The Mind of James Norrington After Elizabeth broke their Engagement

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"This is a beautiful sword. I would expect the man who made it to show the same care and devotion in every aspect of his life." James said softly while looking at the sword that he got from the governor that he knows that is made by Will Turner, "My compliment." he added after a while.

"Thank you," Will said looking at him.

"Oh, and Miss Swann...a very best luck to you both..." James said to Elizabeth, the girl he loved more than everything in the world, the girl who is once his fiancée. His heart hurts a lot, to know that she only used him, to save the one she loved. And the one she loved is someone he has saved when he was a lieutenant. Somehow, James has wished he is more romantic, to be the kind of person that she loved, but in the deep of his mind, he will never be and never will, as the one she loved is a bad boy type, like a pirate, and he had vowed that he will never be a pirate.

He saw Elizabeth gives him a smile, he immediately looked down, knowing that it will only cause himself more pain and will cause himself to break down in front of everyone. The humiliation of her leaving him is embarrassed enough, he doesn't want everyone talks about it along with the fact that he is an emotional man under the mask he always wears.

James then turned and began to walk away. But Gillette somehow stopped him as he asked, "Commodore! What about Sparrow?"

"Well, I think we can afford to give him one day's head start," James said softly and gives a nod as he looks at Gillette before walking away with the other marines. He cannot think he can see Elizabeth and the boy kissing, as he knows he will break down immediately. So James just walks towards his office quickly without looking back.

Soon, James is in his own office. He has locked himself in there and starts to drink whiskey, hoping it can drink down his sorrow. James cannot control his tears anymore, his normal mask face has broken. James is just like every man, emotional, someone who cannot control his emotions anymore because of the suddenly broken engagement.

"Why...?" James said in a broken voice, "why you would leave me...? made me feel like I am the happiest man on Earth...and now I feel like I have gone from Heaven to you only accepted to marry me because of you want to save save the one you have decided to use I am someone who has no someone you can be used without losing anything...but do you know how I feel? I loved you very much Elizabeth...but it seems that you never feel the same...I am just someone who was in your life...just a passenger...but not as a lover or never see me like this..." James is now crying with tears fallen from his eyes uncontrollably. He looks down at the box in his hand. He opened it, in there it's an engagement ring. He has decided to give it to her today. But seems like this is a gift that he will never give it to her anymore.

Months later, James has lost his ship the HMS Dauntless to Davy Jones's locker forever, along with all his men who have been with him when the hurricane happened. It is his foolishness and sadness to drive him into the hurricane.

James is now in Tortuga. Again drinking his sorrow. "Why...why everything I do only leads me to misfortune...why I cannot have a happy life for once...why I cannot have someone I loved...he has taken my own fiancée...if I haven't saved him years ago...I would have a chance with act of mercy has cost me my own job...why I have lost everything...including my life...and the girl I loved the most...."

But what James didn't know now is he will have time to redeem himself soon, to be who he is again, he will have his commission again. But he will lose it again to the woman he loved a lot. He will do anything to save her life, even if it will costed his own life in the end. He won't mind sacrificing himself to save her, as he loved her too much. That himself or even her won't know that he will do it, but he did it at the end, using his own life to save hers.

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