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Luke knew that this wasn't his plan. But every time he looked at this girl he knew he had to get to know her, but the thing is this girl didn't know why a loser like him would try and crawl after her. She was intelligent, gorgeous and very optimistic to everything. He knew that he was completely falling for a girl that was out of his league.

"Dude you have just been sitting here the whole party, talk to some girls and have a good time" Luke's friend Michael smiles

"I can't, I'm falling for a girl" Luke sighs

"Who?" Michael asks

"Her" Luke says as he points to Laila
who was dancing on the dance floor

"She's way out" Michael laughs

"I know" Luke sighs

"I'll talk to her" Michael smiles

Luke nods.

Michael approached Laila and talked about Luke. To her understanding she knew Luke but she didn't recognise him, she knew him back in primary school and sometimes caught up in high school but she always knew he was trouble and messed up.

Lukes heart was beating so fast as she approached him and plonked down next to him on the sofa.

"Luke right?" Laila smiles

"Yeah" he smiles

"Well I remember you from primary school"


"Yeah" "I know what your like Luke" she speaks

"I see all these guys with amazing bodies and dick attitudes practically eye raping you and you don't seem to mind?" Luke asks

"It's not about your body, it's social implications brought upon this party that we're sitting in, and I'd like to say you've changed but you're always the same. I got a feeling that the marijuana is rotting your brain" she says

He knew he had a reputation for being a womaniser, stoner or just plain cold hearted loser.

"Oh ok" he sighs

"Don't be so down Luke! If you can impress me, one day I'll be there and I hope you will too" she reassures but Luke couldn't help but smile and nod because he was talking to someone he loved even though my heart was shattered into bits.

Laila knew that if she even stepped foot out of this building with Luke she would have a reputation ruined, if Luke wants her bad he needs to prove it.

Luke was just amazed that he talked to her and she gave him a chance.

She kisses his cheek and says "prove it" and prances off.

"Wow" Ashton says

"I know" Luke smiles

"Go for it" Ashton smiles

"I have to change my reputation for this" Luke speaks

"Why?" Ashton asks

"Because she doesn't want to go out with someone who has social implications" Luke explains

Ashton knew that it was so cold hearted what Laila did to him. She told a guy that is completely falling for her that she dosent want to go out with him because she knows he has a bad reputation.

"Sorry bro" Ashton sighs

It was now Luke's objective to sweet talk his way into a relationship.

Laila sat in the other room with some of her friends and was talking about Luke.

"So what did you say?" one asks

"I told him that he has a bad reputation and I can not possible date him, but..." Laila speaks

"But what!?!" all her friends speaks

"But I told him he needs to prove himself and then he can have a chance" Laila smiles

All her friends were going crazy talking about how he's a womaniser and a stoner.

"Shut up!" "There is more to a person than there social image and you'd think that a bunch of intelligent girls would see that. Like come on Luke has nice hair, smile and actual great to talk to"

All her friends can't get on Laila's bad side, she is so popular.

"You're right" one admits

She way out -Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now