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"Lucy the magic council has summoned you." Master said. I was confused we hadn't destroyed any towns recently.
"Do you know why?" I asked the old man.
"Afraid not. But this means you won't be able to go to the s-class trials."
"Damn I was suppose to be Cana's partner, could I send One of my spirits?" The master though on it.
"I don't see why not will you be able to hold them here that long?" I nodded.
"I can hold up to three spirits for two weeks. When not fighting and up to 5 days fighting. I've been practicing!" I said excitedly. Master looked so proud."I'm going to go tell Cana and then head to the magic Council."
I ran out the door trying to find my friend. Finding her in her usual spot I invited her to my house.
"So Lucy what did master want? She asked me.
"I've been summoned by the Magic Council they didn't say for what. But I can't go with you to the S-class trials so I'm sending Gemini as me to go with you."
Cana started crying. "You would do that for me."
"Your my friend of course I would." I hugged the crying card mage. That night she slept on my couch. I laid awake in my bed, I couldn't shake the terrible feeling I had.
The next morning I packed my bag said goodbye to Gemini and Cana and headed to Era where the magic council is located. It took several hours with multiple train stops but I finally arrived. Checking in with the receptionist I waited and waited and waited, until finally I was called into the council room.
"Now onto our last order of business today Lucy Heartfillia daughter of Layla Heartfillia the previous first wizard saint until her untimely death." I was shocked my mother was not only a wizard saint but the first wizard saint. "It is our understanding that your father Jude Heartfillia has not only lost his railroad company but the Heartfillia Estate." I nodded my head in confirmation. "The Heartfillia estate did not belong to your father it was earned by your mother through hard work she did for Fiore, in her will complete control of the estate was to be transferred to her only daughter. We the council have decided to honor her will and put the Estate in your name. The only requirement is that you must train to take the first wizard saint spot."
I must take over my mothers role. Could I do it? It will bring me closer to her memory, there aren't any cons I can think of.
"I will do it! Three years and I will become the first Wizard Saint!" The council looked down at the young woman a vision of an older woman stood behind her. Those that had known Layla saw that her daughter carried the same determination she did.
Saying goodbye she made her way to the train station to start the over night trip to the Heartfillia Estate.  After reaching the mansion, she went to her mothers special library where she kept her magic books. Summoning Virgo the packed up everything she wanted and her fathers clothes to send him. There relationship might have been rocky but they were just going to waste there. She  also packed up her mothers dresses, so she could make a quilt out of the fabrics. Her trip back to the guild went smoothly. But at her arrival something felt off. Looking at her belt she saw Gemini and Loke's keys shinning then she felt a great loss of magical power, as she opened the door she collapsed.
"Lucy! Are you ok?" It was Laki and Jet the hoisted the celestial mate up and onto a bench.
"Something's wrong Gemini and Loke they are using my power." The power drain stopped. I gave a shaky breath of relief. Then Loke appeared in front of us. He was really injured burn marks, bruises and cuts were all along his body. The Lion spirit sunk to his knees.
"There gone." He whispered. "Acnologia attacked then a dark guild it all went so bad so fast. A barrier was put into place to stop the dragon, then the island vanished Gemini and I were transported back to the Spirit World. I'm so sorry Lucy." I hugged the crying spirit as the guild absorbed every word.
"Go back to the spirit world Loke and get healed and rested we have allot of work to do." The guild started to break out in whispers.
"Jet, Droy, Wakaba, Macao, Mcnab. Get a ship and check out Tenroe Island maybe someone got off before the barrier." I made my way to the bar. "Everyone listen up. You all heard what Loke said. We have guild mates and a master who are gone although I do not believe them to be dead. We will wait for them to come home, and while we wait we will all get stronger to show them how much we've grown to protect this guild our home. We currently have no S-class mages or higher. So everyone's going to have to step it up. We do this for our guild, for master, and for us." Everyone nodded grimly at my announcement. We needed to get power level up we are currently the weakest guild in Fiore.
All of a sudden a man pushed his way through the crowd. "And why should we listen to you? Everyone knows your weak."
I turned to the idiot. "What the Fuck did you just say! Do you want to challenge my authority? Let me break it down for you nice and slow for your teeny tiny brain to understand. My Name is Lucy Heartfillia daughter of Layla Heartfillia former first Wizard saint. I am a celestial spirit Mage of the highest caliber. If you want a fight you got it. I will give you this one chance to back out because I spar with Ezra on a daily basis. So if you want to test my wrath I suggest you do it so I can then kick your skinny little ass all the way back home to mommy." At the end of my tirade the man cowered and backed away I had released what happy calls Scary Lucy.
"No ma'am. Sorry ma'am." Just as he backed away a messenger from the council came.
"I have a letter for whomever is in charge." Everyone looked to me.
"I will take that." The man approached and handed me the letter. It basically said everything Loke told us. "We already knew of this. I will not let the council put a non member of Fairy Tail as Master. You can tell them Lucy Heartfillia is the master now. Tell them She will be receiving guidance from Master Bob of Blue Pegasus and Master Rock of Quattro Cerberus. Although we appreciate the council generous offer we can not accept." With a glare from me and half the guild the man went away without a fight.
The next few days were torture going through paperwork and just waiting to hear back from the search Party. After everything was settled she would go and see if Aquarius could feel the island through the water. Lucy never left the guild, instead she moved from her apartment into one of the guest rooms. Master Bob came and showed her some of the finer points. It was several months before Lucy could take the trip to tenroe herself. In that time her power sky rocketed due to almost constant training she was able to summon six spirits at once. She was also able to master a new form called the Star Dress it lets her copy her spirits powers. She had only been able to fully use Taurus and Aquarius' dresses. But she was well on her way to mastering the others.  There wasn't much complaint from anyone other then that one guy in the beginning but he actually left the guild as did several others. Romeo became a member as did a new women named Kianna she worked the bar like Mira did.
Oh how she missed her friends. The guild was happy but it missed their lost members. Lucy had also changed her style it was for lack of a better word Badass.
Today she was being evaluated for s-class by the magic council. She would be fighting Jura Nekis of Lamia scale one of the ten wizard saints. She wore a black skin tight corset and skinny jeans. Draped across her hips was a belt that had her growing collection of keys and her shoulders carried a black cloak with a galaxy pattern as the lining. It seemed the more powerful she got the more keys she Found. The keys of the Goddesses Artemis, Athena, Hestia, Demeter, Aphrodite, Nike, were just some of the ones she found were all a brilliant bronze color. With the Gods keys were so black they seemed to absorb light. Although she didn't see much battle anymore she was always training.
Lucy stood in front of the magic Council next to Jura in an arena.
"Lucy Heartfillia today you are being tested for S-class power and capabilities. You may begin your fight." Facing each other they scanned each other sizing the other up.
"While it's nice to seen you again Lucy-San I do not believe you have improved for S-class in such a short time I hope you recover quickly." As soon as the words left the wizards mouth columns of rock came shooting after her she used one Columba's a spring board and gracefully flipped through the air.
"Star Dress Aquarius" she whispered. Jura was confused when her outfit changed into a swim suit to and skirt. Using Aquarius' power she had the arena fill up with enough water to get Jura's feet off the ground.
"Water lock." She yelled as the water surrounded Jura in a sphere keeping him off the ground. "You can't use your magic in this water it has nullifying effects because of my power. So either you forfeit or I leave you in there until you pass out." She told the older mage. He nodded his head in defeat as she let the water surround him from the neck down so he could talk.
"I surrender." He said gasping for air. Then the water disappeared and he was set upon the floor. Lucy had gone back to her normal clothes. She helped the man stand up and over to a chair to rest.
"Miss Lucy that was truly remarkable. You should make her an SS-class I could feel her power nullifying mine through the water. It completely overpowered me." Jura told the council members that approached them.
They all shared a look. Before seemingly sharing the same thought.
"You have improved greatly Lucy do you think you are ready?"
"I had a great need to improve. My guild needs me and I need to be able to protect them. Now I can take members on S-class missions so the guild can grow. But am I Ready to be a wizard saint power level wise maybe, mentally I think so it will help me protect the guild and maybe draw in members."
They grumpy old men smiled at her answer she definitely had her mothers spirit.
"Lucy Heartfillia, I Mikeal of the Magic Council hearby bestow upon you the great honor of being one of the ten wizard saints. Use your power wisely Lucy though I have no doubt you will do us and your mother proud." Lucy smiled and hugged the man. After whispering a spell the emblem appeared on the back of her cloak. "Go now and tell your guild."
"Thank you all." She quickly made her way to the train station and back to the guild. As she walked through Magnolia whispers followed her. Soon a crowd followed her back to the Guild where the curious piled inside.
"Everyone I have great news!" I said standing on the second floor balcony. "After Fighting Jura of Lamia Scale the Council has awarded me a place among the Ten Wizard Saints!" Everyone cheered. "Now lets party Fairy Tail Style!"
The civilians left the guild to their own devises. As they spread the word that Fairy tails master is one of the wizard saints.
It had been a full year since the others went missing Lucy and several water mages had gone to Tenroe to see if they could feel the island in the water. Lucy dove into the water as others maned the ship. She could feel the magic of the barrier when a glowing figure approached her.
"Who are you?" The girl said
"I am Lucy Heartfillia the acting Guild master of Fairy Tail. Who are you?"
"I am Mavis Vermillion, founder of Fairy Tail." Lucy bowed her head in respect to the first master.
"Tell me First Master are the ones trapped in this barrier safe?" The girl nodded.
"They are stuck in time. The shield spell I placed to protect them will keep them in a frozen state of time until the barrier is down."
"And when will the barrier come down?" Lucy asked placing her hand on the invisible shield.
"Six more years." The master gave the girl a grin smile. "The barrier will come down in six more years then they can return. I fear once they do that dark times will be amongst us."
"Thank you first master for keeping them safe and for the warning. I must prepare the guild." Lucy spoke. Mavis vanished as Lucy swam to the surface and got back on the ship.
"Well master is it there?" A water god slayer name Aqua asked. Juvia was her hero she joined the guild to try an meet her.
"There is a barrier put in place by the first master of Fairy Tail Mavis Vermillion." I had everyone's attention. "The barrier will last another six years. The ones inside it are frozen in time they will not age until the barrier comes down. But I'm afraid I bring more bad news. Mavis has given us a warning, after they wake dark days will be upon us, what or who our opponent will be I do not know, so we need to train. Once we get to the guild I will go into depth about my plan."
Lucy's plan was quite simple. She was going to take several people to the Heartfillia Estate for vigorous Training. Ten people every other month. She would then take the mage with the most improvement on an s-class mission where the mission was theirs to complete without help. If they succeed they would become S-Class. If she had to interfere in any way or if major healing afterwards was needed they failed. Within two years everyone in the guild had been through the program at least twice with a total of six new S-class mages one of which was the newly married couple of Alzac and Bisca, Bisca became an S-class her third time around. She did it to honor Erza her long time friend.
While she had her gun magic she learned requip so she didn't have to change weapons or self reload. Soon everyone had at least one s-class mage per team but guild numbers were dwindling. Before the other went missing they had well over 200 people in the guild now they were down to 150. Lucy did her best to keep morale up but those that were new to the guild and didn't know the others they didn't understand the reasons everyone was working so hard and left.
Year 2
"Everyone listen up!" Lucy Yelled. The usually rowdy guild quieted down. "We have been offered a spot this year in the Grand Magical Games. I have decided to Enter. I don't care if we win or lose but we will do what Fairy Tail Does best. We will give them A fight they won't ever forget!" The guild cheered. "Now for the everyone who is going we have S-Class Mage Laki." Cheers were given for the busty lavender headed woman. "Next up is S-Class Mage Aqua!" The sixteen year old girl was shocked as everyone cheered for her. "Next up is s-class mage Adam!" More cheers were given Adam had been in the guild for six months before Tenroe Island he had Earth God Slaying Magic. "Next up is S-Class mage Biska!" The cheering started until Biska stood up.
"I sorry I can't participate in the games. We just found out yesterday we are going to have a baby!" She said placing her hand on her stomach as Alzac had his arm around her.  The women squealed and surrounded
"Congratulations you two. Alzac your taking her place on the team. We need a long distance shooter just in case." I smiled at the two they fit each other perfectly. "I can't wait to tell Erza and Mira that you both went and got married and had a baby without them." I gave them a wicked smile. They both paled. Clearing my throat I continued with the contestants,"S-class mage Ace your up. As our Fifth team member. And for reserve we have our youngest S-class mage Romeo." Ace joined the guild after Tenroe his reason for staying was Laxus ironically enough. He was an orphan starving on the streets until Laxus came along. He traveled with him teaching him magic until Laxus disappeared. I could only hope he was on the island with the others. He never stopped looking for the man he looked up too. They went on to take second place in the games. And everyone went on to start their own legends.
Year 3
Lucy took it upon herself to keep paying the rent of the people that were gone being an SS-Class mage made it easy for her to keep up with amount that was after she got rid of  the guilds debt. Without Team Natsu destroying stuff left and right their profile had never been higher. On Lucy's twenty first birthday something happened. She was going through an old closet when she caught a heavenly scent. It was faint but she recognized the smell. The smell of the the air before the storm that crisp clean smell that you can't help but enjoy.
It was days before anyone saw Lucy when they sent someone to check on her she was cuddled up with the jacket. After she finally snapped out of it she called Crux for information. Apparently the scent belonged to her mate. Going through the pictures of the guild she found the coat belonged to a young Laxus.
She kept it close to her always a little piece of him. She had Reedus tell her stories of Laxus when he was small. She began to understand the lightning dragon slayer he was a little like her in the parent department. One day when opening up the guild Lucy was met by a woman with a small child. A little girl name Aribella. The young girl had blonde hair and deep blue eyes. The same scent that came off laxus' jacket came from her.
"Are you the guild master?" The woman was very rude. I simply nodded. "Good you can take her then, her dead beat father belonged to this guild."
I made a split second decision I would adopt this little girl and give her a real family. "We aren't an orphanage so I can't just take her but I can adopt her if you no longer wish to care for her."
"Fine just tell me where to sign." I brought out adoption forms I had in my desk for extreme cases filling them out the mother took her copy and signed without even reading. If she did she would have seen the restraining order clause. She could not approach or have contact with her unless in the presence of two S-Class Fairy Tail mages. As the woman left the girl started crying.
"Hi there, I know this is hard for you but my names Lucy, I going to be taking care of you from now on."
It had been six years and ten months since Tenroe Island disappeared. Everyone was preparing for the return of their missing members. Everyone was doing their part, cleaning, paying for the rent, stocking up on booze for Cana. Lucy decided she would be on the retrieval team, with Aqua and Ace, as well as Blue Pegasus with their flying ship.
On the Island two months later everyone slowly woke up and gathered together.
"Lucy! Where's Lucy!" Natsu yelled. Cana and Master shared a look.
"Natsu, Lucy was never here. She sent Gemini in her place because she had business with the magic Council."
"What?!" Multiple people yelled.
"She wasn't here. Never was. She should be with the guild." Makorov spoke up trying to calm his children. Everyone slowly calmed down and sat around the fire. When a shadow passed over them and a ship with the Blue Pegasus symbol on its side landed on the beach. The gang plank hit the sand of the beach and a blond woman wearing a long dark blue coat that faded into a lighter blue with golden stars lining the hem underneath she wore a white top with a black skirt and knee high riding boots. Her belt hung around her hips hanging from it her keys and signature whip. Her long blonde hair blew in the breeze, a gloved hand covered her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. She took off running down the wooden plank stumbling as she hit the sand.
"Master!" Two people yelled racing after her. They helped the crying woman up. "Lucy-sama are you alright." The girl asked. The boy was frozen after following her gaze. He immediately found Laxus.
"Lucy!" Natsu yelled. Racing to embrace the woman that was still crying.
Erza and Gray Followed soon after.
"I'm so glad you are all safe." Lucy cried. Ace approached Laxus as Blue Pegasus greeted everyone.
"Laxus-nii do you remember me?" He asked. The blond man eyes widened.
One of the mans large hands set on top of Ace's head.
"You sure have grown Squirt." The younger beamed at the lighting dragon slayer, before embracing him in a hug.
"Come everyone let's get you all home." Lucy spoke up. Everyone made their way to the ship but Laxus. Lucy focused her gaze on him. "You too Laxus, your banishment is over. You have been reinstated as a Fairy Tail mage if you want to that is." Makarov looked flabbergasted.
"But Lucy!"
"I am Guild Master of Fairy Tail and I say his banishment has ended. Relax gramps you can finally retire and help out around the guild as much as you want. You've been gone seven years things have changed. Some will surprise you other may not." Everyone gulped as scary Lucy came out. She went to turn around as Laxus set his hand on her shoulder. Golden eyes stared into blue. 
"Thank you Blondie." He said gratefully. She placed her gloved hand over his larger one.
"You are very welcome Sparky." Lucy turned around fully to walk up the plank giving everyone a clear view of the symbol on her back. Standing at the top she looked back. "Are you all coming or not?" She asked giving a smile to them all.
They made it too the guild in record time.
When they entered the guild a giant sign said welcome back. Lucy made her way to the stage area. Tapping the Microphone to get everyone's attention.
"Everyone our missing family member have finally come home!" The crowd roared. "Without further ado I will introduce you all to them first we have Wendy Marvel and Her Exceed Carla. Wendy is a sky Dragon slayer and specializes in healing. Next we have Gajeel Redfox and his Exceed Pantherlilly Gajeel is an Iron Dragon Slayer." Lucy then went on to introduce the rest. "Now that we've all meet them lets Party Fairy Tail style!" The party went on for a week.
Lucy sat in her office doing paperwork when Mira brought her a coffee and a letter. "Thank you Mira." Before the white haired woman got out the door, "Mira can you gather the guild there will be an announcement soon."
"Of course Lucy." Mira gave the woman a smile. She worked so hard to make sure the guild was ok while they were gone.
Lucy stood on the stairs making sure she could see everyone. "Alright listen up. The Grand Magic Games has invited us back this year. This year I am letting anyone who wants to participate but their name in the box, then Kianna and Mira will draw the five participants and the reserve." Everyone cheered.
Kianna placed the box on the end of the bar so everyone had access to it. Lucy took a seat next to Makarov at the bar. "Come on third Master we have some talking to do." The old man followed her up the stairs and into the office where she placed the anti ease dropping spells, and handed him the letter.
"You can enter more then one team?" He asked. I nodded sipping my coffee.
"I want to participate this year and in order to do so I can't be guild master I want you to take up the position temporarily until the games are over."
He nodded in understanding. "I will do it you've taken good care of the guild while we were gone."
"Thank you Gramps. There is another topic I wanted to talk to you about. The giant crystal underneath the guild." Makarov choked on his beer.
"How did you find that?" He asked shocked.
"The magic. I followed the magic. After you all went missing I trained hard so hard all I did was sleep, eat, train and paperwork. I got to the point where I could feel the magic in the air." He nodded in understanding
They spent the rest of the day talking about guild secrets. Until the evening when Someone knocked on the door.
"Lucy its me can we talk?" It was Laxus. My heart started racing.
"We can finish this later." Gramps said smirking. As he opened the door and Laxus came in. There he stood almost seven feet tall, blond hair spiked up high, with his coat hanging off his shoulders.
"Hello Laxus." Lucy tried to catch her breath as her eyes roamed his body.
"Hello Lucy." He smirked at her reaction to him, then his eyes narrowed as he saw the jacket on the back of her chair. "Why do you have that old thing?"
Lucy's face turned red. "I found it. It made me feel closer to you."
"Closer to me. Why on earth would you want to be closer to me?" He was genuinely curious. What he had once known as a wimpy girl had turned into a beautiful woman. A woman that he couldn't get out of his head. He watched as Lucy made her way around her desk. Her short off the shoulder red dress showed off her curves with sheer black fabric accenting her hips, with black stockings held in place by silver and black garters blood red heels finished off her sexy bad girl look. His breath caught in his throat as sat on the desk in front of him.
"I think that you know exactly why. On my twenty-first birthday my magic flared searching for something it drew me too a closet with that coat. It calmed me and my magic I stayed for a week curled up in my room clinging to that coat. I didn't know who it belonged to until Reedus helped me go through old picture he had painted when I saw one of you and the thunder legion. There you were wearing the jacket that smelled like a storm." Lucy leaned closer to the man.
"Mate!" Laxus took a deep breath then lunged for Lucy capturing her lips with his. Suddenly the door burst open. Ari ran through wide eyes."Mom is he here?where's daddy?" Laxus and I pulled apart as soon as the door opened. He looked at me wide eyed.
"Mom?" I couldn't help but giggle at his confused face. I went and stood behind Aribella.
"Sweety meat your Father Laxus Dreyer S-Class mage of Fairy Tail." The eight year old girl had tears in her eyes as she looked at her father.
"Blondie I'm pretty sure we never had a kid together." Laxus said pointing between the two. Ari burst out laughing.
"Lucy's my adoptive mom. She took me in without hesitation when my bio mom tried to just drop me off and run."
"I'm a dad." Laxus whispered before fainting. Lucy and Ari shared a look that basically meant is this guy for real.
"Come on let's go introduce you to the rest of the guild and your great grandfather." The two walked from the room leaving Laxus to wake up on his own. They went to the bar where they started to get attention.
"Hey Lucy whose the kid." Nastu said throwing his arm around my shoulders when he got struck by lightning.
"Don't touch my mother again or I'll fry you pinkie."
"She's like a mini Laxus!" Gramps screamed.
Ari looked irked at the the little man. "Mom are you sure he's my grandfather."
"Unfortunately dear now introduce your self." Turning around to face the guild she gave them the patented Lucy smile she learned from her mother.
"Hiya everyone I'm Aribella Heartfillia Dreyer Daughter of Laxus adopted Daughter of Lucy." She had everyone eating out of her hand. Gramps was crying galleons of tears when Natsu tried to put his arm around Lucy again. This time he was hit with two lightning bolts. Everyone looked and there was Laxus standing behind Aribella everyone took a step back as they both glared at the flaming idiot.
"Don't touch my mate again Natsu." Laxus told him dragon slayer to dragon slayer staking his claim on Lucy. Natsu immediately backed off.
"Congrats man you hurt her ill roast you." Natsu told the blond.
"He hurts her ill find a way to fry his ass myself." Aribella spoke confidentially. Lucy coughed into her drink.
"Who the hell taught you to talk like that!" Lucy yelled.
The guild just looked at her like she was crazy.
"Lucy you cuss more then a sailor in the middle of a hurricane." Laki told her. The woman at least had the decency to blush. Laxus just laughed wrapping both his mate and their daughter in a hug.
Years passed and the guild prospered under her care. Lucy and Laxus took their time dating before getting married and giving Aribella two more Siblings.  Liam and Lucas Dreyer Heartfillia. The boys were born two years apart. Although Liam shares their sisters lightning magic Lucas uses Celestial and rune magic. The children manage to each become S-class at the age of 15 and their family was happy, healthy and home at Fairy Tail.

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