Poem: Responsible

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My message is plain
No mind games to play
I will make it rain
Say what I have to say

You are born on this earth
Grew up into adulthood
Your goal is not your net worth
Instead, it's the greater good

That may seem idealistic and trite
But really it's Humanity 101
If the only value of an apple is your bite
Then death and destruction
Have already won

You dig, emit, trade
Then cash out at the bank
Put most of it in offshore shells
The global system is there to thank
Consequences be damned to hell

The coal, oil and gas is free
Waiting for barons like you to extract
That "kaching, kaching" sound fills you with glee
You only add and never subtract

"Responsible" means caring for the whole
Not just your personal bit player piece
Without that attitude, demise takes it's toll
Disease finally takes over
The golden geese

Extract, produce, consume, cash in
Never had nature's stamp
News of river gold caused strangers to rush in
Indigenous women trembled at the new man camps

We can shake our heads and exclaim "oh well,
This is the world we've made, what can we do?"
But real outcomes will begin their show and tell
And real costs of this corruption will shine through

While resisters may be few
And always risk co-option
Bringing down this decaying zoo
Is our responsibility, the last remaining

~ Gunnar Våken

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