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Asuka is in her school and on the way to the ninja room. That room still looks dark but neat. When she sees it, Asuka remembers about her friends or their behavior. Asuka tries not to be sad again and want to forget it. Suddenly, she sees Shin has already there and makes Asuka a little surprised but she try to act calmly.

Shin: "You miss them?"

Asuka: ".......Yes"

Shin: "I see..."

Asuka: "You know. I always have fun with them after training. This room can never change. I promise I will save them!"

Shin: *sigh* "Then....I will support you"

Asuka: *giggle* "Thank you, Shin-kun...."

Shin: "No problem"

Asuka: "I must go!"

Shin: "Where do you go?"

Asuka: "It's a secret. Because it's dangerous"

Asuka leaving Shin alone. But Shin still has suspicious of her, so he decided to sneak her.


Asuka arrived at shrine and Kagura already waiting for her. Asuka looks surprised but she determined to meet her.

Kagura: "Oh! Asuka-chan!"

Asuka: "Kagura-chan...I want to ask a question for you"

Kagura: "Hm? The question?"

Asuka: " there a way to seal the youma without killing them?"

Kagura: "A way to seal the youma without killing them?"

Asuka: "You know of one, don't you, Kagura-chan?"

Kagura: "Of course I do. But why seal them? It's easier to beat them, I think"

Asuka: "That won't work!"

Kagura: "Could you tell me the reason?"

Shin: "Well...maybe I have the strong reason to tell you"

Asuka: "S-Shin-kun! Why are you here!?"

Shin: "Of course watching you, little girl"

Kagura: His can't's just my feelings "Anyway, who are you?"

Shin: "I'm Shin Kamiya, the right hand of Fubuki"

Kagura: " you want to steal information to her"

Shin: "Is my face looks evil for you? Don't worry. I will not give it to her. I work for her because I also have the reason. But the main is.....Asuka....."

Shin explains to Kagura about what happened about Asuka last time. Also, the reason why Shin always accompanied Asuka. Kagura seems to understand and move to Asuka.

Kagura: "You've got your reason, huh? Okay! I'll tell you!"

Asuka: "Thank you very much"


After explain and train her. Kagura decided to end up the session and ask Asuka to train herself. Asuka said goodbye and leave Kagura with Shin but Kagura holds him to talk a bit.

Kagura: "Shin-kun, can we talk a bit?"

Shin: "Y-yes. Asuka you can go without me"

Asuka: "All right"

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