Happy New Year!

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{i realize new years has passed but i saw some cute fan art of kiribaku on new years so i had to}

Bakugou looked at Kirishima like the redhead had just asked him if he wanted to hug Deku: with confusion, anger, and mostly disgust.

"No, I don't want to spend New Years with you, Hair for Brains. I've got shit to do," the ash blond snorted. He adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder and checked the time on his watch again. They were on their way back to the dorms after an emergency grocery run.

Kirishima pouted. Like a goddamn dog.

"C'mon, man, really? You don't wanna spend our first New Years in U.A. with your best bud?" he grinned, punching Bakugou on the shoulder lightly.

"I literally can't think of anything less annoying," deadpanned the ash blond.

"You don't mean that! You're just tryna uphold your reputation as a hardcore badass, right?" Kirishima leaned in and cupped his hand around his mouth, as if he were telling a forbidden secret. "It's just me, man. No one's gonna know if you show your soft side!"

Bakugou shoved the laughing redhead away. "I don't have a soft side, fuck you!" he yelled. With a huff, he marched up the street, not bothering to check if Kirishima was following him or not. He was. The faint chuckles behind him told him so.

After about a minute of silence, the ash blond spoke. "What exactly would we even do?" Kirishima's face split in a huge grin and Bakugou hurried to explain himself. "I'm just asking! That doesn't mean I'm gonna join you, Shitty Hair!"

"Sure it doesn't." There was a smug smirk on Kirishima's face, one that Bakugou couldn't wait to get rid of. "I dunno, maybe we could go for a hike and eat? I don't usually do stuff on New Years but I want to try stuff with you!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he grumbled.

The two boys walked quietly for another minute, before Bakugou broke out into an all-out sprint. Ignoring Kirishima's yells, he called over his shoulder as he ran: "Last one back is the lesser man!" Kirishima, who was holding all the groceries and not the one with a head start, complained loudly. Nevertheless, the ash blond could hear the redhead thundering after him.

Bakugou, a breathless grin on his face the whole time he ran, was certain he would make it back to U.A. first. And he did.

Only about forty-five or less seconds after he slowed to a stop in front of 1-A Alliance's door, Kirishima skidded beside him. The bags were hanging loosely off his forearms and there was a suspicious brown stain on one of them, almost as if the beef broth they bought had opened up.

"You cheated, bro!" the redhead complained. "Plus I had all the groceries! No way was that fair!"

"Life isn't fair, dumbass," sneered Bakugou as he flicked Kirishima's forehead with a triumphant smirk. "You gotta get way damn faster than that if you want any chance of ever beating me."

He seemed to perk up at that. "You mean we're gonna race more? Liiiike over New Years for example?" Kirishima inquired with a teasing simper.

Bakugou sighed. Kirishima grinned.

"Fine, I'll spend New Years with you," sighed the ash blond. Kirishima pumped his fist and did a weird little jump in the air. The beef broth squirted every outside of the bag, causing both boys to flinch back.

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