The letter that explained everything

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James Norrington is unlocking the door of the brig.

"Come with me." James said to Elizabeth but she doesn't move, "Quickly!" He added urgently as she nods to crew and they exit.

"What are you doing?" Elizabeth asked James.

"Choosing a side." James said as Elizabeth exits cell. Bootstrap sees empty cell and looks around.

"Do not go to Shipwreck Cove. Beckett knows of the meeting of the Brethren. I fear there may be a traitor among them." James said to Elizabeth quickly.

"It's too late to earn my forgiveness." Elizabeth told James.

"I had nothing to do with your father's death. That doesn't absolve me of my other sins." James said looking down at his own feet.

Elizabeth looked out to her crew, shimmying along the rope that led to their ship, her ship, and felt something within her...catch.

James Norrington had betrayed her. He had betrayed everything she stood for, everything he himself stood for, when he plotted and schemed and gave the heart of Davy Jones to Cutler Beckett. Even now, perhaps especially now, that betrayal struck deep.

And yet.

Had she not betrayed him? Accepting his proposals of marriage, leading him on, giving him hope when all along her all consuming love for Will had made sure that there was never a hope for the Commodore? Elizabeth had grown up quickly in the past years, quicker perhaps than she should, and the childishness which had pervaded her when she was first taken captive by Barbossa and played with men's hearts so easily was fading fast.

It was time to stop the circle of lies and betrayal. It was time it ended.

"Come with us."

She turned, meeting James' eyes, suddenly turned from sad and resigned to shocked...hopeful. Even after all the time which had passed, all the wrongs between them, he still looked at her like she was worth it all. She could still inspire hope in him. The catch in her chest tightened at that look - it was as though they were back in Port Royal, back to being the 'sensible match' of the town, back to his blind adoration of her. Yet somehow it was also vastly, painfully different because they both knew better than that now.

"James, Come with me."

At the clarification his eyes widened further and she saw him take in a breath that was sharp, disbelieving. However almost as soon as the words were from her mouth a voice called out in the darkness,

"Who goes there?"

He grabbed her, pulled her behind him by the belt around her waist, shielding her with his body. His sword was already drawn and though her eyes skirted the upper deck, looking for the one who'd spotted them, her eyes drifted down almost as quickly as they'd been raised, tracing the line of his jaw, the collar of his coat, small things which she had once been very familiar with in the long hours of polite company and conversation.

"Go. I will follow." James said and gives the letter he had written earlier to Elizabeth.

"You're lying." Elizabeth said as she looks at his frightened face.

"Our destinies have been entwined, Elizabeth... but never joined." James said sadly and kissed her, which he knows it is the first and last kiss he gives her. It is already enough for him. A small but sweet kiss. "Go! Now!" He said to Elizabeth urgently before he turned to Bootstrap and said, "Back to your station, sailor."

"No one leaves the ship." Bootstrap said.

"Stand down. That's an order!" James said frightened but he still trying to sound brave.

"That's an order. That's an order. Part of the crew, part of the ship. Part of the crew, part of the ship." Bootstrap muttered more likely to himself.

"Steady, man!" James said.

"Part of the crew, part of the ship. All hands, prisoner escape!" Bootstrap suddenly shouts.

"Belay that!" James shouts, truly frightened. He then shoots the line between the ships and as he is turning back around Bootstrap spears him, then cuts down to water where Elizabeth is.

"James! James! No!" Elizabeth shouts

When Elizabeth went back to the Empress, she reads the letter that James has given her before his death.

To my dear Elizabeth Swann,

I know I might be dead by the time you read this letter. I want to tell you that if I died, don't cry for me.  I think I don't deserve happiness as I have betrayed your trust after giving Davy Jones's heart to Beckett. I was really upset after the supposed execution of Jack Sparrow as Will Turner has rescued him and when he declared his love to you, I feel my heart is broken into millions pieces. My heart is so broken that I have loss my mind as I ordered my ship, the Dauntless into the hurricane. After that, I lose everything. Including your love, and all the trust of my shipmates as I sent them to death because of the hatred that I have to Sparrow. I really regret that.

I just want to tell you that I have already fallen in love with you when I first met you...when you are 12 and I am 19. I know my love to you will always be there, deeply in my heart. I know I will never have the love from you like I have to you. It seems that you see me more like a friend or an older brother you never have than seeing me as a lover. Although I am really sad at first, I now see myself only a protector to you. I will always there when you need me, protecting you, even it meant for my life. I will even sacrifice my own life if it can exchange for you safety because I really love you. Our destiny has been entwined but never joined. And it seems to be the beginning and end of everything.

Always there in your heart,
James Norrington

She cried after she finished reading it. It is so sad that it has cut deeply in her heart. She is now full of regret that she hasn't save him before it's too late.

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