Chapter 10

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Mary's P.O.V

After Sam had put Celia in her car I drove her back to Jody's, Alex and Claire's car wasn't there. I guess they had gone to school. I called for Castiel and had him help me carry her into the house. I had gotten the key right before we had left.

He asked me who she was and I explained, he had wondered how he hadn't known. He had been looking after he had found out about Adam but he hadn't found anyone which he found odd.

Celia started to wake up, she had been out for about two hours. At first she couldn't place where she was or who I was.

"Who is that," She asked me and pointed at Cas.

"He's family too, he's an Angel"

"Uhm....Like a real one or one of the other kind?" She asked me.

"I can promise you that I am a real one," Cas said as he showed her his wings. She stared at them in awe.

"They are really beautiful" She complimented him. He looked confused.

"You can see their true form?" He asked, I wondered the same thing, all I saw was the shadow of them

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"You can see their true form?" He asked, I wondered the same thing, all I saw was the shadow of them.

Celia just shrugged her shoulder and picked up her phone and walked out of the room. I didn't even get the chance to ask her about what happened.

My phone rang notifying that I had gotten a message. It was a message from Jody telling me that the vampire had skipped town again and that they hadn't found any lead as to where he was heading.

They hadn't found the other killer either. But they had found a very well hidden security camera that they were going to check out. I looked at Castiel and sent him off to help the boys.

When Celia came back into the room she had a very relieved look on her face. She told me she had quit her job and that she soon needed to head back to Portland to return her FBI gears.

I told her that we needed to talk. She knew what it was but let me explain anyway. I asked her to come back to the bunker with us so that we could spend some time together and get to know each other. It took some convincing to do but eventually, she agreed.

After the boys came back we all ate dinner together before we took off back home. It was a two-hour drive back. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as I sat beside her in the passenger seat.

When we got back to the bunker I showed her around. Next thing I know I hear Dean yelling. Both Celia and I ran into the library where I had heard him be. He was being attacked by the vampire that we all had been looking for.

Sam ran into the room realizing that he had gotten the wrong weapon thinking it might have been a demon or a ghost. Neither of us knew what to do, I looked to Celia to make sure she was okay only to realize she wasn't there.

She had run up behind the vampire and ripped his head of.

Celia's P.O.V

"How did you do that," Mary asked me

Images started flashing through my head, it was more like memories, memories I thought I had forgotten. I looked up to them from my bloody hands.

"I....I think I have done this before".

I think I have done this before"

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