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I sat at the bar swirling my milkshake with the straw. Maybe I should get a boyfriend.
"Lucy are you alright? Usually you down your milkshake but it's melted." Mira asked me. I looked into the demon matchmaker. And pushed the milkshake away.
"Mira I think it's time I got a boyfriend." I told her resting my face on my hand. She got a crazed look in her eyes. "Attention everyone this is a code black I repeat code black" Mira had seemingly pulled a microphone from thin air. Suddenly all the women in the guild were surrounding me. Mira pulled out a large poster with men's names and stuck it on the wall.
"Alright everyone listen up. We are here to find Lucy the perfect man. First is age Levy, Evergreen eliminate everyone over the age of thirty and under twenty."
"Hai!" They yelled saluting the woman.
"People already in relationships are off limits as well" soon names were being crossed off.
"Now how many are left?" Mira asked.
"Twelve Mira!" Evergreen yelled. We took a look.
Gray Natsu Laxus Gajeel Freed Bixlow Jet Droy Adam Deon Mcnab and Max
I sighed "might as well take it down to two." The girls looked at me.
"What do you mean Lu-chan?" Levy asked.
'Time to spill some secrets', I thought. "Natsu is trying to get the guts up to ask out Lis, although she might have to pull a Bisca and ask him. Gray is head over heels for juvia but doesn't want to admit it he likes the attention she gives him so he's playing hard to get. Mira, Freed is so in love with you it's crazy. Bixlow is bi-sexual and is having a relationship with a man from outside the guild. Jet and Droy are so in love with Levy it's ridiculous, I'm sure if she couldnt choose they would share her if she was willing. Adam and Deon are gay and in a relationship with each other, they don't want to tell the guild in case we have any homophobes but they don't have anything to worry about I would kill anyone who is intolerant, they are the cutest couple I have ever seen. I'm pretty sure Mcnab isn't interested in anyone but he can't even take a job so making a decision about a relationship is out of the question. Then Max is dating a girl from town super pretty and she's completely enamored with him." I had my legs crossed in front of me with my arms supporting my head on the bar.
Everyone was quiet and I looked around everyone was staring with their mouths open.
"How did you know all that Lucy?" Erza asked. I smirked at the red headed woman.
"Same way I know you've been seeing Mystogan since we got back from Tenroe. I'm incredibly observant." The woman had the decency to blush.
"But how did you know about us Lucy." Adam asked.
"You might think your being subtle but your not, you both live together, on the same team and I've seen the looks you give each other when you think no ones looking."
They nodded at me.
"Why did you leave out Laxus and Gajeel?" Mira asked.
"I don't know about them. They sit in places in the guild where they can look at everyone while being discrete. While Laxus watches from the second floor he's directly in the middle of the guild so he can see and hear everything. Gajeel sits the same but from the side. His position gives him a clear view of every entrance and the second floor. I can't tell from those spots if they have an interest in anyone because from where they sit they can see everyone and don't have to focus on a single point of interest." I said those two really frustrated me.
"Your good Bunny Girl." Gajeel spoke through the silence, making his way over too us.
"Didn't know you were so smart Blondie." Laxus said coming down the stairs.
"How about we tell you what we've noticed about you." Gajeel said. The two men shared a look.
"You've been training hard." Laxus started.
"Your also depressed" Gajeel added and they took turns telling me about myself.
"Have been since Tartarus"
"Your missing a key"
"You would never willingly do anything to harm them"
"So something happened to make you do that" they noticed I was about to cry.
"Your wearing limiters to mask your power."
"You actually hate strawberries but you still eat them because it reminds you of your mom."
"You say you can't sing but you actually have a beautiful voice."
"And Finally your hair isn't this blonde it's lighter. You dye it once a month."
Tears were streaming down my face. I thought I hid everything so well.
"Lucy is all of that true?" Mira asked the girls looked me curiously.
I could only nod. "After Tartarus everything was going back to normal I didn't know how to tell anyone what happened. I was fighting Jackal. Aquarius was next to me...I was running out of power." I lowered my head, my hands balled into fists on my legs tear drops falling. "I had to break her key, it was the only way to summon the celestial spirit king. He destroyed Tartarus but she was gone. I've been told her key will reform but I don't know where or when that will be. She was one of my last links to my mother. Now all I have is Capricorn and Cancer." Soon I was in some form of group hug between me Gajeel and Laxus. I wasn't the only one who was surprised.
"Alright everyone you heard the woman we have a family member missing!" Master yelled out from his seat at the bar. "Spread the words to our Allies and Friends places with water would be our best option to find the spirit. Lucy do you know where she was originally Found?" I shook my head.
"Aquarius has been passed down from Mother to Daughter in my family for generations. There is a story about it but it was never confirmed." Everyone looked like they wanted to hear the story. " alright I guess it won't hurt to tell it. Long ago my great great great grandmother Lumien Heartfillia." "Wait if she was your mothers family how is her name Heartfillia." Someone interrupted. "Shut up and let me tell the story. Anyways Lumien Heartfillia was running away from an arranged marriage with her lover. Her parents didn't know him but he was apparently a lightning mage who had saved her one day and it was love at first sight. Anyways they had set up a spot to meet but when she arrived she saw her lover dead with her betrothed over his body. Not knowing what to do she ran until she collapse from exhaustion. Unknown to her at the time she was pregnant. Once she gathered her strength she continued to run, one day she stumbled upon a waterfall that pooled into a lake that flowed into a stream. She decided to take a bath while exploring the water she saw a cave behind the waterfall. When she entered she saw several keys the only one she could touch however was Aquarius'. Recognizing the Water Bearers symbol she put the key in the water. They made a contract and as the rest you could say was history. Anyways the last name thing well when a woman with celestial magic in my family marries she keeps her last name. It's to helps let the spirits know what line their master is from. We Heartfillia's have always been kind to our spirits."
"Everyone will look for her we will find her Bunny girl." Gajeel said ruffling my hair.
"Now who do you chose to be your boyfriend?" Mira suddenly squealed.
"How about a contest whoever knows Lucy better can be her boyfriend!" Master spoke up. 'Traitor' the three thought.
"Oh excellent Idea Master!" Suddenly the girls surrounded Mira writing down questions. Then they separated the three of us and had me fill out the paper for answers.
'Favorite day? Favorite season? There were about 50 more questions like those. What the hell kinda questions are these? Is Lucy a virgin are you kidding me! I will get them back for this' I smirked evilly while filling out the paper.
Levy and Ever went over the guys answers and were shocked.
"They both got the same score!" Levy yelled.
There was 4 more competitions. Singing, they were both terrible, arm wrestling, they didn't move an inch, then there was the drawing contest, they sucked at that too, then the drinking contest. They both were drunk and slurring their speech when they decided to talk out loud to each other.
"I don't know why we are competing, we agreed to share her if we ever got the chance!" Laxus slammed his mug down before grabbing another.
"Because we don't want to scare her off that's why." Gajeel also took another mug.
"I bet she would amazing in bed and an even better mother." Laxus took another drink.
"Little mini us's running around that would give the guild a heart attack." Gajeel downed another mug as Laxus nodded in agreement. I could do nothing but blush as they talked.
"Just think of those long legs wrapped around one of us." Laxus smirked watching as I turned redder.
"I can't wait to taste her lips. I wonder if she taste like strawberry or those blueberries candies she always eats." Gajeel hummed.
Suddenly Laxus jumped up and grabbed me throwing me over his shoulder. Gajeel stood up to follow.
"Come on Lucy we are going to my house for some fun." Laxus grinned. A real grin not a malicious one, it made my heart skip a beat. Gajeel gave his signature Gihii. Training my eyes on him I watched as he licked his lips as his eyes roamed my body. My heart skipped a few more beats.
'Could I love them both equally. I think I could.' I gave them both a bright smile. "I can't choose between you two but if you are willing to share me I would love to be yours." They both froze.
"You mean that?" Laxus whispered. I gave a shy nod. Suddenly my lips were captured by his. When he let me breath for air, Gajeel took his chance to kiss me. They were really good kissers. We eventually made it to Laxus house where he pulled out a board game. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Why you laughing blonde?" Gajeel said curiously.
"The guild thinks we are having sex. I was thinking about their reaction when they find out fun meant a board game!" I couldn't stop giggling. They both just chuckled.

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