Lucy's happiness?

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"Hey Mira," the white haired bar maid turned around to great the fire dragon slayer. The frown on his face made her smile disappeared.
"What's wrong Natsu is everything ok?" She asked worriedly.
"That's the thing, I don't know Lucy hasn't been to the guild in days and I know she's home but she won't answer her door and her windows won't open. I'm worried about her. Do you think you could check on her?" The worry was clear in his eyes.
"Sure Natsu I will even bring her some food." She gave a soft smile to the concerned man. Lisanna and Kianna took over the bar for her as she headed to Lucy's apartment. Knocking on the door she didn't receive a reply.
"Hey Lucy, it's Mira, look Natsu is really worried about you, could you open the door?" Slowly the door opened and Mira let herself in. Closing the door behind her.
She turned and looked at the girl in front of her wrapped in a blanket with her hair a mess and eyes still red from crying.
"Oh Lucy what's wrong?" Mira asked as she put her basket of food down and wrapped her in a hug. The girls tears started fresh as they sat on the couch while Lucy cried and Mira tried to make out what she was saying between sobs. Eventually Lucy calmed down enough to talk.
"Mira I'm pregnant. He's going to leave me I know he will!" Lucy's tears started up again as Mira hugged he still shocked at the news of her friend having a baby. Now it was time to figure out who it was who got the beloved celestial mage pregnant. And when she found him nothing would save him from her wrath.
Lucy had fallen asleep. Laying the girl on the couch Mira wrote a not saying she would be back to talk and that she needed to eat.
Mira made her way to the guild deep in thought about who Lucy's boyfriend could be and she knew just how to weed him out. First she needed to talk to Cana Levy and Evergreen if those three don't know then plan be would have to be initiated.
Entering the guild she found Cana first. Making her way to the drunk mage she told her to come to the library where they could talk. Next she got Levy and Evergreen to follow her.
"Alright ladies Lucy hasn't been to the guild in awhile so Natsu asked me to check on her. Lucy is a walking disaster. Apparently her boyfriend did something to upset her so much and we need to find him."
"I didn't even know Lu-Chan had a boyfriend." Levy whispered. Cana and Evergreen nodded their heads in agreement.
"Alright then it's time for plan B." Mira's face grew dark.
The girls made their way back into the main floor of the guild hall and Mira took the microphone.
"Alright everyone listen up." Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen to her. "Lucy has been gone from the guild for a few days and after checking on her I found out her boyfriend had done something to upset her. So I am going to ask you all nicely if you are her boyfriend or have any information about him please come forward. If you don't next time I ask it won't be pretty." All the men shared looks before shaking their heads at Mira. The white haired demon sighed.  Suddenly Lucy came running through the doors dragging a stunned metal dragon slayer behind her.

"Mira! Gajeel asked me to Marry Him!" Lucy yelled to her friend. Suddenly a dark aura surrounded Mira as she glared at the dragon slayer. 

"Gajeel-kun you deserve punishment." the other girls of the guild stood by Mira with innocent smiles on their faces. 

"You wouldn't hurt someone who is going to be a father would you?" he said hiding behind his blonde mate. The other girls froze and looked at Lucy for conformation. She gave a smile and placed a hand on her still small stomach. A second dark aura joined Mira's as Erza took her place near the front. 

"You not only hurt our dear nakama's feeling but you got her pregnant too!" Gajeel looked like he was about to run before Lucy grabbed his hand to make him stay.

"Mira, Erza. Just think because of Gajeel theres going to be a wedding and a baby. How exciting will that be? And I just know that the baby will grow up to love all his or hers aunties." Lucy gave her stunning smile to the two. "Besides i need help planning my wedding and who better then two of my bridesmaids."

"Bridesmaids? Babbies? Wedding?" the dark aura surrounding the two went away but they still growled at Gajeel.

"Gajeels been gone all this time building us a house. Its almost done but he needs help decorating it as he wants it to be a surprise for me." Suddenly the rest of the anger disappeared and the women surrounded them. They knew it the wedding was starting to be planned and Gajeel was being dragged out of the hall by Mira and Erza to go furniture shopping. Each of the women had him by the arms dragging him from the hall. Nobody but his saw the evil smile Lucy gave him as she waved goodbye. The thundergod tribe came in as they excited the guild.

"YO blondie! What did you do to Gajeel?" Laxus asked. 

"He decided it would be a good idea to disappear for a week after I told him I was pregnant. With my hormones all messed up I took it the wrong way. Turns out he has been building us a house while he was gone hes almost done now it just needs to be decorated. He also proposed while you were gone.  Now I'm wondering what your gonna do to keep up." Lucy smirked at the shocked lightning mage in front of her. Everyone else was confused at their conversation. 

"Well you are already marrying one mate, so why not marry the other two?" he sent her a smirk before wrapping his arms around her.

"I think I would like that." She smiled at him.

"Could someone please explain whats going on."  Cana shouted.

The two shared a look before smiling."Laxus and Gajeel are my mates. We've been in a relationship for awhile now. I am also currently pregnant about three months i found out last week after Laxus went on his mission. I told Gajeel and he disapeared on me only to be building a house. and Now im going to marry them both!" Lucy smiled she couldn't be happier she had people who loved her and who she loved with all her heart and soon she would have her own little family.

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