hadn’t ever been to New York even though I lived so close to it my parents thought it was a waste. The business of it made me a bit nervous.

“Yes of course! Have you not even thought about your costume?” She went to her closet and began ruffling through it.

“Not at all.” I sighed.

“Good because I have the perfect one!” She squealed right before she pulled out a pink robe.

“What is it?” I asked standing up to go inspect the miniscule garment of clothing.

“It’s a Victoria Secret Angel backstage robe! You have be an Angel for Halloween!” She clapped as she pulled out large platform heels. “I can give you big dramatic waves! Oh my god Harry will so want to fuck you!” She smiled brightly as she stared at me. I wanted to tell her that wouldn’t be happening and Harry would only be sticking to our make out sessions every once and a while.

“I’ll wear it.” I agreed to wear it because I didn’t want to have to come up with something else and it was an easy cute costume. “I’ve never even been to the city.” I laughed.

“What?” Natalie’s head snapped back over in my direction.

“Nope.” I smiled a little staring at her shocked face.

“Katherine I don’t even live in New York and I still make it to the city.” She looked offended.

“Well I don’t have a private jet, sorry.” I teased. She stuck her tongue out.

“So tell me more about Harry because I can always sense you are awkward when I talk about my love life, so come on spill!” She urged. I knew I would probably eventually half to talk about Harry with at least one person but I didn’t know what to say. I thought we could be something but I had no clue what was going on in his head. I wish I could tell Natalie about the threats and notes but I don’t want to pull her in to the big mystery of who is stalking me.

“There is really nothing to spill. I mean he is fun that’s for sure and he is easy to talk to… a kiss.” I felt my lips turn into a smile as I thought about him.. damn I was falling hard.

“Oh damn I can just see it now! You at the Halloween party under the amazing lights we picked out and Harry spots you from across the room and just can’t keep his hands off of you’re the whole night! Oh it’ll be perfect!” Natalie gushed.

“You love, love don’t you?” I laughed as I held up the Victoria Secret robe to see how short it came.

“Who doesn’t love, love. It’s the best thing in the world to know someone loves you. It makes me all warm inside.” She grinned.

“I’ve never been in love.”

“I think you will be good for Harry. I think you will bring him back to earth. He loves money and designer everything. I think he has more Louis Vuitton luggage then I do!” She sat up on her back, “But you are so down to earth and such an amazing person. I really am glad I found you.. well I guess I should be glad you found me… on Wes’s desk…”

“I am actually surprised because I thought you would be some psycho crazy bitch, which you are, but in the best of ways!” I laughed as she put her hand to her heart.

“Oh my god! We’re having a moment! This is my first moment with you!” She looked as if she was about to cry.

“And even though I don’t understand half of the things you say I still love you!” I stood up and hugged her. “And you can tell me about Wes and I will just pretend it’s not illegal and that he is not my teacher.”

“Oh my goodness we will have to have a major gossip sesh about our lives but I am so busy planning this party it will have to be after!” She shoo-ed me about just as her phone began to ring. I was happy about my new level of friendship with Natalie and almost more excited for this Halloween party and Harry.  

A/N: Really short! But i just wanted to get to this halloween party because i have soe juicy things planned which by the way that will proably be like three chapters but i just wanted to introduce it in this chapter! Please COMMENT AND VOTE i love to see comments about your guy's thoughts and opinions! WHat do you want to see happen at this Halloween party? What relationship do you want to see more of? Want an chapters in Harry, Natalie, or maybe even Ivy's POV???? Please let me know!!!!!!! 

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