Back in time

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Lucy was cleaning the guild library when all of a sudden a portal opened and she fell through. She landed in what looked like the old guild library. Quietly she made her was up the back stairs and to masters office. Something felt off looking down she saw her gold keys were gone. She was going to have to use her second magic then. She knocked on the door, waiting for the come in to enter.
"Come in." Lucy entered closing the door behind her. "Hello child how can I help you?"
"Um I don't know how to say this but I came through a portal in the library. I was suppose to be cleaning it but all of a sudden I'm here instead could you tell me the year?" He looked at her shocked.
"The year is 776." Erza and Natsu aren't even apart of the guild yet. "I'm guessing this means your from the future." I nodded my head. "Needlessly to say this will need to be kept quiet. A new name and new guild mark would make a big difference." I thought about it.
"Eliana just Eliana and I use celestial keys and celestial dragon slayer magic."
"Alright Eliana where would you like your new mark." He took out the marker.
"I want it gold on my thigh please." He being the perverted Master he was blushed. After placing the mark we walked out into the guild.
"Everyone listen up we have a new member! Meet Eliana!" I stepped up next to him and waved at everyone.
"Hi! it's nice to meet you all!" Smiling I could see some of the younger faces that belonged to their older counter parts.
"Lets Party for Eliana!" Master shouted soon the guild was as lively as ever. Although I did miss Natsu's and Gray's fights. I gave a chuckle. It's good to be home.  Eliana made her rounds getting introduced to everyone when she recognized a little girl sitting by herself watching the door. She made her way over to the young Cana. And sat beside her.
"Hello there, I'm Eliana, what are you doing here?"
Cana jumped. "Oh I'm waiting for someone."
I knew this would hurt but I knew I needed to ask,"where's your parents?"
She lowered her head. I gave her a sad smile.
"It's ok, it will get better easier no but better yes." I got up to give her alone time. I went to master.
"I'm going to take a few jobs when I'm back, I have a plan I will go over it when I get back." He nodded.
"Alright child just be safe." I nodded. I went to the request board and grabbed 3 jobs each high paying in towns that were near each other.
A few hours later she was walking back through the guild doors not a scratch on her.
"Hey Eliana where you been!" Wakaba yelled out. She placed the guild portion of the money on the bar.
"I went on a few jobs. I was in a hurry I needed to find a place to live." She told him taking a drink.
"That's funny I didn't think there were any jobs in town on the board." Macao said.
"That's because there wasn't. One of the magics I use is teleportation. As a dragon slayer I can get real bad motion sickness I've learned to use teleportation to get to far distances. I spent a year traveling Fiore so I could use it to go to any town I need." Wakabas pipe fell out of his mouth.
"Thanks for the conversation guys, I'm gonna go find a house!" I yelled over my shoulder as I exited the guild. It took hours but I couldn't find a house instead I decided to build one. Drawing up the plans it was two story with a basement 4 bathrooms and 5 bedrooms, a kitchen dining room and laundry room. I hired builders from the town to construct the building while I took on more jobs to pay for everything. About 3 weeks of non stop jobs I had enough to pay for everything the house needed. It felt like forever until the house was finished but it had been only 3 months in that time Erza had made her way to the guild and Cana still hadn't had the courage to speak about her father. Mira was quite the demon they made her out to be as she and Erza fought almost constantly. It saddened me that I would have to let them go through the pain of losing their sister. I explained my plan of having the children with no parent move in with me until they could safely take care of themselves. Cana, Gray and Erza agreed to move in while the Straus siblings managed to find a house on their own Mira was 16 with elf being 14 and Lisanna only 10. While Erza was 15 we felt she could benefit from a parental figure. Gray was only 11 and had already been through such heartache and Cana my good friend age 12 was still trying to build the confidence to talk to Gildarts, I asked master and he would be coming home soon so we were waiting in the guild when the town started shifting.
"He's here." Cana whispered. I stood behind her with my hands on her shoulders trying to give her strength.
"You can do this Cana, I know you can." I tried to reassure her.
Soon the doors were open and there he was was. I had to admit he was a very handsome man. He made his rounds telling everyone hi before his eyes settled on us.
"Hey there Cana, I see your mom came back to get you. What's your name?" He asked searchingly.
"I'm Eliana a new member of fairy Tail and I'm not her mother, although I do care for her." I told him with a smile as I gave Cana a push forward.
" MY FATHER," Cana yelled at him. The guild froze. The poor girl was shaking as she thrust a picture of a woman into his hands. She turned around and buried her face in my stomach bracing herself for rejection. I just rested my hands on her head as Gildarts knelt down.
"Cana, baby girl, my sweet baby girl please look at me." He pleaded.
She turned her head so she could see his face. "I may not know you very well and I can't promise to always be here but I can promise that when we are together I will be the best father I can be. I will always love you Cana." Happiness glowed on her face as she threw her arms around his hard they both went tumbling to the floor.
"Can I still live with Eliana she's been super nice since she joined the guild." She asked through her happy tears.
"You know Cana we still have an empty bedroom or two I'm sure your dad could stay over anytime he wants."
Over the years she tried her best to give everyone good childhoods and to help them with their magic. Gildarts and Eliana became a team and a couple. They had taken a job and Eliana new that when they got back Lucy her younger self would be there and Lisana would be back soon. Master had awarded her SS-class status. Their newest job was to fight an x-class when they made a startling discovery. she was pregnant. After retrieving their reward they took the long way home. We made our way carefully towards the guild Gildarts poked his head in first as Eliana rolled her eyes at his over protectiveness. Suddenly she kicked the door open flinging Gildarts across the guild.
"Opps did I do that." I giggled
"Eliana your back." People rushed to hug me until Gildarts appeared kicking them away except for Cana.
"Don't crowd her she's carrying precious cargo!" He yelled trying to be scary.
"Your Pregnant!" Cana yelled all she could do was nod. On the other side of the guild was Lucy tears down her face.
"Oi Luce come meet Gildarts!" Natsu yelled dragging her to the front of the crowd. As Lucy got closer this woman looked even more like her mother.
"Mom" she whispered. Silence slowly fell across the guild. The woman gave her a sad smile.
"I'm sorry Lucy, I'm not you mother though I did know her and you have met me before. My name is Eliana and I'm your moms little sister." Lucy embraced the older woman holding on for dear life.
"Shhh dear your with family here." She hugged Lucy and drew Cana in as well.
"Hell ya we are real family now!" Cana yelled Reedus painted a picture of the scene to commemorate a new chapter of Fairy Tail.
Before Eliana knew it the s-class trials were approaching. She still had two months before their son was born and while she didn't want to go through this without Gildarts she knew they wouldn't survive without him. She went as far as the port with the group seeing them off.
"Don't worry Elli we will be back tbefore you know it." He gave his goofy grin before kissing her passionately.
Saying her goodbyes she cried the whole way home. Master had made me guildmaster in his absence but I knew it was going to be a long time.
The years past she did her best to keep the guild together, it was hard trying to raise her son Ethan Clive he looked just like his father but had his mothers smile. The others helped as much as they could and although they lost some members the guild was as strong as ever.
"Master!" Laki yelled, "Tenroe Island is back!"
Eliana stood in front of the window looking out. "Get Ethan and some of the others it's time to gather the lost fairies!" With the help of Blue Pegasus and their air ship they made their way to the island.
"Ethan. Daddy and big sis Cana are coming home." Tears started forming in her eyes.
"I can't wait to meet them do you think they will like me." He clutched the skirt of her dress like a life line.
"They will love you I know it." She knelt down and hugged him as the ship stopped.
Everyone followed Eliana to where they assumed the fairies were.
"Master how do you know where to go?" Romeo asked.
"I've been here before" it was cryptic, but it quelled their curiosity for now. When they broke through the brush they were met with fight ready stances. They were shocked as Romeo tackling Natsu, and Gildarts tackled Eliana. Tears and kisses were shared. Lucy and Cana made ran over to get hugs too.
"Gil meet our son, Ethan come say hi to your father." Their attention turned to the little boy at their side.
"How? You were pregnant when we left." Gildarts was shocked.
"You have been gone 7 years." She told them.
"I've missed 7 years of my sons life!" Gildarts fainted.
They laughed at his over dramatics. Cana ruffled the kids hair.
"Geez kid I'm jealous already! He missed 12 years of my life and only missed 7 of yours Congrats!" She grinned teasing her new brother.
Everyone was ecstatic to be home over the next year and half they faced many trials but always managed to come out on top. Soon the day arrived when Lucy disappeared she had taken the job to clean the liabrary but Eliana met her at the door.
"Lucy I'm afraid I lied to you." The younger woman was confused. "I'm not your mother, I'm you from a different future I took this very same job and ended up through a portal that sent me to Fairy Tail past.
If you go in there you might not come back out." She smiled.
"Now I don't feel so bad about liking Gildarts." She fingered her keys. Before taking them off her belt.
"We always did like older men, thankfully where I ended up the age difference wasn't so bad as it would have been now." The two giggled.
"Take them," she said handing me the keys. "After all technically they are yours too. If I come out of that room you can give them back."
"I haven't used gate keys in a long time" I ran my finger over Aquarius key we had just found it a week ago.
"Good luck Lucy." Saying goodbye she walked into the library. As night fell I knew she wasn't coming back.
"Hey Master have you seen Lucy anywhere." Mira asked opening the door.
"Mira gather the guild I have an announcement and make sure Makorov is sober."
The guild gathered to hear the announcement.
"Hello everyone, I'm afraid to say Lucy isn't coming back." I held up my hand as the guild got louder. "Please everyone quiet I can explain. Earlier today she took a job in the liabrary where she was sent through a portal. She is perfectly safe wherever she was sent too. I know this because 13 years ago I was sent through zzz

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