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After Fubuki leaving them, Asuka walks towards her friends and release them. Almost all of them were freed and Katsuragi is the last. Katsuragi awake and see Asuka open the lock on her arm.

Katsuragi: "Asuka?"

Asuka: "Sorry, Katsu-nee. It took a long time to come save you"

Katsuragi: "Hehe...That's right. I can't grab any boobs while I'm tied up like this"

Yagyuu: "Hibari, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Hibari: "I'm okay. It doesn't hurt anywhere. I think I'm just a little hungry"

Ikaruga: "Are you okay, Asuka-san? You seem pretty tired"

Asuka: "Yeah. Listen, everybody, I...."

Suddenly, Katsuragi gropes Asuka's boobs from behind until make Asuka surprised.

Asuka: "W-wait, Katsu-nee! I'm about to say something important!"

Katsuragi: "You can tell us something important later. Wipe that angry look off your face and relax a little!"

Asuka: "But..."

Katsuragi: "Come on, just do as I tell you!"

Asuka begs Katsuragi to stop but she didn't and keep groping it roughly. Until making Homura and Yumi that see it admit her to handle Asuka quickly.

Homura: "Katsuragi's great. She turned back to normal in an instant, after we tried so hard and couldn't"

Yumi: "Yeah. You're right"

After groping Asuka, Katsuragi gropes Ikaruga in same way like Asuka. Yagyu and Hibari just smile and let her did it.

Asuka: "Katsu-nee, there's no time for this"

Yagyuu: "There's no convincing her otherwise. She's always the same"

Hibari: "That's how we all should be. We're always who we are, no matter what's going on. Let's not change. Let's keep doing our best, Asuka-chan"

Asuka: "Yeah! You're right!"


After change into a school uniform, Asuka decided to meet Shin. Then, she sees Shin brood over the near window. She shouts his name and Shin turned a bit see Asuka.

Shin: "Asuka? Why you come to me?"

Asuka: "I just worried about you. Are you okay?"

Shin: "Yeah. I'm okay"

Asuka: " your arm alright?"

Shin: "Hm? Why you ask the strange question?"

Asuka: "I just curious....Your arm was changed when you protect me. Could you tell me why?"

Shin: " can't be helped it....Okay I'll tell you. Since tournament begun, I feel something raging in my soul. I feel there's another spirit that infused in my Mutare"

Asuka: "Infused?"

Shin: "Yes. Suddenly I become powerful but still can't control it until I true form....a monster...."

Asuka: "Shin-kun, you--"

Yumi: "There you are, Asuka-san. Suzune-sensei have been waiting for you. There is something that sensei want to talk about"

Asuka: "O-okay....but—"

Shin: "She's right. You must hurry up!"

Asuka: "How about you?"

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