Chapter 2: Avoiding the Issue

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He suddenly stops and looks at his face, a look of horror on his face before he releases his quirk.


~3rd POV

A few days pass, Shinso looking around for Kaminari every time he enters a room. At the same time, Kaminari hides from Shinso. Any time he sees Shinso enter a room, he leaves or moves out of sight until Shinso leaves. As the days build upon each other, Shinso gets more nervous and worried about Kaminari. He starts wondering if making a move and asking him out was the wrong decision since Kaminari has been avoiding him since that evening and it's leaving Shinso unsure of whether he made the right decision or not.

Shinso begins devising a plan to make Kaminari talk to him, but it requires him getting help from Izuku or Kirishima. Looking back on his plan, Izuku seems more likely to help. Especially when you consider the rumors of Kirishima being extremely homophobic, it could turn out extremely bad for the both of them.

During all of this, Kaminari is spending time with Izuku. His friendship is strengthening and their starting to open up to each other. Kaminari for the most part stops talking to Kirishima because of his homophobic nature which threatens Kaminari to his core. Izuku admits to Kaminari that he may have feelings for someone and Kaminari tells him of the situation with Shinso. Izuku looks surprised, but he doesn't make a big deal of it. Explaining to Kaminari that it's natural and the homophobic people are closed minded. Kaminari finds Izuku's passion for the topic interesting, but he doesn't think any further on it.


Walking down the hall towards Izuku's room, he is lost in thought to the point that he bumps into Kaminari walking out of Izuku's dorm. Looking at Kaminari he sees his pupils dilating in fear. Shinso grabs his arm and pulls him into Izuku's dorm, closing the door behind him and turning to look at Kaminari.

"Can you stop running from me please? I need to talk to you." Shinso says.

Kaminari doesn't say anything, he just looks over at Izuku and then back to Shinso who just now realizes Izuku saw the whole thing. He quickly lets go of Kaminari and apologies to Izuku for entering his room without permission. Izuku simply waves off the issue with a smile and grabs their arms to pull them to the back of the room.

"Listen, you two need to talk about this, alright? I'll make sure nobody hears." Izuku says as he walks over to the door and starts playing music on his phone.

Shinso turns to Kaminari and putting his hand on his shoulder he starts speaking, "I know your scared, but whatever you are scared of I can handle. I want the chance at a relationship with you no matter what it takes to make you feel safe."

"I'm scared of what people will think if they find out. I'm scared of being kicked out of being a hero. I don't want to be seen as what they call the bad heroes." Kaminari says, a tear starting to fall from his eye.

"No matter what they try to do, I will protect you. I will not let them kick you out of the hero world. If we need to hide our relationship than I am willing to do that." Shinso reassures Kaminari.

"What if someone finds out though?" Kaminari asks.

"I will talk to them and make them stay quiet about it, even if I have to use my quirk." Shinso says.

Their conversation goes like this for a few hours. Izuku simply leaning against the door and using his phone. He listens to the conversation while playing a game and he's starting to get tired of hearing their conversation looping the same three topics. Kaminari can't seem to get it into his head that Shinso is willing to do anything to support a relationship with him. After another half an hour of the same thing, Izuku is fed up with it and tells them to wrap it up.

So, Kaminari, will you be my boyfriend?" Shinso asks.

Kaminari sits for a few minutes, silently twiddling with his hands before saying, "Yes."

Shinso shoots forward and hugs Kaminari, excited that he finally gave the one word he wanted to hear. After a few seconds, their hug ends and Izuku walks over to give a quick congratulations and kick them out of his dorm. Once the door is closed, Shinso turns to Kaminari and smiles for the first time in awhile.

"Want to come to my dorm for the night?" Shinso whispers to Kaminari.

"Sure." Kaminari says with a smile forming on his face.

Shinso quickly grabs Kaminari's hand and leads him to his dorm. Once they arrive there, Shinso closes the door and pushes Kaminari against the wall. He gives him a quick kiss on the lips and walks into the bathroom, leaving Kaminari stunned on the wall. Shinso uses the restroom and walks out, looking over to Kaminari still standing against the wall.

"Were you really standing there this whole time?" Asks Shinso.

"I-" Kaminari goes silent as Shinso's quirk activates.

"Get your clothes off and lay on the bed." Shinso requests.

Kaminari walks towards the bed and removes his clothes quickly, then laying naked on the bed.

"Mmmm, look at that. Your cock is rock hard." Shinso says as he walks over to Kaminari and slides his hand along his leg, slowly tracing his way up to his inner thigh.

Kaminari is in heaven inside his head. The feeling is addicting, like taking a drink of a cold liquid after eating a peppermint or taking a breath of oxygen after swimming underwater. Shinso is looking at Kaminari's eyes, usually they look empty of life, but Kaminari's look like their glowing with pleasure. He doesn't ever want to miss that look.

Shinso leans over and licks Kaminari's ear. He suddenly stops and looks at Kaminari's face, a look of horror on his face before he releases his quirk.

"I forgot to ask for consent, sorry. Are you alright with sex tonight?" Shinso asks cautiously, realizing he had fucked up.

"Yeah, you're all good." Kaminari replies quickly."

"Alright, lets get going again, yeah?" Shinso asks.

"Y-" Kaminari going silent as his quick activates again.

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